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But let's be optimistic about this!


Now, all Skyshields have the option for Ready for Takeoff!


Yeah.  Doesn't really counter now having to go and purchase a seperate rulebook just to be able to use your Aegis Defense Line again...


Yeah, but the folks at my LGS are pretty easy going and don't care if you don't have the book yourself as long as you know the rules. ;)


Thanks guys!

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But they do not count for "models on the board" and wipeout and such.


Wait are you saying that if you have a unit in a building and your opponent kills everything else on the board(lets say he goes second) then you lose because that unit is inside a building?

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As Fibonacci said. If all you have are fortifications, you lose. However, should you still be in the game, then a claimed fortification is a scoring unit. Doesn't count for First Blood though...huzzah the inconsistency! :D

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Since a fortification can essentially switch sides, it's not really inconsistent. If you could grab an opponents abandoned rhino and ride off like a boss, I might agree.
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