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Proposed Template re; BA FAQ

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*This stage will be to simply list all teh questions, we can then open it up to teh way they should be phrased so that we get a proper answer.*


So the FAQ has hit and there are quite a few questions about it, i started this thread just to get the communities ideas about the most pressing ones. Hopefully by the end of it, we will have a template to send to BL en masse and get a reply. Ill update this constantly with the contributions as well as any ideas for rewording the questions!

Im also aware the new codex should land pretty soon and not everyone is going to want to contribute, and that's cool too.


*Thanks for the tip Morticaon, any other rewording just let us know!


1.  BA Rhino-based vehicles pay an additional 15points for "Lucius Engines" (granting them the FAST rule). The recent FAQ seems to remove the FAST ability but has not adjusted for the additional 15 points all these units pay. Is this an oversight? 


2. Does Biomancy affect a Furioso Librarians Dreadnought's AV value?


3. Can Life Leech regenerate hull points for Dreadnoughts/vehicles?


4. Endurance: Can a dreadnought/vehicle get Feel no Pain? 


5. How does Eternal Warrior work on a dreadnought/vehicle?

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They have a habit of answering these questions in a YES/NO manner. 


As a result, I would phrase it as follows:


1.  BA Rhino-based vehicles pay an additional 15points for "Lucius Engines" (granting them the FAST rule). The recent FAQ seems to remove the FAST ability but has not adjusted for the additional 15 points all these units pay. Is this an oversight? 

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Great initiative! I think the number of questions should be fairly limited, however. Too many questions and they might not answer any at all.


In my opinion, the question as formulated by Morticon regarding the fast-status of our vehicles would be enough and I think the question is well formulated. One risk is that they might misunderstand Rhino-based to mean only the actual Rhino, resulting in an answer like "yes, the Rhino is still fast". I think a better choice would be listing all the vehicles like Rhinos, Razorbacks, Vindicators etc. that has been fast in the past.

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So, we dont need the biomancy question anymore?


Perhaps well aim for the top 7 most pressing questions, depending on what people think of the list.


A few members of other forums are interested in there own letters (others like GK obviously not so much), so we should move quick to be the premier chapter like we know we are.


Remember we will edit the questions once we figure out which ones to send.

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PROPOSED QUESTIONS1.  BA Rhino-based vehicles pay an additional 15points for "Lucius Engines" (granting them the FAST rule). The recent FAQ seems to remove the FAST ability but has not adjusted for the additional 15 points all these units pay. Is this an oversight? 


2. Does Biomancy affect a Furioso Librarians Dreadnought's AV value?


3. Can Life Leech regenerate hull points for Dreadnoughts/vehicles?


4. Endurance: Can a dreadnought/vehicle get Feel no Pain? 


5. How does Eternal Warrior work on a dreadnought/vehicle?

I don't think you should include point 2, 3, 4 and 5. The way I see it, these are not really related to the BA FAQ per se. The rulebook dictates the effects of the powers and it just so happen to be that BA has the only (or are there any more?) dread/vehicle that can cast psychic powers.


I would like to be able to increase the armour value, regenerate hull points and/or being able to get IWND as much as any BA player would, but I doubt that was intended when designing the psychic powers. To me it looks like wish-listing (No offence!).


If the above questions would get an answer, they would like appear in an errata to the rulebook rather than to the BA codex. I hope you can understand my reasoning :)


Reading the FAQ, the only question I really have is the status of our (supposed-to-be) fast vehicles.

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Better question-- May a Furioso Librarian re-roll psychic powers that don't properly affect him, i.e., Iron Arm?


Also, if Death Company in a Battle-Forged Army (with Objective Secured because of being a Troops unit) are on an objective, can the objective be contested by a unit without Objective Secured, even though the Death Company do not score?


Is any dedicated transport for DC affected by their rule that the Death Company is never a scoring unit?

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Re: Biomancy Dread, it would get boosts to the values it has (such as strength), and effects like It Will Not Die, but wouldn't get anything like Toughness boosts (no toughness value) or Feel No Pain as it has no wounds. To be completely honest, it's not a big deal - all you miss out on is +3 toughness from Iron Arm should you happen to roll it, and it nets you a S9 force weapon. Endurance would be useless if cast on the Furioso itself, but it has a 24" bubble and frankly, if the furioso is more than 24" away from the rest of your army I'm going to go ahead and suggest that you're probably doing it wrong...

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I just sent an email this morning regarding DC and scoring.  Everything scores in this edition, so my question was Do DC count as scoring now,  but do not benefit from 'objective secured'?

I played it last night as that and my opponent had no problem with it.

Better question-- May a Furioso Librarian re-roll psychic powers that don't properly affect him, i.e., Iron Arm?


Also, if Death Company in a Battle-Forged Army (with Objective Secured because of being a Troops unit) are on an objective, can the objective be contested by a unit without Objective Secured, even though the Death Company do not score?


Is any dedicated transport for DC affected by their rule that the Death Company is never a scoring unit?

Beat me to it.  I sent an email to them this morning about it.

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Better question-- May a Furioso Librarian re-roll psychic powers that don't properly affect him, i.e., Iron Arm?


Do other models get to reroll powers that are unsuitable for them? And Iron arm does properly affect him, he gets +3 S.


Also, if Death Company in a Battle-Forged Army (with Objective Secured because of being a Troops unit) are on an objective, can the objective be contested by a unit without Objective Secured, even though the Death Company do not score?

I cant remember the wording of the rule, but DC have a rule that says they are a non scoring unit so do not get a benefit from the 'objective secured' rule. Yes, a scoring unit without objective secured takes precedence over a non-scoring DC unit.


Is any dedicated transport for DC affected by their rule that the Death Company is never a scoring unit?


Does putting the DC into that transport pass the rule onto that transport?

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