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why not leave Irvin with a standard Paragon blade and give him a cooler ranged weapon?  I was thinking a Volkite Caliver that has some special tech that treats it as an assault weapon and possibly makes the unit he shoots more vulnerable to assault (so blind probably).  Also drop a jump (jet?) pack on him so he can rush with the best of them.

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Now, to reply in order, I had no intention of making Drako (still not sure the name but this one is shorter) an augmented human. Mainly, because I haven't delved too deeply into the days of Alexandros, Supreme Commander of the Delian Federation. The only idea I had was that his primary opponent was the Dark Eldar since he was successful at uniting the planet with his words. So, while Drako could be like Luther and Kor, I'm not inclined that way, barring a good story/reason. 


And yes. I've written a little about it, but one of the main characteristics of the pre-Primarch II Legion was that they became one of the first assault legions and had a rivalry with the 1st legion. Irvin is supposed to embody that early, aggressive style of warfare. 


Well, I was thinking of having Mahtva (couldn't resist) to be skilled at using all three. Again, the II legion is the second best at psyker powers on the level of the Thousand Sons, it's just that they're specialists over the more generalists of the XVth. So, when a Parisada psyker chooses to forsake the legion inclinations, he's still powerful in his own right. 

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For Irvin, I'm liking a lot of the ideas that have been tossed around back and forth (at rapid pace, no less). I'm going to focus on his gear first.


One, I agree that Artificer armor fits much better than terminator armor that I originally planned for him to have. The Iron Halo is a no-brainer, and the jump pack fits well enough. The idea of a jetpack does intrigue, but for the life of me, I have no idea on how to create a model with it. I've already ran into this problem, mentally, of trying to make the Paragee work (I'm thinking of using hooded marine heads for that) and the Tower Shield is not quite an obvious answer to me. 


Two, weapons. I'm going between two load-outs. The first would be a unique pair of lightning claws or just one claw and the Volkite Caliver idea. Either way, I'd rather he have a claw as opposed to a paragon blade. 

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You could give him dual claws with integrated Volkite Calivers (counts as Twin-Linked) and Voila, problem solved. 


The precedent for this is Calgars Power Fists.

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I think Calivers would be a bit too much. With Chargers being the "typical" one to give. Ex : terminators can exchange their Combi-Bolters for one. I don't think it would be too much of a stretch, however, to say that he got access to the more Powerful one, barring Culverins, of course.


You could always give him "better" Chargers. At that point you could either decide that they either act as a single twin-linked Charger or two separate ones.




Serpenta : 10" S5 AP5

Charger : 15" S5 AP 5 Assault 2

Caliver : 30" S6 AP 5 Heavy 2

Culverin : 45" S6 AP 5 Heavy 4


These are per LA:CAL


Going by these, we see that Calivers are essentially a Culverin "lite" and that the Charger is the only Assault weapon, barring the Serpenta.

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An Assault 2 Caliver would already be pretty powerful. It already out ranges bolters by 6", plus its mounted on a (potentially) Jump/Jet Pack equipped Character.

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For the sake of simplicity, I'd rather use one twin-linked Charger, and I'd rather go with the Chargers because lightning claws aren't usually as bulky as power fists, meaning they wouldn't be able to support too large of a weapon.


The middle ground will work well here, I think. Use the Charger template, but add twin-linked and increase weapon strength by 1. I'd like to increase the AP, but that doesn't fit with Volkite weaponry. 


Since the basic description of a Volkite weapon is that it's a ray weapon, I think an argument can be made for the blind special rule to be added.

Add master-crafted to the claws themselves and all we need is a cool name.

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Alexandros hefted Aegis as another storm of bolter fire crashed into him and his line of Wardens. Despite their infamous shields, several space marines went down as bolt rounds found weak spots, ripping through chest plates and ripping off limbs. The Primarch winced as their deaths ended with a final explosion of raw emotion that left more emotional debris over Isstvan V. The battlefield was already drenched in hatred and other darker emotions as the Loyalists made further headway toward Horus' command center. The Wardens had the honor of advancing against Horus' right flank, straight into the Death Guard lines, side-by-side the Salamanders. A quarter of the II Legion remained at the landing zones to protect them from possible ambush and counter attacks. And the incoming betrayal, Alexandros thought bitterly as several futures played out in front of his eyes even as he ended the life of a Death Guard captain. Where is he? To guarantee that future, I need to face him. 


