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Flawless Host journey into power

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Naaah, I`ve just found it can not be heavy flamer, just normal one:


For every five models in the unit, one Chaos Terminator may replace his combi-bolter with one of the following ...

Crap furious.gif

I can only fit 5 terminators, sorc and 4 guys into LR. What a disappointment...

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Yeah, machine spirit and capacity 12 where the two best things that ever happened to the godhammer.  Almost made it playable.  But Chaos got neither, and now it looks like marines are losing both as well.  The new damage chart is great and all, and land raiders in general look very nice in 7e, but the godhammer in particular still does several jobs poorly and nothing well enough to justify the cost, imo.

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So I had 2 games today.


Imperial Guards:


Shot to pieces. Literally, I`ve lost every single mini I had. Mainly due to awkward table and terrain. Between me and my enemy was around 20" of open space, no cover, no bildings. Just like frying pan. He had 4 tanks, lots of heavy weapons and some stupid orders ;) But, even when you loose, you win ;)


My second game was against Space Marines (I love to play against them).


I won side, deploy and starting rolls and rolled Preferred Enemy trait for my warlord. Sweet. We played eternal War: The Relic. My deployment won me fast ride with Noise Marines in Rhino, I`ve stolen the objective and withdraw. I had 3 blastmasters and must say: this is the very best thing to annihilate Space Marines :D Lots of luck (two enemy Rhinos immobilized with one blastmaster`s shot, one shot off target but landed on hidden Havocks killing 5 of them, Maulerfiend killing 5SM in tactical squad, Burning Brand killing entire squad of 10SM) ad most of those things because my Lord`s trait. Pure Emperor`s Children perfection, Fulgrim would be so proud ;)

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  • 2 months later...

Omg, the worst club gaming day ever.


I was late due to some work duties and was waiting for a game in the club almost 1,5h fot the next turn of games.


Finally when we started my opponent had quit the game after turn 2 telling me that my list is utter cheese.

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Lord with bikers, sorcerer with 4 termits, 5 noise with blast, 10 noise with 2 blasts and 10 noise with sonics, heldrake, maulerfiend and 2 oblits. 1750pts.


His main concern was the blastmaster special rule.


You know, its really annoying when you wait whole week for something. Running like crazy whole Sunday just to get to the club on time and someone treats you like that.

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Omg, the worst club gaming day ever.


 Finally when we started my opponent had quit the game after turn 2 telling me that my list is utter cheese.

Oh dear sounds like somebody to avoid in future :(


But, cheese? From C:CSM? That would be 3 baledrakes in the pre nerf days ;) now I'm not so sure we have any real cheese left?


What army did he 'play'? I mean if you'd brought Eldar/DE beastar or SW drop pod assassins now we are talking cheese but not your list

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Space Marines. But I dont know if he did it in purpose. He deployed his marines and bikes like sardines and then complained how blastmasters overpowered are. I shot 10 Wolf Guards with 2 BM and then 7 bikers with third blastmaster. Should he deploy them with 1.99999" gaps I would loose a game in turn 3. I think he just wanted to go home and had found mean excuse ;)
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Ohhhh such a shame. Ive played against Orks 500pts and my Lord was beaten in cc by Warboss I had 10 cultists, 5 noise marines and lord with bikers. Not easy when you face 50 models against mine 20 haha biggrin.png

I won 6:2 but anyway, moral loss :D

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Did anyone playing Noise Marines tried cultists? I am thinking about 35 with 3 flamers and Lucius, running towards enemy, reaching with flamers and Doom Siren then charging and being probably butchered to Salaanesh glory. But they should be able to inflict quite damage with 3 flamers and DS, shouldn`t they?

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