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New CSM faq/errata


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The answer as to us getting Div or not would only be an assumption, as the FAQ says we do not get it but the power card table says we do. More than likely the card is in error and we do not get access to Div without taking the CS Balestar, but this is only an assumption


But.... we do get access to Divination. The card is correct and the FAQ is correct. We get it by using the CS Balestar, just like before. And if we got access without the Balestar, what would be the point of that artefact then?

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I am trying to understand what Mal is typing and i cannot get it...Is the FAQ in error or the Psychic discipline grid?

Do we get Divination or not after all is the Question ?

We get divination... by taking the Balestar or rolling lucky with Huron. 

Same way Space Marines get it by taking Tigurius. 

The card has it checked because it is possible for us to get it, but regular sorcerers do not get it. 

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Then the card is still incorrect, because by that logic we also have access to telekinesis via the scrolls of magnus.


But the end point is this - the card is not a rule source. The codex, rulebook, and faq are. We do not get divination.

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Well, I wasn't expecting a FAQ with less stuff in it than before. Taking away fixes is... an achievement. Why they think Abaddon needs to be spawn-able now is beyond me but I guess it was more pressing than some of the immediate questions.

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Both FAQ and Card are correct.


You get the powers availble to the sorcerer in his entry + daemonology. So a balesorc has divination acces. A balesorc is still a Chaos Space Marine sorcerer. 


Now i hope that also goes for Tigerius and the Librarians.

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I used a Spell Familiar in my game yesterday and used it as 'reroll the test if failed' meaning all dice on a failed casting. Worked well and I will not hesitate to take it again for the points. It allowed my Sorcerer to summon over 500 points of Daemons, which includes him summoning a Bloodthirster!

Than's an interesting result. How your sorc survived all the perils?



If you re-roll doubles....

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Heldrake nerf is why I don't ever buy more than one of the "Special Kits" (1 riptide, etc) and base my armies around a solid core or (hopefully) as balanced as possible fighters.

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Heldrake nerf is why I don't ever buy more than one of the "Special Kits" (1 riptide, etc) and base my armies around a solid core or (hopefully) as balanced as possible fighters.


This is the good thing about my huge Eldar army... It's so big I don't need to buy more units. I can fill out any FOC slot with pretty much anything... Apart from Eldar jetbikes... I hate those guys... Oh and this army was before allies, and double FOC and so on... So I don't really have an excuse for 240 Eldar Guardians, and 60 Howling Banshees... I may have a problem...

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Heldrake nerf is why I don't ever buy more than one of the "Special Kits" (1 riptide, etc) and base my armies around a solid core or (hopefully) as balanced as possible fighters.

I liked my paired heldrakes though

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I think the paired helldrakes are still the best fast attack choice in the book...


Still a bit bumped about divination though was hoping to get a Night Lord MEQ Horde with divination buffs up...


BTW why are there no Supplement FaQ ?

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BTW why are there no Supplement FaQ ?

There are some but not the Suppliment codex ones. I emailed them last night about it and the digital updates.

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How people can say that Dark Apotheosis enable you to keep your stuff is beyond me.


Isn't it written do that it says" just like spawnhood, but with the following changes...", Spawnhood specifically saying that you loose everything excepte the mark?


Don't have my dex under hand right now.

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How people can say that Dark Apotheosis enable you to keep your stuff is beyond me.


Isn't it written do that it says" just like spawnhood, but with the following changes...", Spawnhood specifically saying that you loose everything excepte the mark?


Don't have my dex under hand right now.


Just checked, this is absolutely true. It says replace the word 'spawn' for 'daemon prince' and that marks become 'daemon of...', but other than that to use the exact same wording as the spawn version, which tells us we don't get to keep our stuff. Not quite sure why that was in the FAQ in the first place.



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Maybe they might make a 13th crusade supplement and want Chaos to be at the biggest disadvantage possible?


This makes sense. There are rumours of a chaos supplement in July. They're trying to make it so the new supplement is irresistible to chaos players.... At least the ones who are still playing.

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There are too many moving parts in that conspiracy theory for a GW plan. "Never attribute to malice what is fully explained by incompetence" and all.


EDIT: or, more accurately in this case, never attribute to malice what is fully explained by a simple lack of caring.

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I wish they would let us be for a while, too. While I appreciate new models as much as the next player, very little of the rules attention we've gotten has been worth getting in the first place. Data slates and supplements, after all, are all shackled by the flaws of the parent codex. Leave chaos be for a while, give some attention to neglected factions, and come back to chaos with a fresh perspective and a new codex not beholden to poor design decisions of the past.
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Well this edition they made three army books for chaos , which could as well be done with one book and a bigger relic section[but that would make it look too much like the ecil 3.5], that is depending how one counts is 1/3 or 1/4 of all chaos stuff ever made. At best the codex were bad , at worse they were not needed . Considering that orks didn't have one in years [and if I remember right they had to wait around 10 years the one they have now] , BA and SW were hit super hard with the nerf bat . I would rather have those armies get army books and formations , then GW giving us another formation  9xmutilators + Dork Apostol .


Imgaine codex CS and codex BL were real updated to SW and BA , how many more people would have had more fun.

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What you actually get for reroll - is it the whole test? failed warp charge dice only - if so how many? Doubles?


It's funny, of all the questions we've been asking none of them are featured in the FAQ...


Well previously, if you failed a psychic test with the Familiar, you'd reroll all (both) of the dice.  I'd assume you'd reroll all the power dice you cast...

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Which just doesnt make sense.

The spell familiar needs to be FAQ'd. it costs like a power weapon because of its ability to negate perils. However, the spell familiar now might even be more dangerous.


Let's say you want to cast a warp charge 3 spell, and you do so with 5 dice. you roll only 2x 4+. But no doubles.

You re-roll them all, because thats what the current armoury entry says. This time you do roll enough 4+'s. But this time you also roll a double 6. 


Possible options:

- You can reroll the failed dice.

- You can reroll up to 2 dice.

- You can reroll any doubles.


Any of those 3 would help immensely. But as it stands now, and the wording of the current CSM spell familiar fits with 7th (which it does), then you have to roll the complete test, wether that is 1, 3 or 6+ dice. You reroll all of them.

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