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Manifesting Psychic powers

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the rhino's can cast powers as well...didnt think the amount of warp charge added to the amount of powers you could cast


just means you can distribute them across more powers...the rhino doesnt ALWAYS have to cast a power

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in essence its the psychic strength of the units around him...he MAY draw some extra power from psykers around him...similarly those around him can lend their strength when he most needs to cast said power


its all psychic...they can talk to each other...why not lending power?


i guess that is because it has always been that way...and now with the new rules i dont think GW intended that part to change...it sure SEEMS like it should be the same...but nothing in the rules restrict anyone from casting all the powers at their disposal...


"the amount of powers a psyker can cast depends on their Psychic Mastery Level" - sure sounds like it should be PML1's can cast 1 power...they just have to choose which power out of their arsenal to cast...


Librarians used to know MANY powers...actually if you payed the points they could know 6/8/10 powers...but the wording was explicit in 6th...it doesnt seem so concrete in 7th

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wow i just found this in the 6th ed rules...


this is the first paragraph on Mastery Levels:

the number of psychic powers a psyker can use each turn depends on his mastery level...EXACT WORDING AS 7TH!!!


sounds like the only thing stopping a psyker from casting more powers though is that he only had as many warp charge as he could manifest and now with the warp charge pool it makes it possible to cast many powers so long as you have the warp charge...interesting...seems my Purifiers can do exactly what i stated in the post above...

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It amuses me that this sort of "power piling" was one reason WHFB once had a rule that a wizard could only use his own power dice and not those of other wizards. All to stop those level 2 mooks powering that level 4 Wizard Death Machine.


And look at us now...


Seems GW never learns.

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Posted · Hidden by Dam13n, July 8, 2014 - Not relevant to the discussion
Hidden by Dam13n, July 8, 2014 - Not relevant to the discussion

Well, here I am reading the new D&D rules.


And what do I see?




Specific Beats General


Remember this: If a specific rules contradicts a general rules, the specific rule wins


Wizards can do it, why can't you GW?

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Posted · Hidden by Dam13n, July 8, 2014 - Response to an unnecessary post
Hidden by Dam13n, July 8, 2014 - Response to an unnecessary post

Well, here I am reading the new D&D rules.


And what do I see?




Specific Beats General


Remember this: If a specific rules contradicts a general rules, the specific rule wins


Wizards can do it, why can't you GW?


What I wouldn't give for a few Wizards rules writers to jump ship to GW and show them how to write a decent, tight, balanced set of well-worded, unambiguous rules. And how much better that is for everyone than 'roll a D6 for it'.

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well that is true...but answer me this...do fantasy wizards get more powers than they would mastery levels? and if so can they use them all or up to their PML only?

Once upon a time (when this was an issue still to be corrected) they had 1 spell per level, but could spam them. In some cases, this was rather iffy to face, especially when you were faced with a small horde of power dice. My memory is a little hazy, but two offenders were Vampire Counts and Lizardmen (and High Elves, but everyone thinks they're OP anyway).

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well that is true...but answer me this...do fantasy wizards get more powers than they would mastery levels? and if so can they use them all or up to their PML only?

No. Fantasy wizards that are level 3 get 3 spells, and that's that. The only difference are those with "Loremaster", which get all 7 spells from their chosen lore. They may cast each and every one of them (as long as there's dice), because there is no stupid limiting phrase like "may cast a number of spells equal to their wizard level."


Frankly, if they'd just made the two phases exactly the same there wouldn't be this issue.

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  • 1 month later...

New to this topic, had a quick read, but has anyone mentioned the last paragraph on the left hand side of page 22?


Without quoting, it says that if you have dice left you can attempt another power with the same unit, or pick another, you can bounce backwards and forwards if you want and still have dice left. The only restriction is you cant attempt the same power twice with the same unit.


It does not mention if the attempt is successful or not, it just says attempt. All powers start with an attempt.


I keep going with the psyker I want until the attempts run out or the dice run out.

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