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I'm more for straight up lowering his cost without removing anything.


Him being very much so a specialist Primarch, more so than others, should merit a reduction in cost.


The reasoning behind this is that: While what he brings to the table is very powerful, it is very focused and directed. Compared to say Ferrus who makes ALL Av13 Tanks in an Iron Hands force that much better. Also, him giving ALL infantry FNP 6+ unless they have better, is much more widespread and general than say only taking Divination or Telepathy powers while having access to ML4. Or improving invulnerable saves by +1 withing X inches instead of battlefield wide.

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I'm with Slipstreams - I feel at 460/470 he would be perfect, not OP and not too pricey for what he does possess which allows you to want to include him (aside from the fact that we all love including primarchs... because Daddy is far better than ten kids). :D

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Alright, that's a much simpler fix than the one I was about to do. 


480 points -> 460 points


Then the last step is to write up an actual Horus Heresy Entry which I'll do in the next post. Also, to add something a little fun (and to give me a chance to play some actual warhammer, something I haven't done in a month because of my new job), at the end of every post I'll post the results of a duel between Alexandros and another primarch. I'm going to do three rounds to get an idea on how well he compares to his brothers. Both primarchs will start 18 inches from each other to allow one round of firing before the charge and the ensuing melee. (This will allow Hammer of Wrath bonuses that some primarchs have.)


Who shall his first opponent be? 

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Alexandros Darshan VonSalim                                                                    460 points

Primarch of the Halcyon Wardens, The Strategos, The Seer, Shield of the Imperium


Of all of the Emperor's sons, it was Alexandros who united his world through words alone, bypassing the usual civil war before becoming its sole leader, in deed if not in title. As such, of all the Primarchs, Alexandros has sought the least bloody path on the Great Crusade, relying on his words and his powers of Divination and Telepathy to navigate and re-unite Terra's lost colonies of Humanity. Yet, when words fail or xenos stand in his way, Alexandros is every bit able to fulfill the role of conqueror and general. His lists of conquests are shorter than his brothers for glory has never been his desire. Time devoted to the path of peace slows the Wardens' conquests, and he is always the first to volunteer to aid his brothers while giving them the glory of their inevitable triumph. Not only does he seek peace among humanity, but also among his fellow Primarchs, endeavoring to befriend them and keep his 'family' happy. 


Between these two traits, the Lord of the Wardens is not as acclaimed as his brothers. Yet, those with wisdom realize that his influence is far greater than what it appears. Of all the Primarchs, Alexandros has the trust and loyalty of over half of them. The planets and cultures he has liberated have been noted as the most loyal to the Imperium. It is these two facts that make Alexandros one of the most dangerous  Primarchs. For if he ever should turn his back on the Imperium, the havoc he would unleash would be terrible.






                              WS     BS     S      T     W      I      A     LD     Sv

Alexandros                  7        5      6      6      5      7      5     10      2+


Unit Composition

  • 1 (Unique)

Unit Type

  • Infantry (Character)



  • The Auspice Armor
  • The Aegis
  • Xiphos
  • Ultimatum
  • Cognis-Signum

Special Rules

  • Primarch (Independent Character, Eternal Warrior, Fear, Adamantium Will, Fleet, Fearless, It Will Not Die, Master of the Legion)
  • Sire of the Halcyon Wardens
  • Foresight
  • Voice of Reason
  • Psyker Duelist
  • Bulky




With that, we have the first complete page of the Halcyon Wardens! Woo! Next post will feature the second page. But, for now, Horus and Alexandros have a fight.



"Come Alexandros," the black-clad giant said. "I know of your disagreements and arguments with Father. Join me, and together we can make the Imperium right. We'll be freed from his tyranny to make the galaxy a better place."


Neither Xiphos sheathed or Ultimatum returned to its holster. "You're right, Horus," Alexandros agreed wearily. "There are some aspects of Father I hate, some laws I would love nothing more than to destroy. But do you know what I hate most, Horus?"


Horus' grip on Worldbreaker tightened. "That is?"


"I hate the Ruinous Powers most of all," Alexandros seethed, his mood matching his fiery red hair. "And so long as you stand by them, I stand against you."


"So be it."


For psychic powers, I went fluffy, and split them between Telepathy and Divination. Rolled a 1 & 4, Precognition & Foreboding for Divination. For Telepathy, 2 & 6, Hallucination & Mental Fortitude. Both useless, so I traded one for Psychic Shriek.


Horus won the roll off to go first. Talon's fire ineffective, and he fails the charge by one inch. (I rolled an 11! Twice with the Fleet reroll!) Next time, I'll make the distance 19 inches. 


Alexandros moves forward preparing for the charge. Rolls 4 for the psychic phase giving him 8 warp charges. First, used 4 charges to activate Psyker Duelist. 2, 3, 5, & 6. Just enough to activate it. 


(And this is right where I noticed something. Precognition...it's the exact same thing as my Psyker Duelist. So, for the short fix, Alexandros always has Precognition. Rerolled Precognition's result and got  Misfortune, also useless.)


[And I nearly gave myself a panic attack when I hit the back button right here. Hallejuah for autosave!!!]


Horus attempts to Deny with all 4 of his warp charges. Only one 6, so Alexandros has Duelist. He attempts Psychic Shriek, throwing the other 4. 3 successes. With Horus' Serpent Scales can deny on a 3+ roll. Horus rolls a 2! But then Alex rolls an 8! Pointless.


Alex fires Ultimatum and scores 1 Wound. He makes the charge, and Horus scores a Wound in Overwatch! 


Alex attacks first with 6 attacks. 4 hits, 3 wounds, Horus fails 2 Invul saves. 


Horus swings back, splitting his attacks between Talons and Worldbreaker, 3/2. Only 1 hit with Talons, 1 Wound, but Aegis wards it off. Worldbreaker hits once, wounds, but Alex saves! No Disabling Strike or Concussive yet.


