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Flawless Host journey into power

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This is time to say loud `Morning! and introduce myself. I started collecting Noise Marines few years ago just because I liked models. Bought one unit, painted and...forgot about it pressed by day-by-day duties and family life :) Situation changed when I moved to London and all started again with Overlords Club. I started Escalation League with 500pts force and now we do 1650pts games this month.

I play "standard" list with Lord on steed/bike, Sorcerer on bike, bikers, 10x2 Noise Marines, Heldrake, Maulerfiend and Oblits, sometimes changing configuration with weapons. I am thinking about replacing biker lord and bikers with Land Raider and lord in terminatour armour and 4 termits with power fists/ lightning claws.


Is it a good idea? With recent boosting for vehicles it seems to be quite ok :)

And for those who like blogs, here is mine and the last battle I`ve played against Daemons of Nurgle:




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Looks good. Did you get any Kakophoni? One request though. Please...don't put OSL on the sound based weapons. Drives me insane and all the commission lot love to do it. IT LOOKS STUPID!!!! (Sorry, I'll get off the box now)
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Object source lighting. That silly blue glow that is overused currently.


No, I will go for ordinary ones.


I`ve played today a narrative battle 1800pts with this army:

Chaos Lord Styrkaar
Bike, Mark of Slaanesh, Sigil of corruption, Power Armour, Plasma Pistol, Power Weapon
3rd Mastery Level, Aura of dark glory, Mark of Slaanesh, Sigil of corruption, Steed of Slaaness, Power Armour, Burning Brand of Skalanthrax, Force Weapon, Plasma Pistol
5 Noise Marines
Blastmaster, 3x Noise Marine w/ Bolter
Noise Champion w/ Bolt Pistol, CCW
10 Noise Marines 
Icon of Excess, 7x Extra CCW, 2x Blastmasters, 7x Noise Marine w/ Sonic Blasters
Noise Champion w/ Bolt Pistol, Power Weapon
10 Noise Marines 
Icon of Excess (30pts), 2x Blastmasters, 7x Noise Marine w/ Bolter
Noise Champion w/ Bolt Pistol, CCW
5 Chaos Bikers
2x Meltagun, Chaos Biker Champion w/ Plasma Pistol, Power Weapon
Magma cutters
2 Obliterators of Nurgle (152pts)


Played against Dark Angels Beach Attack and won about 10:5. 


Must say that this "universal" unit of 10NM with sonic blasters and CC played well. My opponent made a mistake and deployed his scouts just in my Salvo range ^^ I am especially glad of CC weapons, they managed to kill Ezekiel and his retinue. Shame I didn`t buy a Doom Siren for my Aspiring. Brand of Skalanthrax is just awesome against Space Marines, must have in any army I would say.



I know some of you may find Helbrute useless here, as sadly I did ;) But had no other mini painted for this event.

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No unfortunately.

It says "or" in the codex.

Buy a ccw OR swap boltgun for ccw or sonic blaster.

Which is another one of those odd things. Like the champion not being able to take a sonic blaster. Just one of them things really.

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Oh no... you are right :( And my whole idea of those guys deploying with Land Raider somewhere in the middle, shooting and being reasonably strong fighting unit goes away. Soooo disappointed.

I means I need to purchase some termits now :D


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I got my Land Raider clean and ready for conversion work for the glory of Slaanesh and here is a question. Because I play 40k mainly with friends, I would like to ask: if I convert twin-linked lascannons into blastmasters and top twin-linked heavy bolter into twin-linked sonic blaster or maybe combine 2 to have 6 shots what would be the point cost of such vehicle?

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You'll likely just have to use it as 'counts as' a normal Land Raider to be honest.

Why? Rules are just rules, why so serious about them? If they agree, why not :) I am just not as game wise as you so need a little advice how to add points to keep LR balanced with such armaments :D

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Just depends on who you play with to be honest. If you have a good bunch of friends it may just be a case of "use the LR points but stats for the weapons you want to be using" then look at adjusting value after a few games.
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  • 3 weeks later...

Just depends on who you play with to be honest. If you have a good bunch of friends it may just be a case of "use the LR points but stats for the weapons you want to be using" then look at adjusting value after a few games.

Yes, we talk about this and they have absolutely no problem with that as long as I use it with 250pts cost smile.png

But sadly I`ve found that idea with LR and termits just don`t fit with my army. I have got 4 big all shooting units (4x10NM) and some stuff for counter attack and I feel LR and Termits do not have a place to perform. Sad because I love LR but this army "plays" different. Any ideas for it and how to operate this big tank with my roster? Maybe Lucius and 9 ccw Noise Marines? Anyone tested that?

@Forte, I`ve just notice you are from London, where do you play?

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I really miss the Sonic Dread. Forgeworld has such a nice model for it. I've been using it with a counts as Plasma Cannon which works fine but it would be nice to get the Symphony of Pain boost.

Sonic Land Raider sure would look cool and unique, so if your friends allow it more power to you. 250-260 Pts seems fair.

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Play...I have young children. Playing doesn't even come into it these days. Few people I know often play at Dark Sphere and HATE. I just paint these days.
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  • 2 weeks later...
@noisemarine i have slight query. Your sorceror's wargear includes both the AoDG and SoC. Both confer an invulnerable save but i've always read it as you can only have 1 invulnerable save if you can't make your armour save, same with making cover saves etc exception being if i make a FnP roll. Does taking both confer some bonus i am unaware of? If not, i'd advise on reallocating the points. Not bashing, just curious as to why you're taking both on one character.
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@noisemarine i have slight query. Your sorceror's wargear includes both the AoDG and SoC. Both confer an invulnerable save but i've always read it as you can only have 1 invulnerable save if you can't make your armour save, same with making cover saves etc exception being if i make a FnP roll. Does taking both confer some bonus i am unaware of? If not, i'd advise on reallocating the points. Not bashing, just curious as to why you're taking both on one character.


Must have been a mistake, Sigil of corruption is only for my Lord not for Sorcerer, Lord has 4+ and Sorcerer has 5+ inv from AoDG.

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Flawless Host journey into power had significant boost few days ago :) I am rebuilding my army around sorcerer and 4 terminators in Land Raider:


wpid-20140717_192518.jpg  I`ve put some detail pictures at my blog as well :)

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