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Just sharing some Dark Angel Ravenwing Deathwing Oath Pieces


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I did not take a ton of time to do these. This was part of the painting challenge officially, but unofficially it was a challenge to myself to paint something... anything without taking labourious times on it. To have fun with it... to get SOMETHING on the table for once. ;)

2013 was horrible for me finishing things and I'm normally a '3 painted armies' a year kind of guy...seriously. But 2013 was a struggle.

So without further delay:


I always loved the Nephilim model but found it pretty unusable in a competitive environment, but really wanted to finish it:



Sorry for the bad pics. I really just took these super fast to get the proof done that i had completed my vows. ;)

Honestly, I highly doubt I will play Dark Angels in 7th. I struggled with them perhaps even more that with my Chaos in 6th (unless playing Ravenwing) and Ravenwing feels like it might be dead in 7th. My Deathwing experiment was mostly.... negative.

But that being said I really enjoyed painting these units up. I haven't had the heart to pack them up into the 'Closet o' Shame' yet.

Thanks for looking.

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