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Word Bearer Ideas/Input

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Long ago, before papa Nurgle had a death grip on my hobby time, I built and played a WordBearer force.  Loved that army.  Played it with loads of summoned Daemons.  Was in the time of drop a heavy, elite, and FA slot to get more troops and I played 9 Troops slots like it was cool. 


As is usually the case I eventually sold the force to move on to something else.  I have been feeling the pull of the force for some time now and think i might just go back to it.  Will be more of a for fun thing as I play very seldom nowdays.  The idea would be to use A chosen heavy force with a lot of Cultists and Summoned Daemons.  Sort of a splinter of a WB force that has taken up on a planet and is in the process of fueling an uprising.  In terms of game play maybe not the most effective force but I have always been a fluff over function kind of player anyway.


The question is should I go with a Dark Apostle leading 10-18 Chosen (The DV set has some very cool ones in there and I could do some pretty nice things with that lot of figs) Or perhaps a Terminator heavy force with the Cultists and Daemons taking the troops slots?


ideas or input appreciated before I take it to my friendly trading site and fleabay to start the force.


Right now I have 


20-30 Cultists Looking for a force to follow

More Daemons than you can shake a summoning circle at with all forces repped except everyone's favorite Leather clad painboy.  I play mono Nurgle and have around 70 PBs painted, own around 60 Bloodletters, 9 flames, 30 Horrors, 





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So go with a troop heavy list?  I figure that the cultists will be troops and I can summon as well.  have to forgive me I missed 2 editions while real life took over for some time.  I haven't played a game in over 18 months now.


Do you think the terminator/chosen heavy idea could be a fit in the WB army? A coven of chosen so to speak with Cultisits and daemons being the bulk of the force.



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Fit thematically? Absolutely. May or may not be iffy on the table, depending on the kind of lists you run up against, but very in fitting with word bearers fluff, imo.
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Fit thematically? Absolutely. May or may not be iffy on the table, depending on the kind of lists you run up against, but very in fitting with word bearers fluff, imo.


Thanks that was what I was thinking but been out of the loop for some time now.  Looking to grab a Terminator Lord, 5 Terminators,12 more chosen(putting me at 18) and 20 more cultists through trades and ebay scores.  Should put me where I want to be then just need to start the process.  Well after I paint the rest of vow one that is.



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Id do the same army but this time take psychers and summon those daemons for free


Summoning sucks, though. 


Well, maybe not "sucks", but it's nowhere near as good as everyone is making it out to be. IMO. You're practically guaranteed a Peril if you use enough dice to be reasonably confident it will go off (6D6 for a not quite two-thirds chance it goes off, 5D6 for a 50% chance it goes off). Trading 50% of your Sorceror's wounds for ten daemons is ok, but not game-breaking.


Turning 50pt Primaris Psykers into Bloodthirsters might be game-breaking... 

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Forget a Dark Apostle, my Word Bearers never go to war without my Khârn-counts-as Coryphaeus.

Now, before anyone has a stroke because of the fluff violation, I rationalize marks (in my Word Bearers host anyways) as less a devotional symbol to one god in particular, and more use it to represent the character or traits of units in question. I imagine the Coryphaeus, as right hand man to a powerful Dark Apostle lord, would have a fiery temperament, often waxing a little bit insane(ly devoted that is). I feel that Khârn's rule set perfectly portrays this type of character, and that Khorne-marked CC marines or even Berzerkers, perfectly represent a band of uber-devoted chaos nutso's rushing the Unbeliever's lines.



Thought id include a pic of my dear Coryphaeus, Razakel the Confessor, both 'cuz i love my mini, and so i can give a proper shoutout to Razakel, who's FABULOUS Word Bearers have proven a true inspiration to myself, and other Bearer's of the Word.



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Id do the same army but this time take psychers and summon those daemons for free

Summoning sucks, though.


Well, maybe not "sucks", but it's nowhere near as good as everyone is making it out to be. IMO. You're practically guaranteed a Peril if you use enough dice to be reasonably confident it will go off (6D6 for a not quite two-thirds chance it goes off, 5D6 for a 50% chance it goes off). Trading 50% of your Sorceror's wounds for ten daemons is ok, but not game-breaking.


Turning 50pt Primaris Psykers into Bloodthirsters might be game-breaking...

There's a little item in the Crimson Slaughter Codex which gives the HQ with it the Daemon rule. Yes, they can only join Possessed but guess what...summoning with perils on a double 6. Or you could take a Daemon Prince for summoning.

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For my Word Bearers army I run something like this


Dark Apostle

Chaos Sorc


Dread + cultists

Dread + cultists








Mauler Fiend



basicaly everything in the army but the marines and the cultists are daemonic in some way. I think that works nicely with the theme of daemon using/worshiping Word Bearers.


If i want to use daemons i generaly go for a couple of heralds of tzeentch and a squad of pink horrors that summon in a squad of daemons a turn.

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Forget a Dark Apostle, my Word Bearers never go to war without my Khârn-counts-as Coryphaeus.


Now, before anyone has a stroke because of the fluff violation, I rationalize marks (in my Word Bearers host anyways) as less a devotional symbol to one god in particular, and more use it to represent the character or traits of units in question. I imagine the Coryphaeus, as right hand man to a powerful Dark Apostle lord, would have a fiery temperament, often waxing a little bit insane(ly devoted that is). I feel that Khârn's rule set perfectly portrays this type of character, and that Khorne-marked CC marines or even Berzerkers, perfectly represent a band of uber-devoted chaos nutso's rushing the Unbeliever's lines.



Thought id include a pic of my dear Coryphaeus, Razakel the Confessor, both 'cuz i love my mini, and so i can give a proper shoutout to Razakel, who's FABULOUS Word Bearers have proven a true inspiration to myself, and other Bearer's of the Word.




Btw, that link has been immensely helpful to me in starting a small WB force.

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For my Word Bearers army I run something like this


Dark Apostle

Chaos Sorc


Dread + cultists

Dread + cultists








Mauler Fiend



basicaly everything in the army but the marines and the cultists are daemonic in some way. I think that works nicely with the theme of daemon using/worshiping Word Bearers.


If i want to use daemons i generaly go for a couple of heralds of tzeentch and a squad of pink horrors that summon in a squad of daemons a turn.


That is a nice force.  In fact I have a lot of what is needed for the force as well.  Well none of the last 3 choices but still.  


Will be looking into this more.  Conflicted though as while digging around for bits and bobs I came across a pretty large Thousand force I was working on and packed away.  Not sure if I will work toward them first or not.  In the meantime I will be working on the Chosen for WB and should have some progress shortly.  



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