Neither make It Will Not Die roll. 


Horus' turn, but Alex is still faster. Only 5 attacks now. Woah! Three 6's and two 5's. (Should I start taking pictures?) But only 2 Wounds. Horus fails one, down to his last wound!


But the Warmaster has another chance. He opts to use WorldBreaker fully to make use of Concussive. 4 hits, 4 wounds, but Alex makes all of his saves without the re-roll. 


Again, no It Will Not Die. 


Back to Alex who gets 7 warp charges. At this point, might as well use 5 of them on Duelist. And only 1 success! Which Horus denies with two 6's! No rerolls, but Alex still goes first. 3 hits, 3 Wounds and Horus only saves 1!?



A roar resounds throughout as the Warmaster desperately to find a way through Aegis, loud blows ringing as Worldbreaker smashes against it again and again. But Alexandros is dueling against two Lupercals, the present and the future. Xiphos finds hole after hole in the Warmaster's defense until one strike pierces Horus' chest, puncturing one of his hearts. Rage and pain fuel Horus as he swings again, this time the blow defeats, not Aegis, but Alexandros' concentration. The future is denied him, but he still has his speed. Horus brings Worldbreaker down and Alexandros sees his chance. Narrowly deflecting the infamous weapon, Alexandros shoots forward, and Xiphos impales Horus betwen the eyes.

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Special Rules

Sire of the Halcyon Wardens

Whether protecting an Imperium world from attack or exterminating a hostile xeno race, the Lord of the Wardens always directs the battle with special attention to minimizing his casualties, be they Space Marine, Imperial Army, or Mechanicum. As such, he places himself in the most dangerous zone of the battlefield leading his Myrmidon to protect his lines. All units in both primary and allied detachments may use Alexandros' leadership value in lieu of their own for morale and pinning test if Alexandros is in play. Additionally, Alexandros is able to watch over the units closest to them and forewarn them of danger, granting a 6+ Invulnerable save or a +1 to an existing Invulnerable save that can't improve beyond a 3+ save to all units within 12 inches of Alexandros.


Myrmidon may be taken as Troop choices for a Halcyon Wardens primary detachment with Alexandros as Warlord.



Before the enemy commander knows that there will be a battle, the Seer already knows where and when it will be. As such, Alexandros may choose two Warlord traits from the Strategic table.


Voice of Reason - Warp Charge 1

A chain is only as strong as its weakest link. With his mastery of telepathy, Alexandros has perfected a technique for finding the enemy minds who are plagued with doubt about victory. Using mental communication, enemy formations have been thrown into chaos as warriors defect to Darshan's cause. At any point where the Wardens are ahead in Victory Points, Alexandros may cast this power to silently communicate with a single enemy model. This model must take a Leadership test with a negative 2 modifier. If failed, the model immediately defects and joins the Wardens. Note, this power can't be used on vehicle units or models with the Fearless, Adamantium Will, Monstrous Creatures, or Independent Character rules. 


Psyker Duelist

With his mastery over Divination, Alexandros has perfected a technique for gazing into the near future even as he is in the middle of war's maelstrom. In game terms, Alexandros always has the Precognition power.


Armor of Auspice

Upon completing his instruction on Terra, the Emperor himself presented this unique armor to Alexandros. Utilizing lost technology from an earlier age, this artificer armor provides powerful protection, while enhancing Darshan's control over his powers and defend his soldiers from foul warpcraft. This armor provides a 2+ armor save, adds +1 to Perils of the Warp chart, and may roll for Deny the Witch for any unit targeted within 24 inches.


The Aegis

With mirroring convictions to protect humanity, Alexandros and Vulkan would prove to be fast friends and learned a great deal from each other. After their first campaign together, Vulkan wished to create a gift for his brother. Instead of accepting, Alexandros asked that Vulkan guide him in creating his own gift. Vulkan assented and the Aegis was the result. The shield combined a power shield and grav generator to protect it's owner from harm. The Aegis provides a 4+ Invulnerable Save and increases Alexandros' Toughness by 1 in close combat. Due to its size, Alexandros may never claim an additional attack from being armed with two close combat weapons.



Based on ancient Grekian designs, Xiphos is a perfectly balanced short sword with edges and a point sharpened to a monomolecular level. This weapon was a repayment from Ferrus Manus to Alexandros after the latter arrived as reinforcements during the Parviaten Liberation campaign. It's maneuverability combined with Alexandros skill has ended many opponents with one surgical attack. 


                   Range      S          AP                        Type

Xiphos            -         User         2          Melee, Instant Death, Rending



Although the Aegis was supposed to be Vulkan's gift to himself, the master smith still found the time to create his own gift for his close brother before they parted. This plasma blaster contains an expertly balanced power system, preventing any kind of overheating and does not have the Gets Hot! special rule.



There you have it, the second half of Alexandros page. Now for the re-match. 


"Are you sure you're well enough?" Alexandros inquired as he studied his brother before him. "I thought you were still recovering from Davin?"


Horus shook his head as he re-familiarized himself with Worldbreaker's weight. "I am mostly recovered and can't afford to remain idle for longer. Not with Roboute's rebellion and the Space Wolves gone mad." He grunted as he readied himself for their practice bout. "I should be at the head of the fleet, not Dorn."


Darshan said nothing. Of late, he saw troubling shadows in the futures he would watch. The shadows were growing stronger, tainting more and more possibilities. With great worry, he knew Dorn stood close to the shadows in more than half of the futures he foresaw. 


"The dampening field is engaged. Let's begin."


Darshan's psychic powers: Scrier's Gaze, Forewarning, Dominate, & Psychic Shriek.


Horus wins the roll to go first. Moves forward and fires Talons. 2 hits, 2 wounds, Darhshan's passes armor saves. 


Darshan closes distance, activates Duelist, hits twice with Ultimatum, then rolls two 2's. Need 3's to wound Horus, so reroll. Get one 3, which Horus ignores Then rolls snake eyes for the charge! Does not make it into close combat. Still have Duelist though. 


