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Ruins and Buildings...sigh


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So, to put it bluntly, all the detailed and awesome building and ruins rules are GONE. furious.gif

That means no Leaping Down. cry.gif

But it also means zero limitations and zero help on resolving the following:

1. With no limitations, vehicles/tanks/cav/etc can now go up on every floor of a ruin (or be on top of a building).

2. With no guidance, a blast marker that hits the top floor (or any floor) now hits all the models on every floor beneath it (and above it).

3. When a building is detonated, models on battlements must make a 6" move to get off. Is this measured in a strictly horizontal fashion, or at an angle? If the former, if you're in the middle of a 13" x 13" building you die, yes? If the latter, then units on top of the tower for the Fortress of Redemption always die, yes? Heck, just being 1-2" away from the edge on the other sections means you'd die too, because of how much they jut out.

4. Can a unit climb up walls of buildings to get onto the battlement, provided they have enough movement for it? Page 21 seems to say so.

They could just say "use the building rules in Stronghold Assault." No, they had to say "Please ignore the building rules and refer instead to the Buildings section of Warhammer 40,000: The Rules." Considering the distinctly MASSIVE lack of actual rules there...ugh. dry.png

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There is a lot that could be desired from the new FAQs. Perhaps this is a case of further oversights? I'd throw Gamefaqs@gwplc.com an email, because from your points I'm getting the feeling someone wasn't thinking when they wrote the Stronghold Assault FAQ.
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