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New CSM faq/errata


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Daemon prince roll on challenge chart mention got removed.  Wonder if that means we get to keep our paid for equipment now.


Where does it say that?


It doesn't say it any more.  That's the point.  The old FAQ said you lost all equipment due to DA result from the boon table.  There is no longer any mention of losing gear.  So you don't. 

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Spell familiar not addressed.

Abaddon can be spawned.

Nerf to heldrakes (doesn't make them bad, but really not needed on top of the existing vector strike nerf)

no divination after all.

no clarification on the focus power / marked power restriction issue.

no clarification on Belakor.


All in all, an extremely poor showing from the new FAQ crew.

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What you actually get for reroll - is it the whole test? failed warp charge dice only - if so how many? Doubles?


It's funny, of all the questions we've been asking none of them are featured in the FAQ...

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I do not see any problems with spell familiar. It states "reroll failed psychic test", BRB states that psychic test is rolling number of dice from your pool. So you have to reroll all of them. Making spell familiar close to useless, or at least too expensive. They should have changed it to "reroll single dice" or something like that.

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I used a Spell Familiar in my game yesterday and used it as 'reroll the test if failed' meaning all dice on a failed casting. Worked well and I will not hesitate to take it again for the points. It allowed my Sorcerer to summon over 500 points of Daemons, which includes him summoning a Bloodthirster!

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I used a Spell Familiar in my game yesterday and used it as 'reroll the test if failed' meaning all dice on a failed casting. Worked well and I will not hesitate to take it again for the points. It allowed my Sorcerer to summon over 500 points of Daemons, which includes him summoning a Bloodthirster!

Than's an interesting result. How your sorc survived all the perils?

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I think people don't quite realise how bad the double nerf for the Heldrake is, from a competitive point of view. The Heldrake was honestly the unit making CSM somewhat able to compete. Yes it's 7th edition, but no it wont change much, especially not as we simply don't have a lot of efficient units.


And yes, the nerf is thát bad. I succesfully played with 2 Heldrakes at various tournaments, 1 Hades and 1 Baleflamer. The Baleflamer is usuable (although I'd never take more than 1 Baleflamer Drake now) but the Hades Drake is plain bad. He desperately needed rear shots, it was the main thing he had going for itself. Combined with *way* less damage by vectorstriking and you are looking at 1 sad Hades Drake.

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Hades drake I agree is dead. Baledrake is still, in my initial opinion, the best unit in our book, but at this point that's saying more about the badness or inefficiency of the rest of the book than about the power of the drake. I no longer feel its one of the better units in the game.
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I used a Spell Familiar in my game yesterday and used it as 'reroll the test if failed' meaning all dice on a failed casting. Worked well and I will not hesitate to take it again for the points. It allowed my Sorcerer to summon over 500 points of Daemons, which includes him summoning a Bloodthirster!

Than's an interesting result. How your sorc survived all the perils?


I only used 5 dice to summon, and only suffered Perils twice (first time he lost a wound and the second time I rolled a 6 and gained all of the bonuses).

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Ok so, is the table of psychic powers that was posted previously in this thread a real thing? Because it doesn't fit with powers that FAQ allowed for CSM but also other dexes....

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Yeah the familiar is still one of the best psyker upgrades in the game.
Sure, it makes less difference the more dice you roll, but it protects you from random bad rolls and it also allows you to cast lvl 1 power using just a single dice while having the same odds of getting it off like others need two dice for (75%).


Also, were people expecting basic CSM to get access to Divination? What would be the point of the CS artefact then? The summary is correct, CSM have access to divination, just like before. You just need to buy the correct artefact, just like before.

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I used a Spell Familiar in my game yesterday and used it as 'reroll the test if failed' meaning all dice on a failed casting. Worked well and I will not hesitate to take it again for the points. It allowed my Sorcerer to summon over 500 points of Daemons, which includes him summoning a Bloodthirster!

Than's an interesting result. How your sorc survived all the perils?


I only used 5 dice to summon, and only suffered Perils twice (first time he lost a wound and the second time I rolled a 6 and gained all of the bonuses).


But you get perils on any double, not just double 6.

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I used a Spell Familiar in my game yesterday and used it as 'reroll the test if failed' meaning all dice on a failed casting. Worked well and I will not hesitate to take it again for the points. It allowed my Sorcerer to summon over 500 points of Daemons, which includes him summoning a Bloodthirster!

Than's an interesting result. How your sorc survived all the perils?


I only used 5 dice to summon, and only suffered Perils twice (first time he lost a wound and the second time I rolled a 6 and gained all of the bonuses).


