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Super Scoring Land Raider


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Just a quick question, I haven't got the new rules yet, could those that do please answer.


Is it legal to buy a dedicated land raider for a DWT squad (that then DWA) and have a squad of DWK start the game in it instead?


Or would I have to deploy them separately and have the knights bundle in the land raider before setting off?


Cheers in advance



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Only the unit that purchased the dedicated transport can be deployed/enter from reserves in it.

Thanks for the reply, could I deploy the LRC and the knights next to each other and have them board first turn and drive off?


Or would I waste a turn doing that?





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Yes, you could do that.


Of course you would wast a turn that way, but I can't think of another way.


The question is: why do you want to start embarked?


Use your bikes to teleport them without scatter, move up a LR close to them (all this in turn 1) and in turn 2 they can jump in the transport (swapping places with the unit inside if necessary) and carry on...and you have won a 12" movement in turn 1 :)

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