Horus is not right in front of Alexandros, not missing the charge this time. Talon fire does nothing before Horus crashes into Darshan. Overwatch is useless. Darshan goes first, getting all attacks and to wound rolls in, which Horus saves all but two. Horus opts to throw all of his attacks into Worldbreaker. Hits with everything, wounds with everything, and scores 1 wound on Alexandros. But concussive kicks in which leaves Darshan at Initiative 1 for the next round. 


Of course, neither makes It Will Not Die rolls.


Darshan gets his psychic phase and pours all 8 dice into Duelist. With three 5's and no 6's, he gets it over Horus' weak Deny the Witch counter. Still, Horus goes first as he now focuses on Talons. All hits, followed by all wounds, is not spelling good times for Alexandros. Yet, he saves it all, without the reroll.


Both fail IWND. 


Darshan get his speed back and counters. Horus blocks two out of three wounds before he brings out Worldbreaker again. Aegis is right there to meet it, though one reroll was needed to fill the gap. 


Then holy crap! Both get IWND!


Psychic phase summons a peril as Darshan get's three 6's activating Duelist. Rolls a natural 6 and passes the leadership test on a 10. Alexandros is ready to start knocking Horus around and widdles him down two more wounds. But Worldbreaker finally gets around Aegis and brings Alexandros down 1 wound. 


Only Horus makes IWND.


Horus' turn and he brings back the Talons. Which slice into Alexandros for 2 more wounds, leaving both Primarchs at 2 wounds left, but now Alexandros is WS 5, S 4 from Disabling Strike. With things looking grimmer, Alexandros counters and it's only because of Fleshbane that he's able to score 3 wounds, one of which make it through.


No IWND this time.


Duelist is kept but no perils, which means no more Fleshbane to help out. Can Darshan finish off before Worldbreaker breaks another bone? Two 6's on to-wound doesn't look good. But then Horus rolls a 3...and a 2, which knocks off his last wound.


After an hour of fighting, both Horus and Alexandros are drenched in sweat and bruises. Some of the bruises are the remains of rapidly healing broken bones. In the end, Darhsan's divination had rewarded him with eventual victory, his blade around Horus' neck. With a gasp, Alexandros pulled back and sheathed Xiphos. "I must admit, when I came here with Lorgar and Magnus, I had originally seen myself as providing spiritual support." He remembered Lorgar's chosen duty and quickly amended, "Metaphorically, of course."


Horus chuckled. "Are you telling me the great Seer can still be surprised?"


Alexandros matched the chuckle. "Sometimes." Without warning, Dorn wrapped in a great cloak of darkness appeared before him. In an instant, the vision was gone. He resisted a grimace, not wanting to worry Horus. "Sometimes."

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So I am guessing that unique units are next?


From our discussion about them here are my thoughts on how they should be implemented.



toughness 5, WS5 terminators with tower shields, power weapons and wrist/ shoulder mounted suppression weapon (something like S3, AP-, rapid fire 18in blind, pinning) and defensive grenades.


Special rules

Stubborn and split fire


Psyker unit

I see them as working similar to how 5e wolf guard worked. Vet stat line. Unit size 1-5. Can take any options a tactical Sgt can take, with force weapon replacing power weapon.

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Black Cohort, I agree with about half of your points on the Myrmidon. WS 5, T 5, Tower Shields, Power Weapons, and the general idea of the ranged weapon. I'm thinking a shoulder-mounted grenade launcher firing flash grenades. The stats seem to fit, but what should the range and cost be? 


Also, I believe we said the Tower Shields would provide the defensive grenades bonus without needing the grenades themselves.


And the Special Rules. Stubborn is obvious, and I like the Split Fire rule (even though I've never fielded a unit with them. Fought plenty of Wolves to feel their sting though) but how do you weave that in with their tactics? AKA, what's the fluffy reason for that rule?


Before I started this post, I visited the other legions to generate more ideas and see trends. Implacable Advance and 'Favored of ..." are both popular ones and I was thinking about adding those two. Of course, their unique Special Rule will give them the +1 Toughness, and needs a suitable name. 


Couple of ideas are: The Dauntless Protectors, Veterans of the Maelstorm, or maybe Survivors of the Whirlwind?


For the Parisada, agree with the Wolf Guard and unit size. The rest I'm iffy on. Ideally, they should be able to attack to almost any squad, so they'll need access to a wide range of gear, including jump packs and the three legion shields. So, I'm thinking about using the Centurion template, but reduce options and stats. Definitely lower BS by 1, but should I leave WS at 5? Initiative and Attacks should drop by 1, as well. No melee options other than force weapons. Restrict ranged options to pistols and maybe the bolter, combi-bolter, and volkite charger. No items granting Invulnerable saves other than the shields. 


And max mastery level is 2. 



Also, I did take a look at the Bullgryn's entry. Their Slabshields add a +1 Cover Save to any unit they stand between them and enemy fire. So, I'm going to change Defenders of the Imperium to that, and tentatively say that the Legion Unique rules are done.




Finally, last round between Horus and Alexandros.


"I remember everything."


Horus Aximand waited for his liege to expound, but the Warmaster left the words hanging in the air as he retrieved Worldbreaker. When it became clear an explanation would come later, Aximand surveyed the survivors of the Emperor's trap. The corpses of hapless Justaerians were scattered here and there. Out of the members of the Mournival, only one had escaped unharmed. 


We took a beating, Aximand noted as he felt his own injuries trouble him. 


"Indeed, you did!"


 There are few things that can surprise a space marine. Even fewer can surprise a Primarch. Thus, Aximand's shock was twofold. The first from the voice. The second when he noticed the Warmaster's confusion. Standing between them and the cave's exit was a giant clad in magnificent purple armor touched with red. For a brief moment, Aximand thought Fulgrim had come to them. But then he saw the red hair and the being's face. 


