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Winning the Long War in 7th! We can do this!

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^^ Invisibility doesn't work like that now: snapshots only instead of shrouded/stealth.

And your TZ prince cannot swoop and charge in the same turn.

Pretty sure "shrouding" does shrouded now msn-wink.gif

Just have to keep him within 6 inches though...which is somewhat limiting

Also potentially subject to deny the witch. Of course, unless they're spamming psykers, you can probably make them choose between stopping shrouded and stopping invisibility. Even so, I think just taking nurgle instead of tzeentch is probably the better call, even at the cost of S&P.

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I think those relying on Heldrake and flying DP into Assault got a nerf.


But Troops overall got a boost and we have a large variety of good Troops like Cult units, Chosen with 5 Special Weapons, Possessed with CS, Nurglings, Plagubearers (now with Blind), Daemonettes.


We also have a lot of walker types that are tougher with Explode only on a 7.

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I would contest the accusation that (troop) chosen with 5 specials, cult units apart from plagues and maybe noise marines, and possessed (slaughter or otherwise) are 'good'. All of those are overpriced for what they deliver offensively and especially defensively - the boost to troops for claiming objectives doesn't matter if they're all dead by the end of the game.


Even our better troops like cultists or plagues are only better by comparison to our other troops. game-wide boosts to troops in general favor those who have good, points-efficient troops to begin with and that just isn't us.


Explode on a seven is nice, but it's mainly a boost to vehicles with armor 13 or 14 - the kind that are largely immune to hull point stripping multishot, mid-strength weapons. The kind that you generally do have to blow up to kill. Our plethora of armor 12 walkers still wreck to autocannons, krak grenades, and the like easily enough that I don't think the new vehicle rules are going to see a resurgence of them. Rather, what it mainly means is our own las predators and oblits are going to have a much harder time dealing with opposing russes and land raiders and such.


Flying assault demon prince is still monstrous, provided it's nurgle and your opponent has limited access to ignores cover weapons.


Drake, even after the nerf to hull mounted, is still arguably the best unit in our codex. It was, after all, the best unit in our book when it was first released, before the faq gave them turret mounts to begin with. But it's no longer one of the better units in the game.


Plaguebearers and nurglings are nice enough, but that's just the thing. Chaos Daemons are effective. Chaos marines are not.

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I'm hoping my models turn up so I can make my CS Possessed/Plague Marine army concept.

The heldrake nerf doesn't bother me, it just cumulates with the rest of the FAQ not addressing a lot of needed problems, and actually seems like they made it worse instead of better.  Granted this isn't a catastrophe, we have been getting some relief, but this isn't a positive change with the rest of everything going on.

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