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Fanthology submissions have been closed. Thanks all!


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It's go time, peoples. Please send your submissions to:

submissions@tibbsforge.com (that's my blog. I'm not trying to drive traffic. It just helps me to filter my inbox since that's my 'hobby' email).

By the end of May. That's only a few days away.

I'm only looking for something to get started with. Any of the following will suffice:

  • A picture of an awesome idea you scribbled on a napkin at the pub, as long as it gives us a sense of what the story will be about.
  • An outline, with major characters, environments and a plot arc spelled out (seriously, lots of writers do this. It helps a ton).
  • A very rough draft of 1K to 5K characters. We're shooting for 3K but that length will change as it goes through the process.
  • A fully finished and edited 3K final draft. Don't think that lets you off the hook for further edits, though. smile.png

Don't worry so much about what this draft looks like. Just get it to me.

What happens next?

  • I'll read through everything I've got. This could take a while. biggrin.png
  • I'll either choose the stories that I think have the best potential/make the most sense together or post up some stuff here online if it's not very cut and dried so we can look at them together and decide (for instance, I may have a few 30K entries and want to use just one, so maybe I'll open up a vote or something if I think it's up in the air.
  • The writers will be contacted to let them know which of their stories we've chosen.
  • Once the stories are chosen, I'll do my best to set up some one-on-one chat sessions for really early drafts and workshop sessions for stories that are further along. My goal is to make sure each author gets no less than 3 feedback sessions of one kind or another. Some stories may require more.
  • If you didn't realize, that means that the writers will be helping each other out. You will be expected to offer some constructive feedback to the other writers. This workshopping is vital to the project and I think it gels nicely with what we do all the time here on the B & C.

Okay, now for the pitch--Do not be worried about the state of your writing or your draft. Believe it or not, some very successful writers struggle with grammar, spelling, even dyslexia. We want your best ideas, your most clever thoughts, your deepest insights. We don't want your insecurities to get in the way of telling a wonderful story and sharing it with the community. B & C is a safe place, whether you're posting a quick and dirty paint scheme, your first model ever, spit-balling new army list ideas, or riffing on some kind of hobby idea. I want this Fanthology to fit right into that model of sharing and encouragement. Yes, I expect a good presentation once we're done, but you'd be shocked by how much peer-editing can help. Some of my fondest memories of college are workshopping and peer-editing my own and others' work.

This. Is. Going to be. Brilliant.

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Done! laugh.png


Grammar fail. 'Done and done' only applies when there was more than one thing to do, as opposed to click 'send' on my email.

That's hopefully not an indication of how bad my submission was, though!

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I'll be sending over cliff notes and the opening quotation, as work has denied me the time needed to write this thing out fully yet. 

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It's a personal preference of mine, I'll admit. happy.png

It just strikes me as odd to use it for singular actions.

In other news, I can't seem to quote anyone anymore. huh.png

Time to start the ritual prayers to the omnissiah, methinks!

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It's a personal preference of mine, I'll admit. ^_^

It just strikes me as odd to use it for singular actions.


In other news, I can't seem to quote anyone anymore. :huh:

Time to start the ritual prayers to the omnissiah, methinks!

Were you burning the correct incense, Ace? Perhaps your unguents have become contaminated. I would escalate the issue to the technomats after performing the clear-your-cache-and-cookies ritual.
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Not going to be able to get anything to you till the 3rd or 4th as I don't have Internet at home until then. I am writing this from my phone so can't really send submission from that. Sorry. Maybe I will jump in on the next run.


Go ahead and submit it when you can. I'm going to be reading through all these so I'd say you've got some time. :D 

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I'd like to submit a second idea, but I won't have time to work on it, so I think I'll keep it in reserve for now.


Looking forward to getting properly started with this project :D

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