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Thanatar - anyone play tested rules yet?

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Hi Folks


I'm writing up a list of 2k of adeptus mechanicus and have been a little bit indecisive when looking at putting a thanatar in it.


At 2k its not unreasonable to expect to see a primarch (i'll be taking this list to next years HH weekender for gaming) so wondered what the pay testing verdict was?


I'm potentially looking at squeezing in two more venators to make use of the special character buffs and use them as a primarch/spartan sniping unit but if a thanatar can hold its own for a few turns against a demigod then i need to reconsider.


Thoughts please :)

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I've not tried a Thanatar in a game (would love to though) but I don't think trying to tarpit a Primarch is the best idea with it; unless you give it Paragon of Metal.


I don't know the primarch's well enough but I would think that shooting them is a better plan-which is where the Thanatar comes in.  The Plasma Mortar and Bolt cannon should be able to do a pretty reasonable job of whittling down any body guard a Primarch might be running round with; ready for your Venators to open up on them.


Don't know how helpful any of that could be, but the various automata seem more focussed to shooting than combat to me.

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id been given a brief low down in another members game where he proxied 3 x thanatars and faced off horus and alphararius and came of successful after castellax went in.  Games of that size wont be what my fellow gaming pool can afford and as i own an awesome looking warhound i would consider that every time until a mech primarch-equivalent hits the scene.


My 2k list focuses on the special character with 3 x occularis to support a slow moving gunline of castellax, thallax and myrmidon destructors and venators.  I should be able to get some proper games in with them come November when i anticipate all the models seen at HH weekender are out by then (and i finally get an extended period of leave from work :) )

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