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Lucius Drop Pod question


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Hey guys, I was reading Imperial Armour, and the Lucius Drop Pod for Dreadnought jumped to my attention.


Apparently, it's an Assault Vehicle that doesn't work on the turn the Drop Pod lands. From that, I would assume that compared to a regular Drop Pod, the Dreadnought can stay embarked on the Drop Pod and not be targeted, while still being able to shoot ? Then, on the next turn, he can disembark, shoot and assault ?


Anyways, Imperial Armour vehicles are awesome ! Are they completely legal for W40k play ?

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Yes, that is correct- you simply stay embarked, since unlike other drop pods theres no rule forcing you to disembark.


Imperial armor is sadly NOT completely legal for 40k play. Its a supplement, and like any other supplement- such as escalation, cityfight, etc- its validity is pretty much up to whomever youre playing with. So talk to your group.

That being said, avoid the experimental rules, keep with the most up to date versions of everything, and they do mesh very well.

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EVERYTHING's validity is pretty much up to whoever you're playing against.


In a way there's no such thing as '40k legal' because it is always up to the players to decide what books they'll use and whether they'll house rule (tournaments regularly diverge from '40k legal' by house ruling). But it's intended for use in regular 40k games as it expressly states ad nauseam. Insofar as something can be 'completely legal' for 40k play, it is completely legal for 40k play.


That said I doubt grey mage and I disagree dramatically here. Leaving that argument aside...


The thing that intrigues me about lucius drop pods is that they could potentially act as pretty good smoke screens for your army. If you have other drop pods coming down, or infiltrators or whatever, it seems nice to potentially be able to give them shrouded.


As far as I can determine, the wording of the rules give your opponent shrouded against your attacks, too?? But even then, you get to place the lucius. If you're podding two other units near one side of your opponent's table edge, and put the lucius towards the middle, you could provide shrouded from much of the other side of their table edge, giving you some protection while you focus your attention on the units you've isolated.


Merged double post, Dam13n.

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Thanks for the comments ! It was pretty late in my corner of the world when I read the rules, so I wanted to make sure it was no hallucination due to late night slow brain :p


Nice points regarding the legality of the Lucius Pod, I'll talk to the guys ;)


Shrouded is really interesting for me in the army I'm building, hehe ! I'm playing with Raven Guard Chapter Tactics with several Scouting transports and a lone Venerable Dreadnought in a pod. Not only the Pod and Shrouded would give extra survivability to the Dreadnought, but it would also act as a smokescreen for the rest of the army like you guys mentionned.

I believe the Pod will count as intervening models, so any unit behind it in the first turn would get not only the 5+ cover, but Shrouded as well (3+ for vehicles), and because most Raven Guard models get Stealth in the first turn, I could have up to a 2+ cover save in the first turn.


That alone I thought would be a great tool to have if I need to count on reserves and delay my attack to the 2nd turn with a few less casualties.


Anyways, thanks for the replies ;) If I field one, I'll tell you guys how it went !

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