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An inquiry of mine

Tiberius Cato

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Easy enough I suppose, can't burn someone's eyes out with acid spit and take extra care not to fall out of a battle barge haha.

I think I may try my hand at getting an official IA up and running for these guys, as a means to compile what information I have recieved here and see what I am missing and what needs more development.

It sounds odd, I know. It was a synonym of patient, and it means not easily upset or excited. It would describe the overall demeanour of the chapter in that they are calm and collected and would not jump into the breach without first calmly assessing the situation and determining the best course of action. 

Ah ha! I have you now!


The name would have come before the Chapter had developed a Character, unless there was a re-branding - so to speak - at some point. Thus, name =/= anything about the Chapter (generally).

Just to throw out there:


Grim Wardens - it sounds vaguely cool.

That does sound pretty cool. I'll twist it a little bit and make it more Raven Guard-y and call them the Shadow Wardens.



Better. Much better. The Imperium is all about grim and foreboding nouns - 'Shadow Wardens' certainly seems suitable enough. One question though - are you bothered about a name being unique to your chapter or are you fine with other people having their own style of 'Shadow Wardens'? Now, I'm not saying that there definitely is someone else out there with a chapter called as such but it seems like a name where the possibility is quite distinct.

The Raven Guard are a good choice as well as their gene-seed is so degraded that they face a constant struggle to maintain numbers. Fits with the theme mentioned earlier of the elves' time having passed and them now being a fading race. The gradual decline in numbers and difficulty in replacing those who fall could be a 'slow burn' factor that has shaped your chapter's thinking and character. Hence they're a bit more withdrawn and inwardly focused.


One thing with the wraith-slipping - and it's just a personal opinion. Supernatural powers like that for Marines work so much better when it's hinted at and suggested rather than outright stated as a supernatural power. Phrases like "their mastery of silent movement through forests have evolved to a point that appears to many to be downright magical" are your friend.

Thank you for the suggestion. I stated in the IA I put up a bit ago that they developed stealth skills from their lives as hunters prerecruitment, but feel like it wouldn't quite put them at wraith-slipping. I need to devise a means of having them master body control and have the mental discipline for the act of wraith-slipping.


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