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Need some help with my IW fluff

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hey guys,


While i was building my count as plague marines, i thought about what i want to do with the fluff of my warband. Initially i wanted the warband to be inspired by the little piece of text about Perturabo working with Nurgle on a tech virus. They would then do something similiar, but it backfired slowly corrupting everybody. Then this, in combination with breacher shields would then explain why they are count as plague marines. The models with shields would then be painted with rust and pus/oil.


But now i'm not so sure if i want the rust/decay. Maybe it's better to just leave them as Iron Warrior as possible. could the shields alone be enough of an explanation?? 


So, what do you think; should this warband be corrupted by Nurgle, with rusty gear, maybe even some oil and pus somewhere. or shall i make this a brutal breach assault warband, that still is slightly corrupted, but more by Undivided, than a patron god.

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That's iffy because Undivided doesn't play out well (unless you were minmaxing Khornate Black Legion before or just minmaxing cult units now).  I find it easier to make a Death Guard splinter faction than justifying an Iron Warrior Nurgle cult.  The technovirus acts like something Nurgle will concoct but it's a technological mutator, not, that much in a divine sense that Nurgle crafted it for everyone. 

Perty is Undivided, he merely asked for Nurgle to do something and it worked.  In your case, going Nurgle is really easy for Iron Warriors, but you have to get the style you want.  Vraks had Steel Brethren becoming contaminated with Nurgle diseases and in some cases people had to make sure who they were.  In your case you can avoid the Rust look (I want to go with that for another army), but you can also do grimey, pustules, pitted, slime and ooze trailing (The Cleaved).  You can add shields to regular/FW plague marines or you can go for a regular IW force and just add Nurgle mutations, slime and some green-stuffed bloat to them.  Damian runs Nurgle Iron Warriors with some Slaaneshi support, ask him on alternative ideas.

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Thanks for the replies.


I think i will just roughen them up a bit, slight rust and decay here and there, nothing to fancy. Will just keep it per these guys then, and say that there is a Warsmith above them, that just uses them, instead of making them the theme of my army. And to further that, i will just take different marks on the daemon engines i was thinking, aswell as undivided units in higher points. Still keeping my oblits nurgle tho, they just work wonders in games.


I also struggle with names, and would love to name the warband something, aswell as the leaders. Does anybody have or know how/where to find good names for an Iron Warrior Company, like what number? and a Name for both the Warsmith on top, and a name for the leader of these Breacher squads??

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