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CSM possibly my next army

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Seems this thread is turning more towards a CSM tactic thread, not that I don't like the info but as a non-CSM player at the moment most of it is lost on me. All in due time....


After reading all the posts I can see why CSM might be a great choice for me. I'm NOT a competitive tournament player by any means but I do like to win when I play friendly games at my local hobby shop. As long as the game was fun for both me and my opponent I'm happy. So if CSM aren't dominating the tables at the moment I can live with that.


The modeling/painting side of things is more appealing to me now. I like SM but you can only do so much with them. CSM will allow me to take that extra leap with how I model and paint my units. I've got some crazy color schemes I wanna try out.


As for how CSM could fill my Anti-RG need, I see it as more of a fluff solution. My army is RG successor chapter I created myself call "Night Ravens" (Purple armor, gold trim, white shoulders) and I have a been of a background and story about who they are and their story but it's all still locked away in my brainspace at the moment. Now if I was to create a CSM army I could create an opposing chapter to my Night Ravens. Really create a piece of fluff that fits both armies.


I also asked about an Anti-RG army in terms of tactics as my army is geared my towards assault/CC using mostly Jump Pack units and Scouts. Figured it would be good for me to try an army that relies on other types of combat and units. Help me become a more well rounded 40K player.

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The fluff's awesome.

CSMs also have the best paint schemes around. And by far.

Pick something you like, and you're in.

This, but consider building the core of your army in such a way that you have the option of running it out of a loyalist book. The space wolf codex works really well (and the new one probably will too, when it happens)

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Actually, though I haven't looked into the matter personally, I've gathered that space wolves and blood angels have also suffered mightily under the current FAQ round - SWolves losing their psychic powers (and possibly something about some of their other stuff not working right?), and blood angels loosing fast on all their vehicles (while still paying extra for it?).

Anyway, I would not build around loyalist books unless I were aiming to play world eaters and thus needed a counts-as option for skullcrushers. Otherwise, the main reason to play chaos marines is the style, and the most stylish chaos marine options - daemon princes, daemon engines, etc - just don't have good loyalist equivalents imo.

Since the primary reasons to play chaos are aesthetic, and since the negative commentary is out of the way, the best reasons I can personally offer to play our faction are some of my own painted models and conversions. Here's my chaos lord, Wiegraf Folles of the Black Legion:



Rather than spam the thread with images, I'll simply refer to the hobby log link in my sig for other pics.


Honestly, any of the painting or project log threads are where you'll see the most positive and motivating commentaries for chaos marine related stuff.  I recommend especially Insane Psychopath's Iron Warriors thread on this subforum and GuitaRasmus's Dark Mechanicus over on the works in progress board.


With ETL going on, there's several ETL progress threads going on right now, and they're all worth looking at as well.

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After reading all the posts I can see why CSM might be a great choice for me. I'm NOT a competitive tournament player by any means but I do like to win when I play friendly games at my local hobby shop. As long as the game was fun for both me and my opponent I'm happy. So if CSM aren't dominating the tables at the moment I can live with that.

Well, then you're in for a great time with CSMs.

Welcome aboard :).

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I haven't played it in a tournament yet, but Mauler/spawn rush gets pretty good reviews, and has gotten me a winning record, especially with the crimson slaughter lord.


Add Helcult, Helbrute Mayhem pack and Deep Striking Decimator and it gets even more interesting.


Anecdotally though, in my last Apoc game a loyalist Terminator AC got a lucky Pen on one of my Maulers in Turn 1 and Immobilized it with only one wound. With no ranged weapons and no Warpsmith they ignored it the rest of the game. It even recovered its one wound with IWND but had to sit through the full game doing nothing. I could just imagine its sad face watching everything happen around him without being able to partake, lol.




That's actually really funny. But I only laugh because it has happened to me as well.


I can't speak to the Forgeworld units as we don't have them in tournaments here, but as far as adding helbrutes. I agree. They are looked at as low priority and with just an additonal boltgun, they can have some 'okay' effect,and add to the element of the maulerfiend rush.

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Yes, a deep striking decimator with siege claws, with either dedication or nurgle or Khorne is a real beast.

Add in 2 maulers and you get some real dedicated close combat daemon engines. (and the decimator just happens to be one of the coolest walkers in the game!! imo).

