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Thunderhawk Rules Confusion - Evade?

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Hi All


Just digesting the 7th Edition Rule Book and a though occurred to me.


In the section for super-heavy rules, it says under MOVEMENT that a super-heavy regardless of type cannot jink.


A couple of pages later in the section for super-heavy flyer rules it says that super-heavy flyers are super heavy vehicles that follow the super-heavy rules for SHOOTING, DAMAGE & TRANSPORT, with MOVEMENT being conspicuously absent from that list. It also says that super-heavy flyers follow all the rules for flyers with the exception of the rules below.... from which the MOVEMENT category is absent.


So my question is: Can a Thunderhawk Evade (ie. Jink)?


Originally I thought the rule was just badly written and that the intention was that no super-heavy (including flyers) can jink, but then I saw that in the rules for the Thunderhawk it had PotMS and I can't think of any other reason for it to have that rule since as a super-heavy it can always fire all of its weapons at full effect at different targets.... the only benefit would be it could evade and still fire a weapon at full effect. Maybe I'm just over-thinking the whole thing....


What do you think - jink or no jink? I genuinely have no idea....








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no jink. So i notice that you have 11 posts. so maybe your new to the game, maybe not. Either way games workshop writes rules in a way that is structured on a permissive system, so unless it says a unit can do something it is assumed that it cant and that is always the base assumption: your not allowed to do it. This is different from most role playing games (and at its heart 40k is kind of a role playing game) since they give you general rules and say that you should do what makes sense. In the case of the thunderhawk it says no jink explicitly. so no jink.  

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Thanks mate. I've actually been playing since second edition, but to say it's occasional would be an exaggeration! A couple of games a year if I'm lucky.


What you're saying makes a lot of sense, and I think that the intention of the rules is not to give a jink save to super-heavy flyers. 


It does beg the question why on earth they've given the Thunderhawk PotMS? - just one of those weird unnecessary things I guess!





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@Laertes yeah actually i have no idea why it has PoTMS, but its one of those lazy rule writing things for GW.


@Leonaides - i have no idea what the stem of your question is. Check the rules for superheavies, they are glanced on any damage result with conventional weaponry, except when a explodes is rolled. D weapons have different effects.

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PotMS possibly a hangover from when it was possible to stun a thinderhawk or reduce its shooting caoacity in some way in earlier rule sets. As its been a while since i looked at superheavy damage rules i wasnt sure if there was still a way to do this.
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