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Hitting my drakes.........with nerf bats.


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Balefire still burninates the countryside, peasants, and people (in their thatched straw cotteges). And vector strike still works fine against other fliers, trading one hit for +1 on the vehicle damage chart. Having to take something else to crack transports (and its not like we don't have predators, autohavocs, and obliterators for that) isn't that big a deal, and as you pointed out, they benefit from the new damage chart as well, especially as opponents without high quality anti-air were often banking on a lucky destroyed result to down them before.


Drakes are fine. More then fine. They're still the best unit in our book, and one of the better units in the game.

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I agree with Mal. I was a bit disappointed when I heard the change, but since it still hits d3 against other flying things I'm fine with it. I mostly think of Meteoric Descent as an AA option, with ground targets being strictly opportunistic things.


I have also collected all the parts and supplies necessary to make a second Heldrake conversion. Life is good.

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I doubt it will, personally.  vector strike is still fine against fliers, and we have other options against ground targets.  My guess, though this is only a guess, is that the hadesdrake will remain where it currently is, taken generally in a ratio of 1:2 with baledrakes, and rarely taken at all in lists that don't run at least three drakes total.

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Though it would be intresting to bring up - No escape on page 173.  It allow template weapon to be use on unit inside open top transport cause d6 wounds.

Just thinking more along the line deal with Orks or say Dark Eldar True Born in Venom's?



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Though it would be intresting to bring up - No escape on page 173.  It allow template weapon to be use on unit inside open top transport cause d6 wounds.

Just thinking more along the line deal with Orks or say Dark Eldar True Born in Venom's?





That was my thought as well. The Helldrake might be able to reap a little bit of a bonus out of that rule.


The Helldrake Vectoring a vehicle is probably the best bet (on ground units). You will still melt those buggers clinging to cover in the back field though.


Personally, I'm building a second one.

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A moment of silence please for the magnificent iron beast, he who spew fire at enemies and shattered armies all by himself throughout 6th. Thou shalt be remembered.


R.I.P Heldrake 2012-2014

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Don't really see how an faq or core book change could have been worse for them than this. This is as bad as it could get without rewriting their entry.


As it is, hades drake, imo, is dead. Baledrake is still, again imo, our best unit, but is no longer one of the better units in the game.

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"He was a brave foe, never wavering..." (unzips fly and urinates on grave), "in roasting infantry and bikers alike while ensuring no one loyal to the emperor or filthy xeno ever went unharmed." (walks away whistling)

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