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A quick overview of USRs that have changed


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Not sure if this entirely the right place for this, but I figured I would post this.  In an effort to familiarize myself with the differences of 6th USRs to 7th, I made this little cheat sheet.  Not typing out entire rules of course, but this is just a quick reference to see what's changed and how drastically.  I've gone through the full USR section of both books to compare.  MOST changes come in the form of language, usually being more descriptive to convey that RAI to be RAW for real now.  Others are subtle however, and will require a further look on the reader's part.  If this sort of posting isn't allowed, feel free to lock it down (other than the actual titles of the rules, nothing is being posted verbatim, so I figured it's ok?)


  • Acute Senses - Same
  • Adamantium Will - Same
  • And They Shall Know No Fear - CHANGED (nerf)
  • Assault Vehicle - Same w/ Clarification
  • Armourbane - Same w/ Clarification
  • Blast - Same w/ Apoc Rules Added
  • Barrage - Changed w/ Apoc Rules Added
  • Blind - Changed
  • Brotherhood of Psykers/Sorcerers - Changed
  • Bulky - Same
  • Concussive - Same
  • Counter-Attack - Changed
  • Crusader - Same
  • Daemon - Same
  • Destroyer Weapons - NEW
  • Deep Strike - Changed Slightly and Clarification (vehicles are now Combat Speed)
  • Eternal Warrior - Same w/ Clarification
  • Fear - Same
  • Fearless - Same W/ Clarification
  • Feel No Pain - Same w/ Clarification
  • Fleet - Same
  • Fleshbane - Same
  • Force - Changed with Psychic Phase
  • Furious Charge - Same
  • Gets Hot - Same w/ Clarification
  • Gravitron - Added, looks to be same as codex (nothing looks to clarify the whole "what if you are already immobilized" thing)
  • Hammer of Wrath - Same w/ Clarification
  • Hatred - Same w/ Clarification
  • Haywire - Same
  • Hit and Run - Same
  • Ignore Cover - Same [Angry Face]
  • Independent Characters - Same w/ Clarification about Infiltrate
  • Infiltrate - Same w/ Clarification, also includes Outflank in the actual rule (no need to thumb from page to page)
  • Instant Death - Same W/ Clarification
  • Interceptor - Changed
  • It Will Not Die - Same
  • Jink - CHANGED
  • Lance - Same
  • Master-Crafted - Same
  • Mighty Bulwark - Added
  • Melta - Same w/ Clarification for Blast/Melta combo
  • Missile Lock - Same w/ Additional Rule
  • Monster Hunter - Same
  • Move Through Cover - Changed
  • Night Vision - Same
  • One Use/Shot Only - Added
  • Outflank - Same
  • Pinning - Same
  • Poisoned - Same
  • Power of the Machine Spirit - Same
  • Precision Shots/Strikes - Added as a USR
  • Preferred Enemy - Same
  • Psychic Pilot - Changed with Psychic Phase
  • Psyker - Changed with Psychic Phase
  • Rage - Same
  • Rampage - Changed
  • Relentless - Same
  • Rending - Changed (slightly vs vehicles)
  • Repel the Enemy - Added
  • Scout - Same w/ Clarification (about charging in first game turn)
  • Sentry Defence System - Added
  • Shred - Same
  • Shrouded - Same
  • Skilled Rider - Same
  • Skyfire - Changed
  • Slow and Purposeful - Same
  • Smash - Changed
  • Soul Blaze - Changed
  • Specialist Weapon - Same with Clarification
  • Split Fire - Changed
  • Stealth - Same
  • Strafing Run - Changed (no pinning)
  • Strikedown - Changed
  • Stubborn - Same
  • Supersonic - Changed (Can hover?)
  • Swarms - Same w/ Clarifications
  • Tank Hunters - Same
  • Template Weapons - Added in USR section (new rule about open topped transports?)
  • Torrent - Same
  • Twin Linked - Same
  • Two-Handed - Same (zzzzZZzzz)
  • Unwieldy - Same
  • Vector Dancer - Same
  • Vector Strike - CHANGED
  • Vortex - Added (funny rule)
  • Zealot  - Same but with Language change (dupes full Fearless/Hatred rules into entry)
  On 5/28/2014 at 5:03 PM, Fibonacci said:

I have the digital version and Bulky is still in the USR section. It also contains Very Bulky and Extremely Bulky rules.


Good catch, I edited it.  I wasn't looking at the little side bar when I flipped the page on the hard copy.

  On 5/28/2014 at 8:36 PM, Raeven said:

Graviton weapons debates are covered in the rules sections specific to each debate. The answer is vehicles get cover saves and multiple immobilized results take off more hull points.

Still only if it's already Immobilized. However, a single unit can actually cause an "already", now, if they can Immobilize it with another weapon first, unlike before.

Snipers still get rending, it's just not stated that they get the USR Rending. It's instead duplicated in the rule itself. 

  On 5/29/2014 at 4:43 PM, The Librarian said:

Could anyone find a rule about missiles in the book? Or is the limit of two per flyer per turn gone?


It's gone. As is the lame terrain set up business from 6th. (Let's spend another half an hour setting up the table! YAY! :lol:)


  On 5/29/2014 at 4:48 PM, Acebaur said:

Snipers still get rending, it's just not stated that they get the USR Rending. It's instead duplicated in the rule itself.

It's not rending, because it has no effect on vehicles.

  On 5/29/2014 at 4:48 PM, Acebaur said:

Snipers still get rending, it's just not stated that they get the USR Rending. It's instead duplicated in the rule itself.

  On 5/29/2014 at 4:43 PM, The Librarian said:

Could anyone find a rule about missiles in the book? Or is the limit of two per flyer per turn gone?

It's gone. As is the lame terrain set up business from 6th. (Let's spend another half an hour setting up the table! YAY! laugh.png)

It's not entirely duped. While the to-wound roll of 6 is AP2 as Rending is, they no longer add D3 for an armor pen.

  On 5/29/2014 at 1:51 AM, Raeven said:

I don't know Kristoff. Still reads a lot into the rules that isn't suggested.

I'm just saying how it is written. Immobilized doesn't translate in to extra Hull Points unless it is already Immobilized. What qualifies as "already" is what has been questioned.


Shooting Attacks are now separated by weapon instead of unit, so that changes how the rules interact as well.

  On 5/29/2014 at 5:06 PM, Kristoff said:


I'm just saying how it is written. Immobilized doesn't translate in to extra Hull Points unless it is already Immobilized. What qualifies as "already" is what has been questioned.


Shooting Attacks are now separated by weapon instead of unit, so that changes how the rules interact as well.


But what do you have to support the idea that already means a completely different shooting attack or different weapon?  


If you get three of the same result, once you apply the result the second time you've "already" gotten the result once before.

  On 5/29/2014 at 7:40 PM, Raeven said:


  On 5/29/2014 at 5:06 PM, Kristoff said:



I'm just saying how it is written. Immobilized doesn't translate in to extra Hull Points unless it is already Immobilized. What qualifies as "already" is what has been questioned.


Shooting Attacks are now separated by weapon instead of unit, so that changes how the rules interact as well.


But what do you have to support the idea that already means a completely different shooting attack or different weapon?


If you get three of the same result, once you apply the result the second time you've "already" gotten the result once before.

Except that all shooting from a unit's weapon set fire at the same time. That much is still in there. That is why it doesn't matter if it is Fast Rolled, or sequential, it all happens to a lone Vehicle at the same time.


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