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force weapons and wounds carried over


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Ok so I have the new book and it all seems to have been digested well by my senile brain. But I want a consensus.


If an activated force weapon grants ID do the wounds carry over?

An extreme example is will my Librarian with iron arm and force kill 3 carnifex if he makes the rolls?


Thank you in advance any interpretation of the force rules welcome on this topic by the way.

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I don't know about killing three Carnifex, but the wounds from the weapon will maintain the characteristics of the weapon when they carry over from a challenge.

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I would say that 3 Instant Death wounds carry over. If he's fighting a Carnifex Brood, then yes, if he's fighting against a Captain in a Command squad, he kills the captain and 2 command veterans for a total of 5 wounds.

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Thank you for your answers.

Just finished my first game in 7th and we both agreed ID applied from force carries over. Good game all in all, lots of checking the new rulebook but still fun and seems to play very well.

The psychic phase is awesome.

I did lose though (just)...

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