As though he was granting his wish, a ghastly giant materialized ahead of the Wardens' assault. Portraying himself as the ancient Reaper of Life, Mortarion moved toward Alexandros. 


A grin was Alex's greeting. "I was wondering when you would show."


"I shall enjoy this," was Mortarion's reply as he readied Silence.


Alex's Usable Powers - Shriek/Invisibility


Morty wins the roll. Lantern fires and, to my surprise, the 1 deems it a dud. 


Alex gets the min. successes to activate Invisibility, which leaves Morty in a quandry since he only has 4 dice to Deny and there's still Duelist. Given his poor track record of hitting, he goes to Deny anyway and fails. Perils on Duelist wounds Alex (Psychic Backlash) but leaves him in overpowered shape to fight. Snake eye's on the invul save leaves Morty in worse shape after Ultimatum fires. Alex charges and only scores 1 wound against Morty's toughness, but Morty fails the save on a 3. Morty takes offense and wounds Alex back, despite all of Alex's buffs. Morty gets IWND. 


Morty suffers 2 more wounds before striking back...rolling three 2's, a 1, and a 5. Even without Invisibility, that's sucky. Both get IWND, leaving both at 4 wounds. 


Alex perils on Invisibility with two 6's and two 5's, then rolls four 1's for Duelist....wow. Morty's Denial dice go unused and Alex dodges a wound (Empyric Feedback; passed LD test). Even without Duelist, Alex scores 2 more wounds and Invisibility can't stop another wound getting through. Morty gets IWND on the reroll.


Morty laughs as Alex can't get a to-wound success, and slices off another wound. No IWND.


With 10 warp charges (his personal max), Alex again splits them evenly between his two powers. 3 successes on Invisibility convince Morty to wait for the Duelist roll. Unfortunately, another 3 successes on Duelist and only one 6 leaves Morty out of luck. Double 6's protect him from harm. No 6's means he can't hit his invisible brother. Alex gets IWND. 


Morty blocks the 1 successful wound, before swiping at the wrong patch of air. Morty gets IWND on the reroll. 


Invisibility fails to manifest with only 1 successful warp charge, but Morty fails to Deny Duelist's 1 success. Morty suffers another wound for it, but pays back twofold (rolled a 1 & 3, then rerolled 1 & 2), leaving both Primarchs at 2 wounds. Then Morty gets IWND on the reroll. 


Morty enjoys watching Alex flail against his toughness before taking off another wound. No IWND.


Risking all 5 charges on Duelist alone, Alex avoids a Perils before Xiphos bounces off the Barbaran plate. Aegis saves Alex from death. Morty gets IWND.


Morty survives another round unscathed before he finishes off Alex.



Silence drinks deep as it cuts deeply through Alex's chest. "It is over," Mortarion decrees with a mocking smile. 


The grin on Alexandros' face never wavers as he lands on his knees. "It is, though I was hoping the cost wouldn't be so high. I guess that's the price I pay for pushing myself so far." He turns his face toward the main battle and his grin widens. "But well worth it."


Mortarion's eyes narrow as he looks the same way, accessing the vox as he does so. Silence surprises him, but noise quickly filters in, faintly at first then growing strength proportionately to the blood spilling out of Alexandros. The Traitors' lines are in ruins. Rapid reports reveal that moments after Mortarion began single combat with Alexandros, Angron's rage suddenly burnt against his own allies. His sons, confused, were split between supporting the Traitors  and attacking them, opening a wide hole for the Raven Guard to advance. The Emperor's Children were in less disarray but unaminously against the Traitors, supporting the Iron Hands' main thrust. Horus had already taken to the field to stem the tide, but the damage done is irreversible. 


Alexandros releases one last chuckle. "You can still defect, you know. Our Father might be appeased if you were to prostrate yourself and beg for forgiveness."


With unspeaking, burning hatred, Mortarion takes Silence and decapitates Alexandros.

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With only Irvin's Warlord trait left, I went on another research round and discovered my tank commander idea wasn't as unique as I thought it was. The Iron Hands have one already, so I'm inclined to make one, but much later and only for the fun of it since I don't think any legion has more than 3 unique characters already.


