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New CSM faq/errata


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Wohoo, we can now include up to four Heralds as allies, so you don't need to use Daemons as Primary to have leaders for your daemons. smile.png

Ahriman can shoot the same power three times, though he still doesn't have a reroll from a familiar, so he is still not that hot compared to a normal lvl 3 psyker.

Also note that this means he could cast 12 different witchfires if he had warpcharge enough. But still, you got some termies being annoying? 3x Smite, that's 12 S4 Ap2 shots at BS5. A horde of boys heading your way? 3 blasts from Tzeentch Firestorm might reduce their numbers. Good thing that most witchfires are warp charge 1, so you don't need all that many to cast.

If only he had a reroll, he would probably be worth it.

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So, reading rulebook it is not really obvious about helldrake. I have 2 options:


1. arc of sight had only 45 and that's it.


2. leman russ is only example, and real arc is "everything you can see from the barrel", so about 180?

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It's #1

We're told to assume that all hull weapons can swivel horizontally up to 45' on page 74.

So the Heldrake now shoots forward...

Well that should balance it a little at least.


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It's disappointing, but not terrible to lose the turret on the Heldrake. Before the turret FAQ I was hitting with the drake every turn it was onthe table pretty much all the time anyway. It just means more thought will need to go into where you enter thetable and what route you take. Diamond pattern or the back and forth Z pattern.


Edit: I still have no idea how Blessing of the Blood God works with the new psychic phase.

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It's disappointing, but not terrible to lose the turret on the Heldrake. Before the turret FAQ I was hitting with the drake every turn it was onthe table pretty much all the time anyway. It just means more thought will need to go into where you enter thetable and what route you take. Diamond pattern or the back and forth Z pattern.


Edit: I still have no idea how Blessing of the Blood God works with the new psychic phase.

I agree that its not a huge loss in and of it self, but the main complaint I always heard about the BaleDrake was that it could take out a light vehicle and then flame the now exposed occupants. With the reduction of the VS to only 1 hit on ground targets it is much less likely to be able to take out the vehicle and then flame. With the loss of turret it won't happen at all (and the odd this about the actual arc of fire is its all dependant on how you model your Heldrake)...

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One of my main opponents has already said that he thinks 45° arc is also to small but 360° is to big, so I have asked for a house rule of 180° as that to me makes logical sense based on the model (i know that there is nothing 'logical' to what GW does...).

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Divination is still restricted to Crimson Slaughter. 







Various - Psykers

Any model with the Psyker special rule may generate powers from the Daemonology discipline in addition to the others listed in their Army List Entries.

Unless your book is different than mine, non-Balestar sorcerers only get Bio, Pryo, Telepathy, and  Demon. 

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Divination is still restricted to Crimson Slaughter. 








Ah ok I get it now. Apparently someone forgot to FAQ other disciplines besides Daemonology or someone made mistake on Quick Reference chart.

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They realy , realy , realy want chaos players to play demons. IMO they didn't realy go through all the questions their rules changes may bring . just copied old and add the chariot and helldrake change.

I agree! Much like many other of their FAQ's the fail to answer real questions that we have. One such question would be the psychic power question for marked sorcerers. Is the free primaris counted for determining if the sorcerer has half or less god specific powers?

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Hah, glad the cheesedrake got nerfed.

Still, csm got a lot better all round with access to divination.

Deamonology is still a broken and horrible mess...

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