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ICs joining Units

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As requested, no typing up of rule passages.


I've noticed as slight, blip, with the IC joining unit rules.


On both Page 135 (Combined Reserve Units) and Page 166 (Joining and leaving a unit), it is mentioned that an IC can join a unit in Reserves.


As we'd expect.


Yet just below in that section on Page 166, we have an entry that states an IC cannot join a unit in reserves.



In the same section as one of the quotes that tell you you can.



All I can think of is this last reference is trying to refer to an IC *on board* attempting to join a unit *off board*.  Which is redundant.  Perhaps this restriction needs to be Errata'd away...

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It's badly worded but the intent is that an Independent Character can be attached to a unit in reserves at the start of the game, not thereafter.

In other words, once the game has begun you can't start changing which unit (if any) the independent character is attached to, whilst he (and any other units) remain in reserves.

Once he's on the table, he can act as ICs always did.

Unfortunately they didn't include the line "Once the game has got under way..."


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They are allowed to join a unit when they enter reserves. Once there, they are locked in and cannot move around and join different units or go solo from that point on until they leave reserves and are on the table.


That is how I read it.

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Further to this train of thought, and without wanting to start a new thread:


Armies of the imperium are battle-brothers, and they are able to embark in each others transports. I noted a distinction disallowing a dedicated transport to be 'given' to an ally - it must be used by its own unit.

But, independent characters are allowed to hop in the dedicated transport with the intended unit, providing there is space. They are also allowed to be held in reserve in the transport, when the unit and transport are being held back, provided this is declared at the start.


So, if my space marine unit is 8 bodies with a dedicated drop pod, and I attach my captain to them within said drop pod, could I also attach my Inquisitor from my battle-brother inquisitorial detachment? He would be an independent character joining a unit within their dedicated transport, as a battle brother for whom riding in allied transports is allowed.

Have I missed a rule somewhere which prevents this? Even my local GW guys were struggling to find anything which says it can't be done, and I'm rather hoping it is possible.

Sorry for the long post, thanks for your help!

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As a Templar, I was looking for a violent and aggressive method of dispatch for enemy Witches, rather than trying to deny their mischief with a puny handful of dice.

Inquisitors giving BS10 vs Psykers to drop-pod sword brethren packing special weapons, may well be just what I was looking for!

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