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Flesh Tearers


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I like the fluff on the Flesh Tearers, but they sound like they fight more like Khorne Berserkers.  Does anyone else use the CSM rules for an all Khorne list but paint them like Flesh Tearers?  Also please forgive the heretical statements in this topic.  I am sure the Inquisitors will be round soon enough.



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*revs Chain-axe* What heresy is this?!

Now seriously speaking, while the Flesh Tearers most certainly are one of the most brutal and bloodthirsty Chapters around, they are still members of the Adeptus Astartes. They still try to adhere to the tactics found in the Codex Astartes, even though the Black Rage has forced them to make some changes (for example their Marines are expected to be able to change from Assault to Devastator duties on the fly, Death Company etc.). They might be bat-censored.gif crazy when compared to other Imperials, even the majority of Loyalist Chapters, but this doesn't make them followers of the Blood God.

In addition, the Flaw is their most defining feature and you don't really have that represented in C:CSM. Not to mention all the wargear, vehicles etc. that only the Blood Angels and their Successors use. The Flesh Tearers are true Sons of Sanguinius and Codex: Blood Angels is where they belong.

At least that's my biased view on the subject. If you want to use CSM rules for Tearers go for it, as long as everything is legal. smile.png

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I can see where you're coming from. The CSM codex has berserkers, marks of khorne, the ability to give their "tactical" squads close combat weapons as well as bolters, and a lot of what appear to be close combat specialists. The only concern I would have is that as someone who frequents the chaos forums I tend to see more would be World Eater warlords talking about using the Blood Angels codex for a count as. They seem to feel that the CSM book's close combat choices largely aren't very viable, and that Death Company make better berserkers.


That said, trying a few games with counts as rules can't cause any more harm than maybe a loss or two. :p

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I haven't purchased the new rule book but I wonder if I could do an unbound fluffy army that mixed the Khorne rules for my troppers with the BA rules for everything else.   That way you could use all SM models and get the correct feel without seeming to heretical.


I do have 20-30 Death Company.  Maybey I will just use them as my primary force.

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I agree. While it's certainly a fun excuse to use Chaos Space Marine rules, if you feel like it, this isn't a "more accurate" (for values of accurate that are relevant to tiny plastic spacemen) approach to the army. The Flesh Tearers are a chapter of Space Marines. They have modern Space Marine stuff, and a dented - but extant - chapter organization. They aren't actually a bunch of frenzied berserkers who don't care about anything but getting to grips with their victims.


At least, not yet.


Of course, I should talk - my chapter got excommunicated.

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