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Sanguinary Guard - does anyone actually use them?


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I really hope these guys get a huge recost.  Theyre good.  But theyre not 40 point good. 


I cant justify them, because of the small size and high point cost.  


They need to be the same cost as LOD - maybe 2 or 3 pnts more- max.

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I regularly use them. They aren't the best unit right now but they can be useful as a deterrent and buff.


I run very tight armies that rely on each other. They are useful in that they give a buff(with chapter banner), have hidden fists, and can take the brunt of attacks fairly well protecting my assault marines which score.


They are expensive and can't fight unless supported well. Though besides mephy and death company (on a good day) nothing in our army is really.


Overall I like them but they are one if the first things I'm willing to cut when I need to trim fat from a list.

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I like to use them, only because I'm absolutely in love with the models. It's sad really...they're overcosted for what they do, and they're beautiful models. I bet it's one of the first things they change in the new codex.

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Same as all the guys before me. They are now more useful as they score and DoA is 1d6 scatter putting a semi resilient unit anywhere. Again a massive shame as they are, as far as painting goes, the pride of my army.

I only take them in 2000+ games when I can justify them with Dante as a bodyguard.

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Thanks for the replies - interesting stuff!


On the face of it 2+ saves, jump packs, DoA sounds awesome but I guess it's not quite like that in practice.


Maybe if their armour wasn't made out of solid gold they wouldn't cost so much, and wouldn't draw so much attention (and therefore fire) on the battlefield :D


I hope they get fixed next codex - we'll need something to replace vanguard vets heroic intervention if it goes...

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It's because of a couple of reasons if you are thinking of using them bare in mind.

A) they work best in synergy with other units (chapter banner, Dante)

B) they have no invul save, possibly you can try putting a jump lib in there with 'shield of sanguinius' or a priest, but then your spending even more points to make an expensive model work.

C) have a very select skill set. Great against MEQ and lower model count units. Anything horde shaped or TEQ will kill them due to either not enough attacks or not being reliably able to punch through TEQ.

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I currently use them.


I equip the squad with a PF for extra squishy usually replacing one of the Axes since the axe will go last with the fist. This gives me three with AP 3, or can swap to 2 with AP3 hits and two with AP 2 hits and one for the squish, lol.


I also expensively attach a Saguinary Priest with JP and a Warlord HQ Librarian. This helps them get to their objective and provides plenty of meat for challenges sort of. I tend to wait a turn or two and have them specifically target smaller or damaged units to either wipe them out or mop up. What hurts them often is their cost and low INT imo.


I once lost the whole unit to a Bloodthirster, total BS.

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cool.png they have no invul save, possibly you can try putting a jump lib in there with 'shield of sanguinius' or a priest, but then your spending even more points to make an expensive model work.

Shield of Sang is no more.

Theyre nice, but the low damage output without the banner kills them. With 2A base, 3 on the charge, they need to be WS5 basic to make those attacks count. A 40pt model that hits with 1 attack on average in the second round of combat isnt great.

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They would need slight tweaking: minor point reduction and either give them 5++ or FnP. Also option for wrist flamer would be nice to deal with hordes. They're gorgeous models but with all of these ap2 or ap 1 weapons people pack here (melta, plasma and grav weapon spam) they need either invul or FnP to be working as intended this edition.

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They would need slight tweaking: minor point reduction and either give them 5++ or FnP. Also option for wrist flamer would be nice to deal with hordes. They're gorgeous models but with all of these ap2 or ap 1 weapons people pack here (melta, plasma and grav weapon spam) they need either invul or FnP to be working as intended this edition.

Why would you need to give them FNP when we have access to spriests. Most batreps have them strolling up the table with no support and wonder why they pale in comparison with assault terminators backed by chaplains.
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They would need slight tweaking: minor point reduction and either give them 5++ or FnP. Also option for wrist flamer would be nice to deal with hordes. They're gorgeous models but with all of these ap2 or ap 1 weapons people pack here (melta, plasma and grav weapon spam) they need either invul or FnP to be working as intended this edition.

Why would you need to give them FNP when we have access to spriests. Most batreps have them strolling up the table with no support and wonder why they pale in comparison with assault terminators backed by chaplains.


Because I would love them to have something against ap2 weapons without needing to buy IC to them it would justify gross amount points they cost little bit better but that's just me...

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Why would you need to give them FNP when we have access to spriests. Most batreps have them strolling up the table with no support and wonder why they pale in comparison with assault terminators backed by chaplains.



'Supporting' Sanguinary guard is just tossing more points into the proverbial well. 

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Why would you need to give them FNP when we have access to spriests. Most batreps have them strolling up the table with no support and wonder why they pale in comparison with assault terminators backed by chaplains.



'Supporting' Sanguinary guard is just tossing more points into the proverbial well. 



Exactly.  There are a ton of things you can do to support Sanguinary Guard and make them more efficient, but that only increases their real cost and doesn't realistically increase their effectiveness by the same amount.  You'll never break even, even if you base your entire army around them.

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