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Defiler glory

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I forgot to ask, does snapfire still cripple it with that cannon?  I'm aware that the bc probably got worse with the vehicle buff, but the Defiler might be a little tougher.

At this rate they need a dataslate just to helbrute it out of crappyness into mediocrity/useful support.  Just being able to remove the BC alone might help it.

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And the durability boost isn't anything like what its cousine the soul grinder got. AV13 just benefits more from the new vehicle damage chart than AV12. AV12, even with 4 hull points, can still just have those hull points stripped too easily.


Also, if you fire the battle cannon, you cannot fire havoc launchers.


The defiler is still bad. It's been bad since the 4e CSM codex. It's marginally less bad with the new damage chart, but not enough less bad to not still be solidly bad.

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Jeske it comes stock with 2 power fists, a battle cannon, reaper autocannon, and a TL heavy flamer. I sub a havoc for the flamer and take another havoc and equip it with warpflame from the vehicle equipment list. Totally legal at the same time. It's a great vehicle walking down the field overpowering a unit with firepower.

Rules for walker state I can fire all weapons at full BS. Not snap fire.

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Again, you cannot fire the havoc launchers and the Battle Cannon at the same time. The battle cannon is an ordinance weapon, you can only snap fire other weapons when you shoot it. Havoc launchers are blast weapons, and you cannot snap fire blast weapons.


Maybe if you could trade the battle cannon for being 60 points cheaper, we'd have something to talk about. Or maybe if it were front armor 13. Maybe, maybe, maybe, if, if, if. But no.

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Or you could use it for close combat. It doesn't care about cover all that much as it is a daemon anyway, it got fleet and it's better in close combat than a Maulerfiend.

I dunno, maybe just use the ordnance if these are big blobs of enemy infantry that you can shoot, otherwise simply run full speed at the enemy and smash them to bits.

Still, for the cost it should have the same AV as the Soulgrinder.

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As one who's run around looking for Defiler uses outside of just kitbashing to make your own Soul Grinder, it's basically either leaving it vanilla, add a dirge, or just configure it to the extra CCW, optionally adding the Power Scourge.  The problem is the upgrades for the Defiler aren't cheap, and if you're adding a TLLC, why not just take a predator with las cannons (cheaper and has more)?  If you want the warpflame dakka route, you're still better off with a ac/hb predator with combi bolter, havoc launcher, and gargoyles.  Hell, I don't remember if the FF can take vehicle upgrades but the Plasma head with two hacs would be better.

The Defiler is simply a byproduct of laziness/lack of caring and grandfathering rules because they didn't know what to do with it when putting the Mauler/Forge fiend in.  That being said, if you're taking a melee Defiler, taking a Maulerfiend as a supporting battlebuddy is also a decent idea, just price deficiency to the point of ineffectiveness.  You're absolutely better off with a Brass Scorpion, which is the other kitbash recommendation. 

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The cheap, 4 DCCW Defiler is one of the few things I miss about the "Gavdex." I haven't brought my big guys out for a long time now.

Yup, i'm in the same boat.


The new rules they did asquire are a nice plus, but a price hick from 150pts, where it was usable, and 195pts where its too darn costy, is killing it.


Think i have more chances to ally in 2 Heralds, 10 deamons and a Soul Grinder.

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That, or just accept that they aren't very good and run them anyway. You don't have to trick yourself into think a unit is better than it is to run it on the table. It's ok to admit a model's rules are kinda bad and run it anyway because you like the model or the fluff.
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