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New CSM faq/errata


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You guys really are sth else.

This is a huge kick in the face for Marine players, and the Wolves/BAs aren't exactly happy either when all of the loyalist marines for some reason get a copypasta faq across the board. 


This is either screaming intentional drawbacks for new books and supplements, or just reeling incompetence.  At this rate it would be better if we fade into obscurity like the DE codex was for a decade, at least then we'd still retain one or two barely feasible lists that hopefully don't require ally spam.  Although I'm sharing malisteen's opinion that the new Chaos FW book will just start over-balancing units if the Dreadclaw is anything to look to.


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Which just doesnt make sense.

The spell familiar needs to be FAQ'd. it costs like a power weapon because of its ability to negate perils. However, the spell familiar now might even be more dangerous.


Let's say you want to cast a warp charge 3 spell, and you do so with 5 dice. you roll only 2x 4+. But no doubles.

You re-roll them all, because thats what the current armoury entry says. This time you do roll enough 4+'s. But this time you also roll a double 6. 


Possible options:

- You can reroll the failed dice.

- You can reroll up to 2 dice.

- You can reroll any doubles.


Any of those 3 would help immensely. But as it stands now, and the wording of the current CSM spell familiar fits with 7th (which it does), then you have to roll the complete test, wether that is 1, 3 or 6+ dice. You reroll all of them.

Or under the old rules you could reroll your failed test and get double 1s. Same result (passed on the re-roll, but got a perils too)

I guess I just don't see quite why you are so upset.

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Daemon prince roll on challenge chart mention got removed.  Wonder if that means we get to keep our paid for equipment now.


Where does it say that?


It doesn't say it any more.  That's the point.  The old FAQ said you lost all equipment due to DA result from the boon table.  There is no longer any mention of losing gear.  So you don't. 


You'll need to read page #29 again my friend. :(  It clearly states that "The champion is now a separate, unengaged, non-scoring unit that retains none of the champion's special rules or wargear."...

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but it does make sense to do what one is supposed to do...


so not making sense when supposed to not make sense makes sense and thus is not what one is supposed to do and does not make sense.

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Ok so apparently vehicles loosing fast for Blood Angels was an oversight and got FAQed pretty soon after the email from BA community. Gotta wonder if Abaddon's loss of immunity to spawnhood/DP roll is an oversight too.

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Yeah those too. Rather unique club imo . But on the other hand I would love possessed asp champions to have an optionto buy a lvl1 psyker as leader . It would have been so awesome .


On the other hand post FAQ , everyone seemed to have switched to either pod armies or counts as marine pod armies. If you get lucky with your starting deck hand , you can wrap up a lot of VPs turn 1 , most of which can't realy be countered by most armies.

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Considering that fully half that card deck is 'capture X objective', and that you open with three cards, yeah, that does tend to be a huge advantage for going first if you have jetbikes or drop pods or fast transports or some other means of shifting scoring units across the board quickly.  Random secret objective card were a great idea, imo, but the implementation has issues.

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I'd also recommend starting with a smaller hand, or removing redundant cards from the deck, or losing the points from objective claiming cards if the objective is later taken from you during the game.

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I think Abaddon turning in to a spawn is quite fluffy. He has failed so many times with his Crusades that some the Naughty Gods might be getting upset tongue.png

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I think Abaddon turning in to a spawn is quite fluffy. He has failed so many times with his Crusades that some the Naughty Gods might be getting upset tongue.png

Not to beat the poor dead horse again but had Abbadon actually failed any of his crusades he would have turned into a spawn millenia ago. If you read his fluff and the BL supplement you'll see that he hasn't failed them. Quite to the contrary actually. But I guess making fun of armless Failbaddon and using worn out 1d4chan maymays is more fun than accepting the canon for what it is. No offense intended but that really grinds my gears and I ain't even a Black Legion fanboi.

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I think Abaddon turning in to a spawn is quite fluffy. He has failed so many times with his Crusades that some the Naughty Gods might be getting upset tongue.png

I dunno. When I read about some psychopath who stabbed his victim 12 times before he killed it, I usually think "WOW what a sick censored.gif " instead of "LOL what a failer!".

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Abaddon is just another weak minded, traitor slave to the Ruinous powers....

On the contrary, according to AD-B he isn't really serving the gods he's just using them to become the new Emperor. And none of his crusade have been failures. The only one you could somewhat call a failure is the 12th because he didn't seize all the fortresses only half. Even in the 13th Crusade pre-retcon he won it.

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Actually, there was the one crusade where his fancy new navigation system to exit the eye wherever he pleased was a complete failure, scattered his massive fleet, and left him with just one ship to attack an imperial world with a massive ork waagh barelling down on it.  He didn't even defeat the imperial planet before the orks got there, and had basically no hope against their insanely superior force, and barely made it out of there.


Yeah, he 'successfully' got a bunch of 'ork specimens', but let's be real here, guys.  Orks are the most prolific lifeform in the galaxy.  You can hardly stop them from popping up everywhere.  Any chaos force that's ever fought orks has had to deal with scrubbing that fungus from their holdings, ships, and even armor basically forever after that.  Orks aren't some rare and precious artifact.  Basically Abaddon's plan fell apart before it started, he got spanked by orks, an his ship was left with a nasty infestation.  No victory there.


But they can't all be winners, right?  This is 40k, every faction has an embarassing greenskins story, no real shame in that, imo.


EDIT: hey, speaking of ADB, has anybody heard from him lately?  Anyone know how that book's coming along?

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