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Yeah, if not anecdotally evident already - playing Chaos can also be unexpectedly funny.


Not in the "I win" funny sense but in the "Yikes I didn't see that coming" funny sense - for you or your opponent; as a bunch of powers and abilities can unexpectedly benefit you or your opponent.


One time I had an opposing HQ unit Instant Death itself with Estatic Seizures. Another time a group of Guard killed my HQ when I rolled a 1 on Daemon Weapon. Like when your last vastly outnumbered Champion suddenly turns into a Daemon Prince, or conversely when your prized HQ turns into a Chaos Spawn, etc.

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So I'm lucky enough to work a few blocks away from the Games Workshop in NYC and I wander over there at least 3-4 times a week during my lunch and I was suggested a great idea, well I think it's pretty great.


I was suggested to take the whole DV Box Set and play it as CSM. I'll have half of my army being truly the CSM goodness that they are and then I'll have the other half be newly indoctrinated CSM. They'll look like SM but will clearly be part of the CSM world.


That will give me a Company Master, a Librarian, a Tactical Squad with a Veteran Sergeant, Terminator Squad and a Bike Squadron. I convert up to CSM standards. Great idea for modelling and converting.


What's your thoughts? 

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Hold off on DV. It still has the 6th edition rulebook. Unless they are knocking the price down or giving you the 7th ed. Then snap it up.
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Hold off on DV. It still has the 6th edition rulebook. Unless they are knocking the price down or giving you the 7th ed. Then snap it up.


If the price of the DV with 6th drops really low I might grab it but I'd like to wait for the DV with the 7th.


But is my idea of using all the DA units/models for CSM a feasible idea?

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There are people on here that have done just that. With them being plastic it's fairly easy to remove details. And the bikes are pretty sort after. The soon to be sorcerer will come in handy too.
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DA are Chaos anyway. They just don't know it. biggrin.png

For the number of models you get, DV is good. But yeah, just wait for 7th if you don't already have the BRB.

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If you still have money in your wallet stay as far away as possible from Chaos Space Marines. If you want to play Chaos, go with Daemons, less stress, more competence and a blast to play. 


I know, I should be advocating and promoting Chaos Space Marines, but I simply cannot. Paint some loyalist marines and then say that they are renegades and use Daemonmancy, you will be better served and it will be chaosy enough to justify your investment. But to invest in Chaos Space Marines, at this moment is one of those moves in our hobby that you will regret. 


While CSM have some nice kits our rules make the army unplayable and it seems that we were targeted by GW, though I do not know why. Wisdom dictates that you spend your money for something that you will have fun with and enjoy painting and playing it, and this is most certainly not the case of the CSM.


For one who approaches to CSM the core troops are uneventful and a pain in the arse to paint with all those trims and icons on the armour and even after so much effort you will be still fielding your mass of basecoated Cultists for they are the better option of them all. You might even enjoy assembling your Forgefiend and Maulerfiend, only to find later on that it is only Obliterators worth to take, and bar the now heavily nerfed Heldrake and some Spawn your Fast Attack will be even less eventful. 


I know all sounds doom and gloom but as a fellow player and painter I advise you to stay away from Chaos Space Marines and rather focus on either Daemons or some loyalists or xenos, you will have a much richer and enjoyable experience and your wallet will be grateful to you for the kits you will buy will not be useless for 2/3 of your army lists. 

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He did already say that didnt care that much about the rules. he just wants to have a nice alternative for his raven guard.


On that note, if you pick up a DV set, model yourself a Cypher, and paint the DA black, instead of green. You can then buy a formation dataslate from black library with some fun rules for that.

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Just my 2 cents: I have never had so much fun in 40K than I am having with C:SM. I love testing out new units and combinations. Sure C:SM are far from ultra competitive books, but as hobbyist and moodeller, I just love possibilities Chaos and its various faul gods (nurgle especially) gives you in terms of imagination and customization. Perhaps I am weirdo in that sense. Win or lose, I am having so much blast when playing with chaos, it makes worth of me taking them up again and again. Sure Core troops themselves are pretty much useless or paper and die by the droves or you are forced to play with mark based / themed armies. Plague marines are one of the best troop choices but seriously expensive and that hurts them, limiting how much you can take them. But still. I have had tons of fun with C:SM in 6th edition. 

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