But you get perils on any double, not just double 6.


Yes, and when you roll a 2,3,4,5,6 or a 1,2,4,5,6 the power goes off and there are no doubles. Thats why I was casting with only 5 dice rather than 6, less chance of doubles and the spell faliliar boosts your chance of getting the power to successuflly cast.

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I used a Spell Familiar in my game yesterday and used it as 'reroll the test if failed' meaning all dice on a failed casting. Worked well and I will not hesitate to take it again for the points. It allowed my Sorcerer to summon over 500 points of Daemons, which includes him summoning a Bloodthirster!

Than's an interesting result. How your sorc survived all the perils?


I only used 5 dice to summon, and only suffered Perils twice (first time he lost a wound and the second time I rolled a 6 and gained all of the bonuses).


But you get perils on any double, not just double 6.


Yes, and when you roll a 2,3,4,5,6 or a 1,2,4,5,6 the power goes off and there are no doubles. Thats why I was casting with only 5 dice rather than 6, less chance of doubles and the spell faliliar boosts your chance of getting the power to successuflly cast.


I have not done the math on 5 yet, but with 4 dice there is a 72.22% chance of rolling any double.


My BS'ometer is flashing red.



Math is done.  There is a 99.61% of rolling any double with 5 dice.

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The answer as to us getting Div or not would only be an assumption, as the FAQ says we do not get it but the power card table says we do. More than likely the card is in error and we do not get access to Div without taking the CS Balestar, but this is only an assumption

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They realy , realy , realy want chaos players to play demons. IMO they didn't realy go through all the questions their rules changes may bring . just copied old and add the chariot and helldrake change.

I agree! Much like many other of their FAQ's the fail to answer real questions that we have. One such question would be the psychic power question for marked sorcerers. Is the free primaris counted for determining if the sorcerer has half or less god specific powers?



Simply having the mark gives your sorcerer the Primus automatically.

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I used a Spell Familiar in my game yesterday and used it as 'reroll the test if failed' meaning all dice on a failed casting. Worked well and I will not hesitate to take it again for the points. It allowed my Sorcerer to summon over 500 points of Daemons, which includes him summoning a Bloodthirster!

Than's an interesting result. How your sorc survived all the perils?


I only used 5 dice to summon, and only suffered Perils twice (first time he lost a wound and the second time I rolled a 6 and gained all of the bonuses).


But you get perils on any double, not just double 6.


Yes, and when you roll a 2,3,4,5,6 or a 1,2,4,5,6 the power goes off and there are no doubles. Thats why I was casting with only 5 dice rather than 6, less chance of doubles and the spell faliliar boosts your chance of getting the power to successuflly cast.


I have not done the math on 5 yet, but with 4 dice there is a 72.22% chance of rolling any double.


My BS'ometer is flashing red.


That's cool, I'm ok with your BS' O'meter being broken. Could the chances be very slim, sure absolutely, but thats how it went down.  

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I used a Spell Familiar in my game yesterday and used it as 'reroll the test if failed' meaning all dice on a failed casting. Worked well and I will not hesitate to take it again for the points. It allowed my Sorcerer to summon over 500 points of Daemons, which includes him summoning a Bloodthirster!

Than's an interesting result. How your sorc survived all the perils?


I only used 5 dice to summon, and only suffered Perils twice (first time he lost a wound and the second time I rolled a 6 and gained all of the bonuses).


But you get perils on any double, not just double 6.


Yes, and when you roll a 2,3,4,5,6 or a 1,2,4,5,6 the power goes off and there are no doubles. Thats why I was casting with only 5 dice rather than 6, less chance of doubles and the spell faliliar boosts your chance of getting the power to successuflly cast.


I have not done the math on 5 yet, but with 4 dice there is a 72.22% chance of rolling any double.


My BS'ometer is flashing red.


That's cool, I'm ok with your BS' O'meter being broken. Could the chances be very slim, sure absolutely, but thats how it went down.  



For future reference, I would recommend anyone who wants to give a Sorcerer Malefic powers should take the Prophet of the Voices artifact from the Crimson Slaughter supplement. It will revert your perils option back to being only 6's, which is great.

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I am trying to understand what Mal is typing and i cannot get it...Is the FAQ in error or the Psychic discipline grid?

Do we get Divination or not after all is the Question ?

The FAQ tells you what models can take what powers. No model is allowded to take any divination powers (as per the codex), unless you use the balestar from the crimson slaughter book.


The grid thing is incorrect.

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