"Impossible," Horus whispered. "Alexandros...you were lost."


The lost Primarch released an amused laugh. "Ah, in a sense, I was. Surprises, all around, eh brother?"


Despite the easy grin and the casual way Alexandros held himself, Aximand quickly noted the unsheathed sword and the plasma blaster in his hands. Before Aximand could prepare, a voice in his mind ordered, "Drop."


With a painful clatter, Aximand fell to his knees, along with the other Sons of Hours. Only Horus stood. 


"It's impossible," Horus hissed. "You can't be on Molech."


Alexandros shrugged as he took a few steps forward. "Perhaps I am not. Perhaps I am just another defense of Father's come here to torment you with my image before I slay you. Either way," he finished as he aimed his plasma blaster at Horus. "Are you willing to bet your life on that 'impossibility'?"



Alexandros has Scrier's Gaze, Forewarning, Dominate, and Psychic Shriek. Alexandros wins the first turn.


In his first turn, he activates Duelist and Psychic Shriek, the latter which is immediately negated by the Serpent's Scales. Ultimatum does nothing and it's Horus' turn. Talon's fire is ineffective and Horus makes the charge on a 10, and promptly gets stabbed, losing his first Wound. Worldbreaker takes offense and nearly wounds Alexandros, were it not for the reroll.The four 1's didn't help either when it came to Horus' melee rolls.  




Alexandros throws all 5 warp charges into making sure he has Duelist, but then fails to penetrate Serpent's Scales. But Horus' attacks bounce off Aegis. (Again, two 1's on Worldbreaker's to-wound roll aren't helping).




Xiphos can't get past the scales, and Worldbreaker is having similar luck. (But with a third round of two 1's on the to-wound pool. What the Terra?)


Still no IWND.


Duelist is kept, no Perils yet again despite throwing 6 dice in. Only 2 hits, but 1 more Wound. Since Worldbreaker is unlucky, Horus uses the Talons. No evil two 1's, but Aegis intercepts all the attacks. 




Alexandros continues wearing down Horus, little by little. Horus tries Worldbreaker again. No 1's and all hits on the to-wound roll! Only 1 Wound gets through, but that knocks Alexandros off his high Initiative horse. 


No IWND...for Horus. Alexandros makes his roll. I...am kinda feeling sorry for Horus right now. 


What the!? I threw 10 dice to activate Duelist, and only one 6 came up!? The Emperor favors his Lost son apparently. Still, Horus strikes first with Talons. All 5 attacks, hit, wound, only for Aegis to save them all with only 1 reroll needed. Yesh.


Xiphos savors the moment before dealing the last wound. 


Time slows as Aximand can only watch his gene-father struggle against this newest challenger. To his horror, the Warmaster is whittled down with quick and precise thrusts that find weakpoints in Horus' armor. Then the world stops turning as Alexandros, laughing and enjoying himself, parry's Worldbreaker before embedding his short sword in the Warmaster's skull. 


In that moment, he cursed the day he ever heard of the world Molech.



In the end, Alexandros wins all 3 rounds against his infamous brother. Some of it was luck, Duelist didn't do as much rerolling as I thought it'd might. At least, when it came to invul saves. But with a strong defense, Alexandros kept Concussive and Disabling Strike at bay, both of which could easily cripple his ability to fight. Disabling Strike in particular is very dangerous to a Primarch who relies alot on his high Wound count and not enough Toughness to keep him in the fight. The one time Horus was able to get it through Aegis was the time Alexandros nearly lost. 


In that sense, the mechanics mirror the fluff perfectly. Defending against the worst of it while wearing down the enemy before cutting him down. 


Next time: Lorgar enters the scene.

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I wasn't sure how the debate on defensive grenades and tower shields ended so I figured it was better to make sure it was mentioned.


I figured the shoulder mount came standard so incorporated into their base cost, speaking of which the cost of special terminators varies anywhere from 35 to 45 points with that amount seemingly not impacted by how good that special unit is.  So I would say we go with 40 points for now definitely not higher than 45. (Base terminators are 30).  I think the gun should be either 18in rapid fire or 12in Assault 2.


Fluff wise on the split fire rule I figured it would be due to them attempting to keep as many enemies tied down as possible, thus trying to force multiple enemy units to take cover (aka pinning).  Personally I see them as the unit that anchors the centre of your battle line, tough, and easily capable of shutting down enemy activity in that area of the battlefield.


I like Veterans of the Maelstrom for their unique rule name.



As for the Parisada, what if you give them a Veteran statline, so A2, Ld9 W1, but access to the gear you listed.  Should come with bolter and bolt pistol, force weapon option should be fairly cheap.  To me they sound like low level psychic guys so nothing too special on the stat front, but they bring psychic powers.

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Alright, glad we cleared up the grenades point. The 'Sirens' (tentative name) grenade launcher should be 12 inch assault weapons, allowing the Myrmidon to charge if needed. And 40 points base cost, thanks for doing the research there, Black Cohort.


I see your logic behind Split Fire and like it. Between that and the Special Rules I've listed, we have 6:

  • Legiones Astartes (Halcyon Wardens)
  • Favored of Alexandros
  • Implacable Advance
  • Stubborn
  • Split Fire
  • Veterans of the Maelstrom


Now, I'm definitely not going to add more to that and may take one out if it proves too much. 


For upgrade options, I'm keeping it simple. The Sirens grenade launcher can be upgraded to a Cyclone Missile Launcher for the ranged weapons. Melee upgrades will allow lightning claw, power fist, chain fist, and a thunder-hammer. For other upgrades, I'm considering allowing a master-crafted upgrade for the melee weapons. 


Any other suggestions for Myrmidon upgrades?


And, I can agree to the psyker suggestions, Black Cohort. The only things I forgot to add were bikes and jetbikes.(Also, I meant 'attach to any squad' not 'attack', whoops). So we've covered their base state line, their upgrades, and base gear. Only major question left is, what should we point them as? Standard veteran trooper is 15 points, while the veteran sarge would be 20 points (5 points for the Leadership upgrade). Should it be higher than 20 points base?



