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Space shark / Carcharodon company squad markings


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Hello fellow brothers,


I have now painted up a tact squad of Space sharks and even have the transfer sheet for them now. However I am finding it hard to narrow down what kinda markings they have and am looking for some confirmation and help on what the chapter preference is. 


So far from the forge world books I have seen them with black shoulder inserts with two shark symbols on either side. The shark symbol on the right and the tattoo tact arrow on the left. I was also wondering does the Skull or the tooth maw transfer have any specific meaning? and possibly the random tattoos, do they or can they go anywhere on the model. I was gonna go for a fairly tribal feral look for my sharks.



Anyway thanks for any help. Much appreciated.



I don't own the forge world books, I have only seen the pics on lex of the space shark FW pics.

Edited by dusktiger
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Unfortunately, there is no clear identification for squad or company markings, because all Battle Brothers shown are labeled as "unknown". There are also not enough examples to make a consistent marking pattern, and much of the chapter's habits are shrouded in mystery.


So far, here are all the official FW Carcharodon markings in existence:





The skull tattoo is probably a generic death-related tattoo, or it could be a squad symbol. IIRC chaplains officially have a skull as their symbol. One Carcharodon terminator has a skull tattoo instead of a Crux Terminatus.


The skull inside the shark's jaws is probably the shark-related "death-sigil" described on the banners inside their ship at the beginning of IA10.

Edited by Tyberos the Red Wake
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look at the old Polynesian tribes, and kinda use it as go between for markings. The sharks were lose base of there system of head hunting and shark worship, it could give you some ideas about where to place said marking.  Taking of war trophy (skulls) was big part of it,  totems too.  Plus given that it so much is unknown you kinda giving a free rain on things and its your army so free to do what you like with it. 


FW detail set is good starting point and there books, but deepening on if way want to spend the money or not thats up too, i think this site has free downloads of decals. painting free hand is option.

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The thing I like with them is that there are no obvious markings. Yes, the tactical squad marking seems present and a skull possibly for command. But otherwise, it's all guess work. Which is good. Codex markings can get really repetitive.

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There is the arrow tribal tattoo decal that can be used for tactical squads and the rounder arrow could be for assault squads. I use the Skull for my termies as Tyberos the Red Wake said. The teeth can be used to signify a sergeant in a squad on a shoulder pad with the arrow underneath it. Same goes for the termies. The termie sergeant could have the teeth and skull underneath on a shoulder.


The great part about playing the sharks is you don't have to mark out what each battle brother is but there are enough, different decals to make one set for each type of marine to set them apart.

Take a look at mine on my sig for examples. I will have a tactical squad and scouts painted up soon and I plan on using decal sets for specific unit types



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