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Chaplain or Librarian or Priest for Bike squad?


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I'm building a medium sized Bike Squad out of 6 DV bikes I have; I'm considering 5 normal Bikers with 2 Plasmaguns and 1 Plasma Pistol.. I'm not sure what to add to this..


A Chaplain with Power Fist?

A Librarian?

A Sanguinary Priest with Plasma Pistol?


What say you B&C?

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(Don't have 7th ed rule book, going on knowledge that 7th is similar to 6th)


If you can only have one, go with the Sang Priest. I find that T5 combined with FNP helps keep the squad alive.


I see your running plasma, are you trying to kill off high armor infantry? I prefer meltas on my bikes

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Ive run bikers with a SP on bike. REALLY resiliant but the guys perform quite badly in an assault, on the account that they only have 1 attack each. dry.png So long as you keep that in mind and use them as either a gun platform or a tarpit they should perform fine. They work incredibly well against S3 enemies because...well...they can almost not touch them biggrin.png S4 enemies also struggle on the account that theyre wounded on 5's....and with a 3+ save and 5+ FnP can be a chore to drag down.

That said, I think only the priest adds anything to a bike squad really. A liby COULD work if hes your only mandatory HQ model and you dont want one supporting other units (like jump capable units) bikes (or jump packs) add good mobility so your HQ is quite easy to bring to the spot where you want him. A chaplain (or reclusiarch) could work also work I guess, but like I said.... The unit itself lacks a punch in combat and are rather pricey to be used as such..

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When I get round to it, I will have a Priest and an IC. So, make the Priest first imo.


Also, with the changes to the Jink USR it might be worth giving your sergeant a Power Weapon (Lance?) instead. This will then, arguably, help you decide what is the better IC to take going forward.

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