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Can formations be taken as my primary detachment?


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This is going to sound odd but I as I was going through the BWB (because there's so much white on it) and it's talking about how battle-forged armies can have any number of detachments, but one has to be your primary detachment. Further, it also states that formations are a kind of detachment.


Now I'm wondering: can I take a formation as my primary detachment?


Example, can I take the militarum tempestus ground attack formation as my primary detachment?

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Took me a second to find it:


Page 117 "Primary Detachment"


So long as your Warlord comes from the Formation, then it's your primary detachment.


IIRC the ground attack formation contains a Commissar, who is a Character model, and therefore can be the Warlord

(As defined on page 124 "The Warlord")


Of course, he won't benefit from "Ideal Mission Commander", so won't be able to re-roll his Warlord Trait, as he's not part of a Combined Arms detachment.


I think that just about covers it...

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And it won't have the objective secured trait either, but otherwise I concur: I see nothing that says a Formation cannot be the Primary Detachment. Formations are themselves considered a Detachment.
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Thanks Damien! Great job. That is actually pretty damned awesome, as Maarten says, most formations would have some bonuses of their own and this opens up whole new possibilities.
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