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Clearly Slaanesh has taken the jam out of your doughnut this morning.

It's more likely Slaanesh filled his previously-plain doughnuts with his own special "jam," I mean, (s)he is a freak after all...
But...I never had any doughnuts :cry: (and I'm a he. I've not been blessed in that way yet).
I was referring to Slaanesh, although I'm sure shim will bless you that way soon enough, seeing as your his biggest devotee on BnC :P


You gotta be careful with Chaos doughnuts... Still better then Imperial doughnuts though, I once broke a tooth biting into one Ursarkar Creed made for me, damned if I know how he got that Baneblade inside...

That's what she said! Oooo!
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The only time I feel like the Chaos codex is censored.gif is when I'm playing against my friend's Iyanden army with lots of Wraith (2-3 Wraith Guard, 1-2 Wraith Lords, 1 Wraith Knight + avatar). And really the only reason is that I'm having to kill the Champion so that my unit has a chance to kill the (character) monstrous creatures.

Against...any other marines I've fought and tyranids? They do pretty good. Jeske and others have told me I'd be better off playing Space Wolves or some other loyalist faction-but the guys let me use proper Drop Pods for my CSMs, so that enables me to use Helbrutes. We also have a Club Rule Cyclone Missile Launchers only fire 1 missile (but it's twinlinked) and the one on the Dreds are 2 shots.

If I were to do my Chaos Army over again...I'd paint them up as the Chosen of Nemeroth from the Space Marine game. I thought that was a really cool color scheme.

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