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Company of Sotek

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I'm starting a new renegade army the Company of Sotek.


It will be led by a Tzeentchian sorcerer who turned a squad of Black Templars. They travel "liberating" imperial convicts (cultists). On Hardin 5 while freeing new recruits, the Company was attacked by a squad of Dark Angels. After a short firefight Champion Lothar, defeated the Dark Angel sergeant and took his head. Sotek cast a spell on the remaining Angels and "opened" their eyes.


As the company traveled to Belor's Reach, they intercepted, and boarded an Ultramarine frigate. Many of the recruits were killed during the battle. As the Ultramarines began cutting through the recruits Champion Franz was able to ambush the Ultra sergeant and kill him. At that moment Sotek was again able to add to his followers.


Five years later the Company raided the imperial prison on Davin III. As the new recruits were embarking on their lander, two Space Wolf rhinos attacked. The first rhino was destroyed by a lucky shot from the lander, which killed all of the wolf guard but Sven Skarrsgard who was leading the blood claws in the last rhino. Champion Rolf faced the wolves alone and howled a challenge. Sven charged out of the rhino and attacked the fallen Templar. The battle between the two lasted for an hour with the blood claws howling encouragement to their leader. Sven over corrected and Rolf took advantage and took the wolves head. The blood claws were in mid leap as Sotek added to the Company. Not wanting to waste material Sotek reanimated the wolf guard and uses them as his chosen.


I'll be adding pics as soon as I get them painted.

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Please take this as the constructive criticism that it is intended as, don't want to spit on the effort you've madeunsure.png .

But how and why does the sorcerer's infallible 'turn the loyalist Astartes' power only work why the sergeant is dead? Also some of the scales involved seem entirely off to me. Too many cases of being only engaged by a single squad at time. Why were there only 2 rhinos worth of wolves? Why only a single Ultramarine frigate? Where was the rest of the Templars' crusade? You may want to start with an established renegade group, or at least give the sorcerer some turncoats from his original chapter to provide some believable muscle in the beginning. Ypu amy also want to flesh out the 'turn you to chaos' and necromancy psychic powers so they seem a bit less 'magic win button'.

Again, don't want to disparage your creative effort, but these were my thoughts on reading your post, yours to accept or ignore as you see fitmsn-wink.gif .

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  • 2 weeks later...

Please take this as the constructive criticism that it is intended as, don't want to spit on the effort you've made:unsure:  .


But how and why does the sorcerer's infallible 'turn the loyalist Astartes' power only work why the sergeant is dead? Also some of the scales involved seem entirely off to me. Too many cases of being only engaged by a single squad at time. Why were there only 2 rhinos worth of wolves? Why only a single Ultramarine frigate? Where was the rest of the Templars' crusade? You may want to start with an established renegade group, or at least give the sorcerer some turncoats from his original chapter to provide some believable muscle in the beginning. Ypu amy also want to flesh out the 'turn you to chaos' and necromancy psychic powers so they seem a bit less 'magic win button'.


Again, don't want to disparage your creative effort, but these were my thoughts on reading your post, yours to accept or ignore as you see fit;) .

Your right, I didn't get it all written but it's all in my head. Sotek does have several coven members who have animated obelisks (1000k sons counts as, and mauler fiends/necrosphynxs). The dead sergeants act as a blood sacrifice for sotek and his coven to turn the rest. In the background for marines there are lots of references to single squads being deployed to war zones.


I'll post pics off Sotek, coven, 1k sons, mauler fiend later. As it is I'm having painters block on my fallen wolf detachment.

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