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corrupted space marines

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now that the ally matrix has opened up a bit it seems we have access to the space marines new toys and some of those we couldn't get before such as centurions and plasma guns


Which space marine toys do you want to get your hands on the most to play with and, most importantly, to suitably corrupt, convert and defile? 


I think chaotic centurions would be a fun conversion

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Haha, wait, this means I don't have to run my whole army as counts-as to be able to do that "thunderwolf" skullcrusher unit I've been planning. I actually hadn't thought of that, I was gearing up to have most of my units capable of pulling double duty as counts-as loyalists. I mean, I'll still do that, because I'd love to expand my traitor guard and use them as battle brothers with one of my CSM warbands sometime in the future, but I don't have to provided I'm ok with my skullcrushers deploying kinda weird.


Any excuse to start those conversins, tbqh.


On a more practical note, this gives me immediate access to multimeltas, with the ability to deploy them via the coveted drop pod. Is there value to dumping a multimelta on the board via drop pod? It seems like there would be, but I might just be sleep deprived and giddy with the possibilities of these near-mythical engines.


Drop Pod Death Co., because you just land them and leave them anyway, no problems.

This. BA have a really nice dread, too. Khornate sub-warband? Yes.

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Yeah, I've been running my WorldEaters as BA for long time and its just wrong.


We can ally in the Furioso or DC dread in pods as excellant Khorne dedicated units, but then were tripping over what should be our own units.


IMO running BA gives us the best chaos army, leet jump troops (Raptor Cult) or troop assault squads OR fast moving rhino chasis for AlphaLegion/ Black Legion rapid deployment, priests as Bearers/Childrens/nurgle priests/sadomasochists/deadites PLUS all the allied units we could want,Grey Knights as 1k sons, guard as cultists with sentinals as striders for all us Slaaneshi lovers.


It's a damn shame really, because its just the CSM HQ I really want, I'd happily compromise my troops for that. Screw the hellturkey, is be happy with just the forge fiends and allied daemons.


Great, I just bummed myself out again.


Still love chaos though.




TLDR; you want better CSM, just run BA. Not anyother codex, that simple.

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sad thing is, then we're just basically back to playing the loyalists with counts as again

Is it any worse than playing demons and two or three marine choices? Yes it's terrible we lost a natural IG army for allies, don't have drop pods or Knights, but this makes them available, in a shoehorned and sad way.

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sad thing is, then we're just basically back to playing the loyalists with counts as again

I know how you feel but this way I don't have to look at my space marine opponents and feel jealous.


I can use drop pods now. I can use knights now. I can do chaos eldar if I really wanted!

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