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Challenges Changed in 7th Edition?

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I really suffered through some awful challenges today but managed to win them.. here is the question..

Did challenges change in 7th Edition? Specifically page 103 Outside Forces..


I have a Wolf Lord with a Power First on a TWC and 5 Fenrisian Wolves

A Chaos Marine HQ challenges me

There is another HQ and some other mixed troops that assaulted me or are in melee with me.

I have to accept

Initiative wise they tear through my 5 Fenrisian Wolves and any extra wounds go towards my Wolf Lord who is  in the challenge?

Any clarification would be great thank you!



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You can refuse a challenge, unless your character is the only model in the unit or he has a special rule saying he must accept. If you do, your opponent gets to nominate a character who can't attack or use his leadership for a turn, so it would have been a very bad idea in this case.


Once everything outside the challenge is dead, outside forces can allocate wounds to the model in the challenge. And vice versa - if a character in a challenge kills his opponent and has wounds left to allocate, they go on the nearest enemy models outside the challenge. Outside forces have to kill each other first, and challengers have to kill each other first, but after that excess wounds don't go to waste any more.


In the grim darkness of the far future, honour has limits.

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What I don't see, is whether the remaining members of the unit Alpha can attack the Challenger from unit Beta, after the rest of the members of unit Beta have perished?


Outside Forces only mentions allocating wounds.  It doesn't say anything about attacking, nor does it differentiate between excess wounds and new wounds like the previous paragraph.



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They would continue the assault against the enemy unit (consisting of a single character in a challenge) rolling to wound against the units majority weapon skill and toughness (now the characters attribute values), then apply those to wounds to models outside the challnege (numbering 0) with all remaining wounds (the entire wound pool) being allocated to the charcter in the challenge.
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