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Fluff opportunities of Unbound for DA


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So, are there any DA specific fluffy armies people are now planning to try via Unbound? For other PA codexes, the opportunity to do an all Terminator/all 1st Co. force seems to be one of the first things mentioned. We already had that option. Anything else appealing to people purely from the view of being able to put an army they've always wanted to be able to, purely from a fluff perspective?


One thing is that we can now do an all "Ravenwing" force for any successors without having to take Sammael and his supposedly unique jet-bike.


Equally I suppose we could to an all TDA army with a custom built captain or CM in TDA, and make him more of a beatstick if that is your fluffy yen.

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To be honest, with the two minor (or major, I suppose, depending on your POV) special character caveats, the Dark Angels are probably the least affected by unbound armies, from a company level point of view.

You could already field a 1st company, bike company and battle company anyway and although the jetbike might be a fluff issue I don't see why a counts as standard codex army couldn't use a captain mounted on a land speeder.


It's the other two 'normal' codexes that are enhanced more than DA - 1st Company SM or BA, SM Assault company without using BA Counts as, BA bike company without using SM and of course the 9th and 10th company now usable by all.


There's now no (or little) need to count as unless you want something unique (e.g a land speeder mounted captain, or a librarian dreadnought etc).


That said, it'd be fun to see a Speeder mounted Sammy leading nothing but Ravenwing Support Squadrons - not terribly effective, but fun.

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Well with the Land Speeder Vengeance, Darkshroud, Typhoon and regular landspeeders you could make an all-landspeeder force. Add in some allied Land Speeder Storms painted up like DA and you have a pretty unique force.

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10 Scouts is 120 Points so 6 troops choices w/o upgrades would be 720 points. And then you would just have an HQ and upgrades and I don't know if DA scouts can take LSSs but I assume they can so you could make a 1k list. C:SM could get closer though with 6 Scout Squads and 3 Scout Bike squads leaving only 10 men from the 10th Company out of the list.

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It may not be competitive but I'm looking into building up more of a Librarium. Always loved Librarians as HQs but psychic powers have always been underwhelming. They seem more impressive this edition and the rules seem to encourage taking multiple psykers so any of them can benefit from the additional levels. Unbound just makes it all possible by letting us take extra Librarians.

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