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Alien skulls where to buy them

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Right odd question time I want to lay my hands on some xenos skulls to decorate my Carcharadons 


Orkoid, Eldar, Hrud, Nid and anything weird and wibbly to represent unknown horrors from the pitch black void



So brothers where can I find these treasures? 

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Though these are primarily for fantasy players (because there are Skaven, Beastmen and Lizardmen heads in there), but you get a variety of shapes here and at least fitting heads for Daemons and Orks, while the Beastmen ones are good as generic Chaos heads. Might not be worth the shipping if you aren't in the EU though.


But yeah if you want 40k specific heads bits sellers are probably your best bet. From the top of my head I know Orks (and Orcs) have Ork skulls on their sprues, SM Scouts have Tyranid and Ork skulls, one of the DE flier kits even has Tau ones (haven't seen those before anywhere else) and the Grey Knights have some bits with demon heads as trophies.

Here's another lot that might interest you:




In case your guys have killed an Ogryn or something, they have these too:




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