Augustus, yep. Alexandros defeated Horus three times. When it comes to dueling, Alexandros is better at it. But when it comes to leading armies, well, that's something I'll be testing later.


Before I begin first round between Alexandros and Lorgar, one quick note. Slipstreams picked Horus for first, and Russ brother picked Lorgar for second.


Whoever replies quickest for the third opponent will get to see it happen after Lorgar. If no one gives me a name, I'll go with Dorn.




Darshan hefted Illuminarium's weight with his hands before giving it a couple of practice swings. "Impressive. Once again Ferrus proves his mastery," he said before holding it out to Lorgar.


"You'll find no argument from me, Alex," Lorgar replied as he took back his new weapon. "Now we both have weapons from our mechanical-minded brother."


"Have you tried it out yet?" Alex inquired with a knowing grin.


Lorgar raised an eyebrow as he immediately grasped the real question. "You wish to spar?"


"No better way to test a weapon's mettle against an even opponent."


Two psychic opponents now. Still being fluffy and dividing them evenly between their two disciplines.

Lorgar - Invisibility (I can't tell you how ironic it is that with 1 roll Lorgar gets the 1 power that has consistently avoided Alexandros!) & Levitation traded for Assail.

Alexandros - Terrify & Psychic Shriek, Perfect Timing & Forewarning


Lorgar wins the roll. Gets 7 warp charges, 5 into Invisibility & 2 for Assail. Alex tries to block Invisibility & fails. Both go off. Assail hits but fails to wound. His pistol's ammo bounces off Aegis. 


Alex gets 6 warp charges, 5 for Duelist, 1 for Shriek. Duelist activates by 2 successes, Shriek fails. Even with Dark Fortune, Lorgar fails Deny. Ultimatum fails to get around the 4++ Invul. (Two 5's keep Lorgar out of the heat.) Alex makes the charge, so now we have Duelist vs. Invisibility. Only 1 hit which was not the result of a reroll, which Lorgar forces a reroll with the one-time use rule of Dark Fortune. As a 4, it misses. Alex fails to do anything to Lorgar!


Illuminarum hits 4x. For to-wound, his strength is increased to 8, then reduced by 1 b/c of Aegis. Need 3's to wound. Get 3 successes. Aegis blocks them without a reroll needed. 


Lorgar's turn, pours all warp charges into Invisibility. No Perils! Three 5's look solid, until Alex rolls two 6's for his Deny roll. No Invisibility. Alex goes first in combat and immediately cuts off 2 wounds. Lorgar rolls poorly on to-wound, the one success promptly blocked.


No IWND for Lorgar.


I keep throwing 5/6/7 warp charges into single powers and still am not Periling!? Another wound off of Lorgar, who's wearing down. But then scores a wound of Alex! Concussive takes effect. 


Alex gets IWND, but not Lorgar. This is ridiculous. 


Lorgar fails to get Invisibility, but goes first and fails to hurt Alex. Alex then takes off his last two wounds. 



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In order to deny a power the person denying needs to get more successes than the guy casting not enough to lower him below the number of warp charges needed.


Also based on the evidence I propose that Alexandros have his invulnerable save lowered to a 4+ as he will usually have a re-roll anyway.


As for the psyker price i think 22 points seems reasonable, 15 more for second mastery level. Perhaps limit mastery level upgrades to half or less of the unit?

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Look, I'm not going to nominate another Primarch since Dorn is my main man tongue.png

As for the "Sirens"... Too bad we can't name them "Psyrens" since thats taken already, I think.

I'd price them as a 25 point upgrade but have them come standard with Artificer Armor (unless they already do.) Since they already come stock with ML1. ML2 will raise them to 45 points (if its kept at 20 pts per ML, you might consider lowering it because of how specialized they are.)

The Terminators look good. Don't think I'd add anything to it. (also I'm in my Level Design class as I type this so no real time to get elaborate tongue.png)

Alex taking down Horus in a 1v1 is quite the thing. Especially 3 times in a row. Then again, RNGesus might've had a hand in this.

Edit: saw Cohorts Reply, and agree on Alex's invulnerable save. The -1S from his other rules usually makes him already tougher than most.

For the Sirens ML I'd say 1 in 3 to ax squad size of 6 for ML2.

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Hey Simison, I thought I'd drop in and give you a description of my XI Primarch so you can fill in that one blank spot in your allies matrix.


In summary:

His name is Malik Ajam and he grew up amongst the thieves and criminals on his home world. He was found by a man who turned out to be the leader of the capital city's guild of thieves and assassins called "Embrace of Shadows". It was here that Malik learned his skills and discovered his innate abilities. He had incredible perception and could analyse and predict another person's movements exactyl in a matter of seconds. He was also able to send his adrenal glands into overdrive which would accelerate his thoughts and movements so much that time seemed to come to a stand still around him. In addition, he had a knack for persuading people with great ease, enlisting many to his aid during his rise to power.


He grew up amongst the homeless and the hungry, of which he helped out whenever possible. He may have killed and ruined lives for a living, but it was so he could help the innocent. Thus he is very much a "the ends justify the means" person. He rose to the position of guild master after ten years of service to the Embrace of Shadows, and had set up a network of spies who helped him achieve dominance over the royal family. He eventually assassinated the king and took control of the planet, and set about bringing justice to his home.


After meeting the Big E and taking command of his legion, whom he named the Dusk Blades, he retained much of his previous lifestyle and began teaching his legion to fight like he does. By many of the other Primarch's he would be considered a dirty fighter and honourless, but this doesn't concern him. Brutal efficiency in combat is his only concern. Precise movements and quick, crippling jabs defined his method of close combat and when range was necessary he prefered long rang fire over charging enemy positions.


