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Space Marine Allies

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Since you can ally with Come the Apocalypse now, I thought of having a small Space Marine Detachment or simply units for Unbound. Not too big because I would want to keep them from getting within 6" of my Chaos units. I am basically wanting something that will give me some good shooting capabilities. I was thinking for HQ having a Master of the Forge with a Conversion Beamer and some Servitors either with Heavy Bolters or Plasma Cannons, Scouts with Sniper Rifles and Missile Launcher for Troops, and a Stormraven for Heavy Support. I think that would be light enough to not get in the way too much.


So I was thinking along the lines of this:


Master of the Forge: Conversion Beamer, Bike. 130pts


Servitors x2: 2 Plasma Cannons. 60pts


Scout Squad: 4 Scouts w/ 3 Snipers, 1 Missile Launcher, Sergeant w/ Sniper, Camo Cloaks. 84pts


Stormraven Gunship: Twin-Linked Lascannons, Typhoon Missile Launcher, Hurricane Bolters. 255pts




My idea for these Space Marines allying themselves with Chaos Space Marines is that these Marines were found on multiple occasions helping Xenos and Traitors in certain military conquests for an exchange of forbidden technologies and knowledge. Once they were confronted they were able to evade complete destruction because of the technologies they've acquired, and being driven by a lust for such acquisitions, they essentially sell their aid to others for price. Because of their Imperial indoctrination they view many Xenos and practically all Traitors as hostiles, but if negotiations can be made and a wealthy price given, they will aid them but always expecting betrayal.


Does this story hold enough water?


I'm pretty much only wanting to ally with them for a Stormraven or two. I know that we can have a Storm Eagle, but you can get 2 Stormravens for the price of 1 Storm Eagle (dollar wise), and since they're fliers they shouldn't get in the way too much with the Keep One Eye Open special rule.


So those are pretty much my thoughts on it, however, is it worth having a few Space Marine units to ally with in a Detachment or having a few of their units in an Unbound army? Would the Keep One Eye Open rule be too much of a road block?


Any other thoughts on this would be helpful. If anyone else has similar ideas please let me know!


EDIT: The reason for having some Space Marine units with my Chaos Marines is to give them some fire support while assaulting the front lines.

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If you want a shoty sm ally , take a mantis warrior librarian +5scouts+5 centurions. Will work much better. Word of warning , the 6-12" thing seems like nothing much , but more offten then not it is very problematic , Specialy when someone tarpits your shoty ally and you can't send units to help . Offten it is a good thing to rethink your chaos list and maybe it would be better to run marines , BB ally for imperials are more interesting[or at least more varied ] compering to what demons are giving  chaos sm.

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Could just go for a drop pod with melta stern guard.


You won't have to worry about deployment and chances are the marines won't survive a couple of turns anyway.

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As above, but even more so for the stormraven, they can already be tricky to place on a crowded battlefield, but with the additional caveat of not being able to place it within 12" of your chaos (meaning it will probably have to zoom 36" when it comes on), you may get little use from it, or have to hover much sooner than you would like.

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No transport capacity, but take a look at the FW Fire Raptor. You could even convert it from a Stormraven I would have thought (it is similar in size to the Storm Eagle)

It is a similar size but he hull of a Storm Eagle extends a lot furthur back than the Storm Raven. You could get away with it but after you buy a Storm Raven and all the bits needed for conversion you're not far off from just buying the actual model. At least, thats the conclusion I came to when I got my Storm Eagle, which looks awesome BTW.

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When it comes to Desperate Allies/Come the Apocalypse, I can't help but think of how many games have been lost by Don't Press That! rolls when I play my orks (to the point of me simply not using the unit anymore), and the same goes for the number of times my Land Raider got immobilized by shrubs. It has now got a fancy Dozerblade.


Of course, when it comes to unfriendly allies all it takes is that you just need to keep them 6" away which shouldn't be that hard, but fliers are pretty hard to place to start with, so having to try and dodge your own units would make them really really hard to place, and then you get that "Anything but a one! situation.

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