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Flawless Host journey into power

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Hi guys, I am thinking about expanding my terminator squad. At this moment I play with 5 of them with heavy flamer and power lances or power weapons. Do you think in games around 1500 is it worth to try make more of those awesome guys?

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You should definitely expand on your terminators, the squad you posted on page one looks very distinct, and seems as if you had fun converting them up, so go for it!
I don't know how viable more of them are at that points level, but why not? I might be a bit biased though. Absolutely loving noise terminators, having collected parts from Space Wolf Terminators, Deathwing(Ravenwing is the bikers right?) Chaos Terminators before I wanted to create the squad, now I heard rumours for a Blood Angels "sanguiniary ish" terminator squad, and I have to wait and see if that is true before making my large terminator detachment.. msn-wink.gif

Your five man squad with the flamer, and a single or two combi-weapon three man squads wouldn't be too unreasonable in a 1,5k game.

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I will go for more terminators with our club new project: Escalation League http://escalationleague.wordpress.com/ but now I have some kind dilemma because starting games are 500pts and I am thinking about 3 kind of army lists:

1st option (traditional)

Lord MoS w/ BBoS and Power Weapon

5 Noise Marines w/blastmaster + Rhino w/ Combi-bolter, Warpflame Gargoyles

5 Noise Marines w/blastmaster, Aspiring with Power Fist + Rhino w/ Combi-bolter and Havoc Launcher

2nd option (cheesy& traditional)

Lord MoS w/ BBoS and Power Weapon

5 Noise Marines w/blastmaster

5 Noise Marines w/blastmaster

5 Noise Marines w/blastmaster

3rd (unbound & crazy)

Sorcerer with MoS and BBoS in terminator armour

5 Terminators with Heavy Flamer

7 Noise Marines with Sonic Blasters and Blastmaster

I still cant make my mind which one start with this edition of Escalation League, got few more weeks to decide...

@Chaplain Belisarius

It`s easy smile.png Liche Purple and then mix add-on Warplock Purple, lots of patience and bright light msn-wink.gif

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I love my blastmasters, so the second option looks nice, if a bit tough on the guys you play with, maybe tone it down to something like this, keeping the BBoS since you seem keen on it:

Chaos lord with MoS, TDA and BBoS
Terminator squad of three
Noise marine squad with blastmaster
Noise marine squad with blastmaster
That's five points left over, maybe buy melta bombs for your lord or something?

Or unbound:
Chaos sorcerer, MoS, TDA and BBoS
Terminator squad of three
Noise marine squad with blastmaster

Noise marine squad with blastmaster
Which gives you a total od 475, enough space for buying your terminators combi-weapons.

I realise none of the lists have any rhinos, and I'd love to include them, especially at 500pts matches. Maybe remove one blastmaster and let the squad of noise marines ride in a rhino. Maybe drop the terminators for a unit of regular space marines, saving 10 pts from a noise marine squad if you give them the MoS, you could then drop the TDA on the lord and let him ride with your marines, leaving you points for a bit of tweaking on the rhino and maybe an extra body on the noise marines or a lone spawn.

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