Now when it comes to Warlord traits, the other legion commanders have a mix of unique, Horus Heresy standard, or 40K standard traits. 


Candidates would be...

40k traits: Master of the Vanguard, Master of Offense, or the Legendary Fighter traits.

Horus Heresy Standard: Child of Terra

Unique: I liked the Assault troops buff idea that Slipstreams put out. 


But, I really like Child of Terra, which would buff assault troops that Irvin would usually join and the fluff fits him perfectly. Plus, I feel obligated to use at least one Horus Heresy Warlord trait. 


So, I'll write up Irvin's new character page next post. 


And one more call for any feedback on the Imperial Unity Rite of War. Is it decent? Is it bad? Does it inspire people to rip their hair out?


Lastly, I need another primarch to duel after Corax. 


The current line-up is:

Slipstreams - Horus 

Russ Brother - Lorgar (both versions)

fire golem - Mortarion

Black Cohort - Corax


I'd like a suggestion from anyone else who hasn't already given one. Augustus, do you have a pick for the 4th?


If I don't get one by the time Corax's rounds are over, then it'll go to Dorn since Russ Brother nominated him earlier after Lorgar, and I'll open up the list to everyone again.


The only exception is Fulgrim. He's my nomination and he'll be last. 

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You've done so much since I last checked in! Your progress is astonishing, brother.


May I suggest you fight Alpharius somewhere down the road?


Thank you for the kind words. I am greatly enjoying the project, even though I am only about halfway through it. Hopefully, I might have more time available to work on it with a new job starting this Tuesday. If I am even luckier, I'll be free this Saturday when several of my friends are going to start an Apoc game. I'm going to try to convince them to field the Wardens in their first battle. Nate has already agreed so long as he gets one look at my rules first to make sure they're not overpowered. 


Consider it done. Alpharius will come after Corax. Speaking of which...




This battle was not one of his own choosing. The Raven Guard's natural talents were being blunted again and again by both Alexandros and his psykers' gifts of divination. Corax, who had fought several times with his idealistic brother throughout the Great Crusade, had expected this and knew only one being might have a chance to ambush the Seer. The Battle of Idapis raged on without him as he made his way to where his brother was, unseen. His speed was as quick as he could risk, knowing every moment he was away would lead to the deaths of hundreds of Raven Guard as they fruitlessly tried to find weak spots in the Wardens' defenses.


This should have been Russ' work, Corax thought. But the Raven Guard had been closer when the order came, coming straight from the Emperor's own hand. The Wardens were to be brought before him under guard. Any sign of resistance would be met with force. Needless to say, they had resisted. Now, Corax tried to end the battle in one move. Alexandros had been located, surrounded by a minimal guard, and was directing the Wardens with his mind alone. Distracted and almost alone, Corax had given orders before hurrying to end his brother's defiance.


It took him twelve minutes, but Corax found him as the reports had said. A single Myrmidon squad standing between him and his prey. Alexandros sat in meditation with his eyes closed. Were it not for the nearby battle, the Primarch evoked an image of serenity. He neared, preparing to strike. "Brother," Alexandros said as his eyes opened. "Although I can't see your physical form, your mind still leaves quite the impression." He stood as he drew his weapons. "My sons, stand down. Come, Raven Lord. Let us see how well you fight without surprise as your ally."


Alex's Usable Powers - Hallucination/Shriek


The duel starts with snake eye's for first turn before Corax rerolls a 6. With the jump pack, I had to extend the battlefield an extra 4 inches to allow Corax to have a shooting phase, but he might be able to pull off a charge. His pistol rounds bounce off Aegis before he rolls the charge: 7, then 8. No charge.


Alex moves forward before manifesting Shriek, which Corax Denies with his only warp charges on two 5's. (5's were easier to roll then 6's, making it a safer bet to stop this power then the other). Does get Duelist and proceeds to burn off 1 wound. He passes the Leadership test to get through the Shroud bombs and makes the charge. For once, the Initiative is the same. Corax chooses Scourge fighting style before Xiphos cuts off 3 wounds. With 8 attacks, Corax embarrasses himself with only 2 hit. But that's enough for the Blind test, which Alex passes as he blocks the damage. Corax gets IWND.


Corax stays in Scourge mode as he tries 8 attacks, giving him 6 hits, 3 wounds, but Alex saves them all without the reroll and passes the Blind test. Alex completely misses his initial batch of hits before Duelist gives him 2, which eventually inflicts 1 more wound on Corax. No IWND.


