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Defiler glory

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Daboarder. I'm with you on the Daemon Engine list. I love walkers and templates. When their powers combine great things can happen. I want to use baledrakes with my list I just won't have the funds to purchase, paint, and test before the tournament. Too many other things going on. I too would love to hear how you list plays out this weekend. Thanks again all for the help with my list. I'm still considering more options. I may toss out my defilers if I can think of better options from what I already have. I will pull together all my models and see what I have in inventory.
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Cheers guys, Heres the list I'll be running


Lord: Terminator Armour, MoN, Brand, Powerfist, Sigil


Sorcerer: Terminator Armour, MoN, 2x Additional Mastery, Spell Familiar


Chaos Terminators: x 6, MoN, Axes, Heavy Flamer


Chaos Terminators: x5, MoN, Axes, Reaper


Chaos Terminators: x5, MoN, Axes, Reaper






Obliterators: x2, MoN


Obliterators: x2, MoN


Defiler: Extra Powerfist, Heavy Flamer


Thats 1847


I'll be using it against a tau player who uses a combo of farsight and regular tau, usually runs 3 fire warrior squads, fireblade, aegis, 2 missilesides (with buffmander and drones) 3x Crisis squads a riptide and 2 squads of kroot snipers.


He normally plays pretty castle until later when he gets agressive with his suits.


I figure the defiler can hammer his suit units from range as he doesn't have much that can touch it at the back fo the board. And it means that when he outflanks the kroot squads to nab my objectives I can flame and stomp 'em. I also figure that with changes to smash teh defiler can take the riptide in combat if he decides to be agressive with it

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I like the list. Be sure to let us know how the game goes for you, in particular how the defiler works out.  That and your deep striking - I've been kind of scared off of unaided deep strikes after a long streak of hideous mishaps myself, but may be tempted to give it a try again in the future.

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Yeah, the biggest reason I'd like to take a Defiler is because of the Battle Cannon, and now that it can score (though, not Objective Secured) it could sit on a home objective and pound away at the enemy with its nice str8, ap3 pie plate, and giving it all DCCW means that it can counter assault other units getting too close.


Although I really want to get a Plague Hulk, but maybe I could get one of each, see how the Defiler fairs, and if I don't like it I could convert it into another Plague Hulk.

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I'm slowly working towards my own monster mash - couple maulers, couple giant spawn, some regular spawn, couple drakes, maybe a defiler & some cultists in the backfield, maybe a land raider with a warpsmith and some chosen or mutilators or something, one of the brute formations, I don't know. I'm still in the very sketchy stages of putting it together, conceptually.
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Well.....That was...Interesting.


So had my game today and I must say I was in for a surprise (kinda serves me right too) My mate decided he didnt feel like using his tau anymore till he had them painted more. Instead I found myself facing Deathwing with grey knight allies. I dont have a full battle report but I do have some comments.


His list was roughly

Dark Angels



Librarian (ML2) Terminator armour (rolled div)

Deathwing Command, TH/SS x4, banner of fortitude, Champion, CML


Deathwing squad, 3x TH/SS, CML

Deathwing squad, 3x TH/SS, CML


Grey Knights


Librarian (ML 3?) (Rolled santic)


Grey Knight terminator squad: Halberds

Grey Knight terminator squad: Halberds


Firstly I smashed the poor bugger, he conceded end if turn 4 with only a handful of models left. (I'd lost a terminator squad in T4 and 3 more terminators before that)

Its not his fault I've been playing a terminator heavy list for a long time now and he only had a few games with his Deathwing when he first started playing. That and he's still tweaking his terminator list (I recommended dropping the TH/SS out of his Deathwing troops, and grabbing a handful of psy-cannons instead)


I must say I was very happy with the Defilers performance. for facing a list that was able to largely ignore his strengths he did very well. 

Tore Belial apart in combat when my mate dropped him and the Command squad behind my lines, albeit with the help of a pair of oblits and am iron armed sorcerer. 

He also killed at least a squads worth of terminators over the course of the game just through forcing saves on units from long range.(He wiped out the remnants of a squad in turn 4 in combat)

He was also never really threatened by my mates krak missiles, becuase I just moved him around LOS terrain, or shrugged off the one or two shots that came his way (Ap3 not being able to pop you is a HUGE change)

Oh and he capped one of my own back field objectives, scoring me D3 victory points in turn 3)


I really would run one again, and actually will be form now on. The range was great and the combat power nothing to sneeze at, the changes to smash alone mean that defilers should be able to go toe to toe with most MCs


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Well.....That was...Interesting.


