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The Moss Marine

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*Reposting due to crash*


This is an idea I've had for a while, since reading George Mann's Ghosts of Manhattan. He basically had animated "moss men" in trench coats, and something clicked in me which said "grassy space marines".


The result was surprisingly close to my initial concept, which is always a nice surprise. 









The model is on a 2p coin. My hope is that when it's placed on a grass table it'll look like it's coming out of the table, rather than being a model on it. 

Some WIPS. As you can see the initial greenstuffing was very rough









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Interesting. Is the idea that it's a Marine covered in camo (a ghillie suit taken to extremes)? Because at the moment I get more of an Ork covered in moss vibe from it, chiefly because the gun is blocky and un-bolter like and the blade is a huge cleaver (both Orkoid traits).


I can see this being a cool concept for a squad or two, interesting to see you take it further.

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The cleaver and blocky riveted armour plates make me think Ork Blood Axe Commando in extreme ghillie suit.


I have a nurgle chaos marine army based on the concept of a chapter corrupted via its apothecarion and basically every squad champion is a crazy apothecary and his squad are his test subjects. I like the theme of a plant matter/marine hybrid.


I think you may need to start with an actual marine model or if you are on a budget chop up a marine model and spread his parts through about three of your grass marines so that you have a helm showing here, a gauntlet there, just to give the viewer an idea of what is under there without having to tell them.

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My first thought was of a space marine golem. I think it's a very cool idea and maybe could be used in conjunction with a Nurgle sorcerer maybe...maybe summoning a walking army...could also be zombie "counts as".


All in all, a very cool idea actually...hmm...this gives me something to think about for another  project. :)

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