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Aridene's Thousands Sons WIP


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Hello everyone. I am currently painting a Thousands Sons for ETL . I need a bit of help with choosing the right blue for them and if a white or black primer. I have the entire GW paint line and will not be buying any other paints.  What do you guys suggest?

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Hi there,


My personal taste for the TS would be a bright turquoise blue. At least that´s how I plan to paint mine.  

Depending on how bright you want them you´ll have to chose between a white or black primer.

Black primer will save you time on the metallic parts of the armor but, for me, it hides the details and limits the visibility of the mini I´m painting.

If you have an airbrush you could save time by priming in blue and detailing in turquoise. 

I never tried the GW blue paint bomb maybe you could prime with that color (after undercoating in white), then a zenith spray of white and a gloss of turquoise. 


More generally, I think what is important is that there are no such thing as the right blue or the official blue.

You should see GW paint reference more as guidelines than restrictions. Same goes for the painter references. 

Here you see lots of painter using their personal favorite shade of the "official" color darker or lighter because they... like it that way.

If for you the ultramarine blue is the TS blue so be it. 

In the end, it´s all about ... YOU having fun while painting them or converting them.

If you are a player and that you have the right strategy an army list,  your opponent will remember " that guy with the lighter or darker or ultramarine blue TS army just kicked my butt!!!" at the end of the day. 

Be yourself !

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Thanks! They're not anywhere close to the awesome levels of painting I've seen other Thousand Sons done but for the level that I can paint at and my need to get models painted to a decent standard quickly it works for me.

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