So had my game today and I must say I was in for a surprise (kinda serves me right too) My mate decided he didnt feel like using his tau anymore till he had them painted more. Instead I found myself facing Deathwing with grey knight allies. I dont have a full battle report but I do have some comments.


His list was roughly

Dark Angels



Librarian (ML2) Terminator armour (rolled div)

Deathwing Command, TH/SS x4, banner of fortitude, Champion, CML


Deathwing squad, 3x TH/SS, CML

Deathwing squad, 3x TH/SS, CML


Grey Knights


Librarian (ML 3?) (Rolled santic)


Grey Knight terminator squad: Halberds

Grey Knight terminator squad: Halberds


Firstly I smashed the poor bugger, he conceded end if turn 4 with only a handful of models left. (I'd lost a terminator squad in T4 and 3 more terminators before that)

Its not his fault I've been playing a terminator heavy list for a long time now and he only had a few games with his Deathwing when he first started playing. That and he's still tweaking his terminator list (I recommended dropping the TH/SS out of his Deathwing troops, and grabbing a handful of psy-cannons instead)


I must say I was very happy with the Defilers performance. for facing a list that was able to largely ignore his strengths he did very well.

Tore Belial apart in combat when my mate dropped him and the Command squad behind my lines, albeit with the help of a pair of oblits and am iron armed sorcerer.

He also killed at least a squads worth of terminators over the course of the game just through forcing saves on units from long range.(He wiped out the remnants of a squad in turn 4 in combat)

He was also never really threatened by my mates krak missiles, becuase I just moved him around LOS terrain, or shrugged off the one or two shots that came his way (Ap3 not being able to pop you is a HUGE change)

Oh and he capped one of my own back field objectives, scoring me D3 victory points in turn 3)


I really would run one again, and actually will be form now on. The range was great and the combat power nothing to sneeze at, the changes to smash alone mean that defilers should be able to go toe to toe with most MCs

Glad to hear you had such success with your defiler. I'll have to try mine out more often.


Glory to the Dark Gods!

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Yeah, now I haven't tried it but I can imagine the Defiler would be pretty useful in Maelstrom of War missions, where you never know what tool you need. The Defiler has got long range, is pretty fast (fleet), is quite good in close combat and more resilient now that the damage table can basically be ignored for most guns. IWND in combination with 5++ and 4 Hull points means you have a pretty resilient beast in the backfield.


Also, it works great if you face pod enemies, as they will likely go after objectives with their drops, meaning they will be pretty bunched up for battle cannon rounds and also close to your lines, meaning your Defiler has a good chance of assaulting them.


Really the only thing the Defiler has lost is the ability to kill enemy vehicles at range. I mean, on average he would need to stand there and shoot his battle cannon around six turns to kill an enemy chimera.

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Thanks for the report daboarder. I'm going to kit mine the same as yours. That way I can run them forward and use the battle cannon all day, before Close Combat glory. The tournament I'm preparing for is now allowing Lords of War. Any thoughts on a Brass Scorpion? AngelsAbsolute I noticed you said you enjoy yours; any tips?
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Get one! They look amazing to start with. Because its a super heavy you can fire its main cannon along with the tail gun and heavy flamers, its also got fleet and is a beast in combat. 5++ doesnt hurt and when it does go down it explodes hooefully taking out a few more enemies! I love the super stomp it gets because of its many legs. its a souped up version of what a defiler should be
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there are two types of brass scorpion.


theres the original defiler conversion, it doesn't have rules but is a good khorne themed defiler stand in.


Then theres the FW Greater Brass Scorpion, its significantly larger and a lord of war.

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Get one! They look amazing to start with. Because its a super heavy you can fire its main cannon along with the tail gun and heavy flamers, its also got fleet and is a beast in combat. 5++ doesnt hurt and when it does go down it explodes hooefully taking out a few more enemies! I love the super stomp it gets because of its many legs. its a souped up version of what a defiler should be


It's most recent rules incarnation is from Pandorax, in which it loses its super stomp.


Hopefully it gets it back in the rumored forthcoming update of FW chaos options this summer.

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