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Dante... Bringing shinny back?


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So with the advent of the psychic phase I have found that mephiston cannot reliably get powers off like he used to. This has made me consider other options for my HQ slots in games.


Mostly Dante has caught my eye but my question to you is what kind of squad do you put him in, the honor guard is tempting but small. Would love to get the communities thoughts on this.


Otherwise I will be giving Astorath a go more regularly.

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Until the new codex comes out, at least, I would go with a generic HQ to be honest.  Dante isn't any better now than he was in 6th, its just that Mephiston got worse so Dante appears to be better.  Corbulo is still a solid choice, and if you want to run a sternguard list Tycho can be used, but for the most part the generic HQs will give you the best bang for your buck right now IMO.


EDIT:  Mephiston might become pretty beastly again depending on what we see in our unique psychic discipline, but he's overpriced right now regardless.  We'll just have to wait and see.

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I'd run someone generic. And tbh I'd probably consider taking an ally if I was in the shoes of the blood angels. Your really against a stacked deck right now and it would be a nice boon. Sm's, gk's, am, or da would all be on the menu.sob might be okay too


I bought the C:SM codex with the intention of running a generic space marine army in place of Blood Angels.  I haven't been able to do it yet, though ... By the Blood of Sanguinius!

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if we get cheesy and join other ic's to meph in a transport he could be pretty beastly, with coteaz and a chapter master running out of a stormraven you could ruin someones day :) 3+ invun versus T6 or 9 if you manage to get iron arm off. Just be prepared to get called some horrible names.

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i used Dante in my last game to bring an assault squad with 2 melta guns and a gun-slinging infernus pistol sargent, with Dantes pistol too that 5 melta shots but also comes in at 465pts, its not to bad of a squad as Dante can tank a bit for the marines with his 2+ Armour and can be made a bit better by adding a priest or dropping them close enough to one to get the FNP


Though i was going to be facing a knight, and as far as i know he can't use the shield to cover his rear, my opponent never did bring the knight so the sqaud dropped in an took 5 melta shots at terminators, i missed and 1 saved on invul. so killed 3


I actually used my sang guard too but my opponents list was unbound, fluffy and terrible, he conceded turn 3, having only killed a drop pod and all the sang guard got to do was shoot once then move towards another unit



Dante has a very nice no scatter deep strike but i do think he costs too many points, but i think he will be finding a way into my lists for a little while

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I think using Dante has some merit. Not just because Mephistons has been nerfed either.


It's a new version and the meta is going to be changing. With the increase in vehicle toughness and scoring transports/vehicles there will be alot of people at least trying Mech armies out in the short term. I suspect this will continue long into 7th but only time will tell.


I think Dante and his precision deep strike is going to have its merits along with plenty melta.


Let's not forget his enemy hq nerf before the game starts! I know striking at i1 sucks but he still has his uses and can still beet up most enemy hqs

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Problem with meph is his lack of invul. Las / plas and rending weapons have high enough strength to wound him easily and in cc he's a magnet for dudes with 2+ save and hammers etc. I just found he goes down way too quickly. Would rather take a death blender to munch through MEQ.
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