I hope that helps, though a lot of it may be irrelevent. That's a bit of a brief outline and I'll (hopefullt) get a full write up soon of the Primarch on my project log soon.

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And that goes to show you how long it's been since my last real game of 40k. Thanks for pointing that out.

Still, I am loath to lower the invul save, mainly because as the Shield of the Imperium, Alex should have the best shield out there. But balance is an important thing too. So, I'm going to have my balanced, mechanics side of me put the fluffy side of me in a chokehold. I'm going to do 3 rounds between Alex and Horus with the reduced Invul save and see how it goes.

Eh, I don't like the idea of putting mastery level limits based on squad size. That feels too much like emphasizing them as a collective while they are very much individuals. And I think I'll combine both of your ideas, Slipstreams & Black Cohort. I'll have the base price at 25 points (with artificer armor) and 15 points more for ML2.

Also, Slipstreams, you got to nominate Horus first! Let other people get a chance to nominate other primarchs. tongue.png

fire golem, you got it. Mortarion will be the 3rd primarch to face off against Alex.

Now to figure out Alex's new invul save:

Vs. Horus

Round 1 -

Alex's powers: Forewarning/Perfect Timing/Hallucination/Psychic Shriek

Alex goes first. No Duelist and Shriek flounders. Ultimatum does nothing.

Horus. Shoots, nothing, charges, Alex does nothing, Horus scores 1 wound w/WorldBreaker. Alex gets IWND.

Alex. Gets Duelist, Horus swings first, 1 wound w/Talons, (Alex - WS: 6 S: 5), Horus saves all of Alex's attacks. No IWND

Horus. Alex first, 1 wound on Horus, then 1 wound on Alex (Alex - Ws: 5, S: 4). Alex gets IWND.

Alex. Duelist & Perils cuts 1 Wound (Power Drain), no wounds on Horus who slices 3 wounds off Alex (Alex - WS: 2, S: 1). Horus gets IWND and is full health.

Horus. Alex fails to get a successful to-wound roll. Aegis saves Alex from death. No IWND.

Alex. Yes Duelist. No to wounding Horus or Alex. Alex gets IWND.

Horus. Alex wounds Horus 1, Worldbreaker wounds Alex 1. Alex gets IWND.

Alex. 1 wound off Alex (Alex - WS: 1, S: 1). No IWND.

Horus. 1 wound off Alex, concussive. No IWND.

Alex. Duelist & Perils, loses 1 Wound. Horus can't kill Alex, while 1 wound off Horus. Alex gets IWND.

Horus. Nothing happens. Horus gets IWND.

Alex. Perils, 1 wound. 1 more wound from Worldbreaker. Alex gets IWND.


Alex. Horus kills Alex.

That fight dragged on.

Round 2.

Vs. Horus.

Alex's powers - Forewarning/Misfortune/Shriek/Hallucination

Alex first. Duelist, nothing else. 1 wound from Ultimatum. Alex scores 2 more wounds on Horus. Aegis blocks. Horus gets IWND.

Horus. Alex scores 1 wound. Horus scores 1 wound. No IWND.

Alex. Horus wounds 1 with Talon. (Alex - WS: 6, S: 5). Alex wounds 1. No IWND.

Horus. Alex kills Horus


Last Round.

Vs. Horus

Alex's Usable Powers - Foreboding/Shriek/Invisibility (Interesting)

Horus first. Ineffective firing.

Alex. Both Duelist & Invisibility go off. No perils. Ultimatum burns 1 wound off Horus. Xiphos takes 1 more. Horus misses. Horus gets IWND.

Horus. Serpenta protects Horus. Horus still can't hit. Horus gets IWND.

Alex. Both powers go off, Horus fails Deny. (Only got 1 success on Duelist, so only used 4 Deny dice instead of all 6.) Horus loses 2 wounds. Horus hits! Aegis laughs. No IWND.

Horus. Xiphos stabs 1 wound off. Horus 1 hit, Aegis laughs. Horus gets IWND.

Alex. Alex very narrowly gets both. Horus no Deny. Serpenta protects as does Aegis. No IWND.

Horus. Xiphos cuts 2 wounds. Worldbreaker finds Alex for 1 wound! Alex gets IWND. Still concussive.

Alex. Duelist - rolls three 1's & a 6. Horus rolls all 6 Deny and gets one 5. What the heck!? Invisibility causes Peril. Alex loses 1 wound. Talons blocked. Xiphos takes final wound.

Alex wins.

In conclusion, Aegis will give 4++.

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Myrmidon Terminator Squad                                                                                    200 points

(Halcyon Wardens Only)


                                           WS      BS      S      T      W      I      A      LD      Sv

Myrmidon Terminator             5         4       4       5       1      4      2       9        2+


Unit Composition

  • 5 Myrmidon Terminators


Unit Type

  • Infantry 



  • Cataphractii Terminator Armor
  • Tower Shield
  • Power Weapon
  • Siren Grenade Launcher


Special Rules

  • Legiones Astartes (Halcyon Wardens)
  • Favored of Alexandros
  • Implacable Advance
  • Stubborn
  • Split Fire
  • Veterans of the Maelstrom


Dedicated Transports

  • A Myrmidon Terminators Squad may choose a Land Raider Proteus or a Land Raider Phobos as a Dedicated Transport if it numbers 5 models, or a Spartan Assault tank if it numbers 10 or less



Short on time, so I'm going to stop there and do the Lorgar/Alex rematch. 

Round 1

Vs. Lorgar (Pre-Transfiguration)

Alex's Usable powers - Foreboding/Dominate/Shriek

Lorgar's Usable powers - Shriek/Assail

Alex wins roll. Activate Foreboding, Perils on Duelist (1 wound & lost Shriek), shoots 1 Wound off. No IWND.

Lorgar is Denied Shriek and Assail fizzles. Pistol bounces off armor. Loses another wound to Overwatch. Xiphos cuts 2 more wounds off. Aegis blocks Illuminarium. Lorgar gets IWND.

