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Lamenters - How much bling is acceptable?


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Hey, folks.


After spraying some Deadzone Enforcers yellow I've just got the idea of a yellow 40k army stuck in my head.  I also have several sets of AoBR and DV marines laying around.  


Back in 2nd Edition my Marines (the Souleaters chapter) were BA successors.  However, I'm not sure about painting yet another black army.  I like the background of the Lamenters.


Despite what Fate has thrown at them they continue to fight for the God Emperor in the defence of Humanity.


I know that the Lamenters are a bit pushed in terms of gear at the moment.  I think that a bit of mix and match with the above sets and a DC box could make a decent look for them - fairly plain but with some adornment as befits the Sons of Sanguinius, but I'm not sure if:


a) The winged emblem is appropriate, despite the obvious associations with their Primarch.


b) How much bling is really acceptable?  



If I start with the basic squads just having the odd bit of 'bling' here and there, with more 'elite' units having a majority of vanilla gear with the lesser portion being BA stuff would people feel that still kept with the Lamenters theme?


If I used Sanguinary Guard I would give them white armour rather than the uberbling gold suits, for example.


I did search the forum and found a thread on here from 2011 - there doesn't seem to be a consensus as to whether or not the Lamenters have finished their penance or their current numbers.  I'm holding out on buying the BA codex in that hopes that it will be replaced in a few months.


Thanks for any useful opinions.

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Their background in the Badab War books says their gear was closer to standard than most Blood Angels successors, and they have few suits of Terminator armour, but they do have things like Glaives Encarmine and Angelus bolters. The artwork shows an occasional Mk II helmet or Mk VI pauldron, but otherwise they're in stock Mk VII, and no Angel iconography anywhere, just the blood drop.


The Lamenter miniature shown in Codex Blood Angels doesn't use any Blood Angel components either.


That said, if you want some bling, it's easy enough to justify. They're still a 5,000 year old Blood Angel successor, and you could argue that despite their heavy losses, the experienced, more capable veterans are more likely to make it out of any conflict with their fancier gear intact.


They were sentenced to a 100 year penitent crusade in 912.M41. The timeline is never going to tick into M42, so they're still crusading.

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