Alex gains Duelist with no hope of Deny before ending Corax. The Raven lord does get one last swipe in, still using Scourge, 7 attacks could potentially kill Alex. 3 hits won't do it though.


[This fight was fast and furious once I understood how all of Corax's rules worked. Completely opposite of Mortarion, Corax needs to kill quickly else he loses. Once again, I'm surprise by just how few Master-Crafted weapons there are among the Primarchs. Shred helped since Corax needed 5's to wound Alex due to Aegis -1 Strength effect...which, I admit, I completely forgot about during the Mortarion battles, which means the latter two are incorrect. I need to leave a tab open and staring at Alexandros' page.]



"Enough," Alexandros declared as he buried Xiphos into Corax's lower back. With a cry of pain, Corax felt his legs go limp, dropping him onto the ground. He struggled to stand, but ceased as he felt Xiphos' point lightly touch the back of his head. "Call off your sons and I swear on our Father that I'll return you to them. Enough blood has been spilled today."


There was only one practical choice. With reluctance, Corax activated his vox and said one word. "Retreat."

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Irvin Ruel                                                                                                      190 points

Lord Commander of the First Chapter, Reaper of Terra



                              WS     BS     S      T     W      I      A     LD     Sv

Irvin Ruel                   7        5      4      4      3      5      4     10      2+


Unit Composition

  • 1 (Unique)

Unit Type

  • Jump Infantry (Character)


  • Artificer Armor
  • Iron Halo
  • Frag & Krak Grenades
  • Jump Pack
  • Reaper Claws

Special Rules

  • Legiones Astartes (Halcyon Wardens)
  • Independent Character
  • Master of the Legion
  • Warlord (If Irvin Ruel is your army's Warlord, he has the Child of Terra trait, rather than rolling randomly)


Reaper Claws

These artificer-wrought tools of death originally belonged to the Chieftain Tilvius of the Mikro Clan, one of the last of the techno-barbarian clans to be exterminated during the Unification Wars. With these relics, the chieftain was able to slay many space marines before meeting his end at the end of, then known as, Lieutenant Ruel. Ruel took the claws as his own and would quickly learn to be as deadly as their previous owner. The Unification Wars ended not much later and soon after that, the alliance with Mars was signed. The day that alliance was formed was the same day that Ruel was promoted to Company Captain. To honor the new Captain, Lieutenant Commander Vernhart took advantage of the new alliance and was able to have Ruel's lightning claws upgraded. When they were returned to Ruel, not only was prior damage fixed, the claws featured Volkite Chargers attached. These Chargers fired an unusually bright ray that was capable of blinding opponents. Irvin Ruel has wielded them alone ever since.


The Reaper Claws have two profiles: one represents the lightning claws, and the second represents the built-in Volkite Chargers.


                         Range       S       AP       Type

Reaper Claws           -          User      3         Melee, Shred, Specialist Weapon, Master-Crafted

                            15''         6       5         Assault 2, Blind



Warlord: Child of Terra

Irvin Ruel and any unit he joins with the Legiones Astartes special rule may re-roll any failed rolls of 1 to wound in close combat.




There are few members of the II Legion who can match the vaunted reputation as Irvin Ruel for he alone can rightfully claim to being among the first space marines of the II Legion. Inducted into the legions on Terra itself, Ruel began his service as a Sergeant after having shown aptitude for command in training. Ruel fought and survived the Unification Wars and the Great Crusade, gradually climbing all the way to the rank of Praetor of the II Legion. 


Despite the prestige of his post and the arrival of Alexandros, Ruel has always embodied the II Legion in its earliest incarnation when it was known as the first legion dedicated to close combat tactics. As such, Ruel favors heading straight into the thick of combat with a squad of assault troops. With his Reaper Claws, he has torn through enemy champions and formations with his infamous charges. 



And there's Irvin. How does he look?

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Sorry, was still using an earlier count when that one had him using a Paragon Blade.


Let's see if I got this right:

Jump Pack - 20 points

Iron Halo - 25 points

Master-Crafted - 15 points

Dual Claws - 25 points

Volkite Charger upgrade - 10 points


That, right?


And I forgot to add the fluff paragraph that goes with it.

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