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Tactical Strike Rules Question


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So my game group and I are entering the wonderful world of 30k. We are building up our lists slowly so we are starting out with a Tactical Strike Campaign. I was planning on running a White Scars Moritat and some Destroyers. However, having looked over the rules I am a little concerned that the Moritat may break the format. Does anyone have any experience on this and if he does break it, any suggestions on some simple fixes to balance him out?
Thanks for any advice.

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I'd recommend just trying him out. Have it so he can't join any ad-hoc units that include non-Destroyer units. Keep it to a couple of bolt pistols at first perhaps.  Also, the ad-hoc units would probably not that big so there's a limit to what he can kill.  If he's going to be your Hero I think he would be a pretty awesome, definitely pick the Dishonoured consequence with Unfailing skill for his Redemption.  A dark killer that is shunned by his men (maybe rumours of him wavering, he is a Scar) but he wins them round by riddling Traitors' heads with bullets :)


I'm also looking at trying out the Tactical Strike rules but haven't played at all so far.  

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