Alex. Perils on Duelist (1 wound & lost Dominate), narrowly Denied by Dark Fortune (one 6 short) Dark Fortune one-time use ability flounders, Xiphos cuts 2 more wounds. Lorgar outright misses. No IWND. 

Lorgar. Xiphos decapitates him on Initiative Step 7. 

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·         The Myrmidon Terminator Squad may take:

o   Up to 5 additional Myrmidon Terminators………………40 points each

·         Any model may exchange its power weapon for a:

o   Power Fist or Lightning Claw…………………………………….5 points each

o   Chainfist or Thunder Hammer…………………………………10 points each

·         Any model may exchange its Siren Grenade Launcher for a:

o   Cyclone Missile Launcher…………………………………………15 points

·         Any model may have the following upgrade to their close combat weapon:

o   Master-Crafted………………………………………………………….5 points


Favored of Alexandros

A Myrmidon Terminator squad may be chosen instead of a command squad as a bodyguard for any terminator-armored Praetor of the Halcyon Wardens legion (or the primarch Alexandros). Myrmidon Terminators must always be modeled/painted to be visually distinct from standard Legion Terminator squads to avoid confusion.


Implacable Advance

Myrmidon Terminator squads are used to assail the most heavily defended objectives and secure them for the advance of allied forces. Myrmidon Terminator squads are always counted as scoring units in any mission where Troops choices are also counted as scoring.


Veterans of the Maelstrom

Placing themselves between danger and their charges, they absorb the worst the enemy can unleash before retaliating in kind. Because of this, Myrmidons have developed a honed resilience as they survive through the enemy’s whirlwind of attacks. All Myrmidons gain a +1 Toughness, increasing them to Toughness 5.


Siren Grenade Launcher

The primary ranged weapon of the Myrmidon fits well with their high regard of human life. Instead of bolters, all Myrmidon wield a unique grenade launcher that fires specialized flash grenades at the enemy. These explosions of light and sound disorient and blind their opponents, not only making them easier to subdue but also protect the Imperium's warriors from attack. 



                                                             Range          Str          AP          Type       

Siren Grenade Launcher                       18'              3             -            Assault 2, Blind, Pinning





Reflecting his ideal of guarding humanity against danger, advanced shields were introduced and saw widespread use in the II Legion upon the ascent of Alexandros. Combining the shields with the new Cataphractii tactical dreadnought armor produced the Myrmidons. These space marines were the epitome of Alexandros’ ideal. Given critical missions that saw them face great danger, their Primarch would not have them risk their lives needlessly. To them, he gave the Tower Shield. Utilizing power generators and built-in countermeasures, the Myrmidon’s newest tool further enhanced their survival chances at the cost of offensive power. Along with their power weapons, they alone wielded the Siren grenade launchers. A weaker cousin of the Cyclone missile launcher, its purpose was to blind and pin the enemy, breaking down enemy morale for either a retreat or to render them easy targets for the legion’s ranged weapons.


Due to the cutting-edge nature of these technologies, only a privileged few Wardens may be granted the honor of becoming a Myrmidon. Swearing lifelong oaths of protection, it is incredibly rare for a Myrmidon to leave his current path. Unlike other legions, it is not uncommon for both the Myrmidon’s favored weapon and for his shield to receive a name. While there is limited variation to armor colors, Alexandros encourages his sons to have their shields represent who they are, leading to designs ranging from the unimaginative to the esoteric.




Round 2

Vs. Lorgar (Pre-Transfiguration)

Alex's Usable powers - Invisibility/Shriek

Lorgar's Usable powers - Shriek/Assail

After a tie, Alex wins roll. Duelist goes off, but Invisibility flounders. Ultimatum burns off 2 wounds. No IWND.

Lorgar. Fires Assail (which fails to wound), and Shriek flounders due to Erratic Psyker Power. Pistol does nothing. Charges, Xiphos says hi and cuts 1 wound off. Illuminrum retorts and knocks 1 wound off Alex. Concussive takes effect. No IWND.

Alex. Gets 1 success to manifest Duelist. Lorgar not only fails Deny, but does it twice in a row after using Dark Fortune. Alex is so embarrassed that he finished off Lorgar, even with Dark Fortune’s one-time ability.


….you know what? I’m going straight into the final round so we can get to Transfirgured Lorgar.


Round 3

Vs. Lorgar (Pre-Transfiguration)

Alex’s usable powers – Perfect Timing/Shriek/Hallucination!

Lorgar’s Usable powers – Shriek/Shrouding

Another tie, but this time Lorgar pulls ahead. Perils on Shriek and gets a 6 with passing leadership test (but rolls an 8 for damage). Pistol does nothing, but Lorgar’s ready.

Alex. Lorgar Denies Shriek, doesn’t try to stop Hallucination! (‘It’s So Beautiful’ result), and fails to Deny Duelist. Ultimatum burns another wound. Despite Warp Surge, Alex goes first. Lorgar loses 1 Wound. Aegis blocks the 2 attacks that nearly get through with double 6’s. (Did need the reroll.) No IWND.

Lorgar (no more Warp Surge). Another wound before counter. Only 1 hit, 1 wound, before Aegis blocks. (Needed reroll.) Lorgar gets IWND.

Alex. Perils on Duelist, no Deny. (Power Drain, lose 1 wound). Only 2 hits (Dark Fortune failing to get rid of one), then 1 to-wound, and Lorgar fails invul. Aegis laughs at Lorgar. Both get IWND.

Lorgar. Watches as Alex gets 5 to hit, 5 to wound, then fails exactly 3 invul saves. Lorgar is slain.



The Champion of Cholchis gasped as he was knocked back down for the third time. “Must you fight so hard? I thought we were merely sparring.”


Alexandros chuckled before saying, “My apologies brother. I’ve been sparring with Leman too much and he knows only two levels of power: all or none.” He offered a hand to Lorgar. “Still, you did well.”


