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Traits questions


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So I have some questions regarding some of the Warlord traits.


Master of Ambush

So with this one, if I grant Infiltrate to a crusader squad who has a LRC as a dedicated transport. Can I then infiltrate them in the LRC as per the Infiltrate rules?  The only reason I ask is because it says non-vehicle untis.  I'm assuming it's trying to prevent you from infiltrating say a vindicator or something.  Also this seems like it could work because the LRC isn't being granted infiltrate by the Trait but rather by the infiltrate rule itself.



Princeps of Deceit

Can this be used to make something like a FMC take a pinning test that is in Swoop mode?



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So I have some questions regarding some of the Warlord traits.


Master of Ambush

So with this one, if I grant Infiltrate to a crusader squad who has a LRC as a dedicated transport. Can I then infiltrate them in the LRC as per the Infiltrate rules?  The only reason I ask is because it says non-vehicle untis.  I'm assuming it's trying to prevent you from infiltrating say a vindicator or something.  Also this seems like it could work because the LRC isn't being granted infiltrate by the Trait but rather by the infiltrate rule itself.

I would say yes, for exactly the same reason you described. The Crusader Squad is Infiltrating the LRC, not the Trait.

Infiltrate! We love you and the discussions you create!


Infiltrate states that a unit with infiltrate USR that deploys inside a dedicated transport then you can infiltrate or outflank while said unit is embarked.


While MCs don't "auto pass" a pinning test via a rule like Fearless the result would have no affect.  Their rules state they can never Go to Ground, voluntarily or otherwise (so I would imagine that this falls under the "otherwise") (p.67)


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