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Hopefully it gets it back in the rumored forthcoming update of FW chaos options this summer.



We can only hope.

*crossesfingers for cheaper dreadclaws*



I wouldn't bother crossing those fingers.  Dreadclaws are expected to get reduced versions of the kharybdis rules, and actually increase in points cost, making them, well, not worse, but certainly not better, either.

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I'd be satisfied with the current HH version -25 pts. Unlikely but who knows? Well I'll probably gonna use them anyways because I dig the new model and it fits my theme. Also never been much of a fan of the Rhino tank aesthetics in Chaos Space Marines. Wicked looking drop pods fit so much better imho.

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Hopefully it gets it back in the rumored forthcoming update of FW chaos options this summer.



We can only hope.

*crossesfingers for cheaper dreadclaws*



I wouldn't bother crossing those fingers.  Dreadclaws are expected to get reduced versions of the kharybdis rules, and actually increase in points cost, making them, well, not worse, but certainly not better, either.



I'm almost convinced that writing rules for the Dreadclaw is some kind of Forge World initiation ritual. "All right new guy, two editions ago Jeff from accounting wrote a version that took away the assault ramps. If you can come up with something more cruel than that in the next five minutes you get a plaque in the employee lounge and your first publishing credit..."

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