“You’re saying that just to encourage me,” Lorgar pointed out as he accepted the help.


“Perhaps,” Alexandros allowed. “But if we were being realistic, you’re true gifts lay outside of battle. And those gifts will become much more important once the Great Crusade is over. And, unlike some of our brothers, I look forward to that day. Then, our brothers will be looking at you with jealously.”

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The Parisada                                                                               25 Points Per Model

(Halcyon Wardens Legion Only)



                                             WS      BS      S       T      W      I      A      LD      Sv

Parisada Psyker                     4         4       4       4       1      4      2       9       2+


​Unit Composition

·         1-5 Parisada Psykers may be taken as a single Elites choice for the army as long as you have sufficient units to attach them to. Each Psyker must be assigned to one of the following squad types in your army during the deployment and may not voluntarily leave it during the game. Only one Psyker may be assigned to each:

o   Legion Tactical Squad

o   Legion Assault Squad*

o   Legion Reconnaissance Squad

o   Legion Breacher Siege Squad

o   Legion Destroyer Squad

o   Legion Seeker Squad

o   Legion Outrider Squad*

o   Legion Attack Bike Squadron*

o   Legion Jetbike Sky Hunter Squadron*

o   Legion Tactical Support Squad

o   Legion Heavy Support Squad

o   Legion Veteran Tactical Squad

o   Legion Command Squad

o   Legion Terminator Squad

o   Legion Rapier Weapons Squad 

Unit Type

·         Infantry, Character



·         Artificer Armor

·         Bolter

·         Bolt Pistol

·         Frag and Krak Grenades


Special Rules

  • Legiones Astartes (Halcyon Wardens)
  • Father's Footsteps
  • Vraben

*Note, to join these squads, the Psyker must be appropriately geared. (eg. to join the Legion Jetbike Sky Hunter Squadron, the Psyker must purchase his own jetbike.)



There's the first half done. Now a question did come up as I was writing this. It should be obvious that the Psyker would be properly equipped when joining the bike or jetbike squads. But should I make it a rule that a Psyker must take the appropriate load-out to join these squads or trust the players?


Now for the next duel.


Lorgar was flabbergasted. Around him, the battle on Nucrecia raged on as the Ultramarines attempted to destroy both Word Bearer and World Eater. An unwelcome event, to be sure, but one that threat that could be managed. He could still save Angron, indeed, Guilliman could provide the needed catalyst.


The being that stood in front of him could destroy that hope. Once, he was one of his closest brothers, then a painful memory that he was forbidden of ever speaking of.


With a wide grin, Alexandros said as he drew closer, "You look like you've seen a ghost, Lorgar."


"You were Lost," Lorgar whispered. An emotional storm raged on within him. Joy, confusion, despair, and hope with despair gaining strength. The true gods had granted him power and he could sense the killing intent behind Alexandros' smile. Around him, he could hear the neverborn rail against this newcomer and shouting warnings.


"I was, but now I'm found," his brother answered with an amused chuckle. "And I've come to stop you from corrupting Angron."


Lorgar didn't bother asking how Alexandros knew. Both Magnus and Alexandros seemed to know all of the answers. Yet, Magnus wore his knowledge like bright clothing and strutted around like a peacock with it. Alexandros quietly showed his foresight from time to time, cloaking it beneath humility. Or, with an understanding how such self-confidence could grate on someone's nerves. "I've discovered the truth about our reality. Please, give me just a few minutes of your time and-"


"You've been shown lies." The grin was gone, replaced by open sorrow. "I know what Father knows, and what you refuse to see." Ultimatum slid from its holster before it aimed at Lorgar. "It would be a greater mercy to end you and Angron here, than to let the corruption take an even deeper root."


Alex's Usable Powers - Shrouding/Shriek

Lorgar's Usable Powers - Crush/Shriek/Hallucination (I am aware of Invisibility's power and have decided to save that one for rounds 2 & 3)


Alex wins the roll. Using Dark Fortune, Lorgar negates Duelist. Perils on Shriek, (Loses 1 Wound & pointless Divination spell 1), Shriek knocks 1 wound off Lorgar. Ultimatum's shots bounce off armor. Both get IWND.  


Lorgar takes a wound off with Crush, hits with "It's So Beautiful" result on Alex, but Shriek bounces off Aegis. (Even with 10 warp charges and his 4+ Deny, Alex rolled only one 4, while Lorgar always got a minimum of 2 successes per cast!). Pistol does nothing before charge. Ultimatum hits in Overwatch, but bounces off Lorgar's armor. In close combat, Xiphos still takes off 1 wound, but Illuminarum replies in kind. No IWND.


Alex. Perils on Duelist but gets Warp Surge. 1 more wound on Lorgar and 1 wound on Alex, even with 3+ invul. No IWND.


Lorgar. No more 'It's So Beautiful'. Alex promptly inflicts 3 wounds on Lorgar and finishes combat. Next time, Invisibility will come.


Xiphos pierced through his heart after destroying his second heart. Please, no. Alex, please, Lorgar thought as he felt death closing upon him. He reached up and laid his hand on Darshan's chest, leaving bloody smear. Please, if....if only....you'd...let...me....ex...plain. As darkness overtook him, his last image was Alexandros standing above him, weeping. 

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Better to make it clear about when a Parisad? can be attached to a unit.


I had another idea, what if the Parisada had a special psychic power that they could replace a rolled divination power with?  This power granting precise shot on a to hit of 6 to all models in the squad.  Make it a warp charge 2.

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Alright, I'll make an edit so that the rules clearly state that a Parisad (I'll be honest, I don't know enough Hindi to know if this is right, but it works just as well for now, I suppose) has to have the right equipment to join the squad.


Question, when you say 'precise shot' do you mean precision shot? Just trying to be clear as possible.

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That "precise shot" power would be actually quite fitting for a divination and telepathy focused psyker : being able to predict where shots/attacks would be the most effective.

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