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Working on a model to act as Dark Apostle


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As a word bearer (codex crimson slaughter) player I face the constant nagging aggravation that the Dark Apostle just isn't as solid of an HQ choice from a general lack of wargear options, such as a jump pack or bike.


So my question is this: Do you guys just deal with it and take one anyways, or outfit another character to be your dark apostle. If it's the latter choice, how so?

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I find that Zealot does make a big difference as a force multiplier if you have a large squad with lots of attacks. Even with my EC, I would run my DA with like 10 Possessed or 10 Chosen.




That said, you could use a Chaos Lord or a Sorc as a DA. I see no harm in that.


And, I may just do that myself with this guy; Chaos Lord w/PF and LC as Dark Apostle:



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I've definitely given using a sorcerer or lord as a da somne thought. I generally come to this issue of lacking a force maul for the sorcerer, which would be the ideal choice,  imo.

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Beyond faith, there is little that is required of a Dark Apostle to lead a host. We've seen examples of great warriors and powerful sorcerers, so don't feel constrained by the preconceived notions of a name.
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For me, it's always fluff over function, so I tend to just get over the fact that he is not the best choice and take the Apostle anyway.

I don't play the Crimson Slaughter Codex so I can't really advise you on wargear here, but if you wanted to run them with the normal codex I set mine up like so:

Dark Apostle

Mark of Tzeentch (purely for 3++ but fairly fluffy too as it could represent protection from daemonic pacts etc)

Gift of Mutation

Burning Brand (this is awesome! Not recommended on DA by some on here but it's worked for me and gives him some ranged power. Again fairly fluffy - counts as Daemon Weapon type thing).


Failing that, a Lord (Terminator?) with Black Mace would be nice or a Lvl 3 Sorcerer with Black Mace and all Malefic Daemon Summoning would again be pretty awesome and very fluffy.


If I was going for a Crimson Slaughter army I would use this set up:


Lvl 3 Sorcerer (Counts-As Dark Apostle) using all Malefic Powers

Daemonheart - 2+ IWND

Prophet of the Voices - improves malefic casting

Sigil of Corruption - 4++

Force Staff counts as Accursed Crozius - similar stats and force power could be the DA sacrificing their souls

Familiar - helps with casting


Will be one damn expensive character but very good and very fluff oriented. Good luck :D


Edit - cut MoT from suggested CS character as compulsory Tzeentch Power prevents all Malefic despite reduced inv.

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I would totally use a different model, the DA model is terrible.  As for actually using a DA, they're not par to Lords and a lot of cases Battle Chaplain's aren't the best of leaders.  You can just say your Lord is a Chaplain without the Maul, using a flamethrower or Demon weapons gifted to him as a token of favor.  While I agree rules don't really shine on an army (Nightlords and Raptors argument circa 3.5), our codex (again, sorry) doesn't portray armies well enough like the loyalists or FW focs do. 

I've considered using a DA previously, but the standard unit is almost a waste outside of blob cultists and non-fearless marines, and the CS upgrade is sadly better used on a BotR or Prophet upgrade.

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Beyond faith, there is little that is required of a Dark Apostle to lead a host. We've seen examples of great warriors and powerful sorcerers, so don't feel constrained by the preconceived notions of a name.


Yeah, I think there's an issue in that a dark apostle (the codex choice) and a Dark Aposle (the leader of a Word Bearer host) aren't necessarily the same thing. The codex apostle is way too restrictive and simplified to represent many host commanders, and he's also a more generic figure found in other legions and warbands. Don't get too caught up on him, imho.

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I use this bad boy as my Dark Apostle..

THE Dark Apostle..

The Fall of Manking..



I run him with a massive 30 man squad of close combat cultists. They run in-front of my army and he stands at the rear next to the other 30 man squad giving them all a reasonable leadership and rallying them as needed. Then when he gets into close combat his unit gets a ton of rerollable attacks. Not too shabby,

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I'll be taking the advice and commandeering some gk bits and fantasy bits this evening. Sorcerer da is going to work, especially with malific. Just debating between bareheaded or not
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If you have faith in the chaos gods then you have faith that you wont need a helmet. To think otherwise is a terrible heresy!
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If you have faith in the chaos gods then you have faith that you wont need a helmet. To think otherwise is a terrible heresy!

Until he happens to hitch a ride on a Nurgle vessel full of Plague Flys, lol.

But then again, such is still part of Father Nurgle and the Pantheon, I suppose. teehee.gif

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It's a part from the fantasy chaos chariot/slaughterbeast chariot. He's going to have spell familiar, prophet of the voices, sigil, malefic powers and force staff. More or less the advice on the build I was given.

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I was thinking with the new unlimited FoC battle forged army you could make something like


Detachment 1

Chaos Lord


cultists x35 or whatever cult unit you prefer



detachment 2

Dark Apostle





detachment 3


Chaos Lord




Stick all the Hq's on the cultist or whatever you have troop blob for ablative wounds and lots of attacks then have belakor fly behind them casting invisibility and shroud on them. Run them wherever they please.

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As a word bearer (codex crimson slaughter) player I face the constant nagging aggravation that the Dark Apostle just isn't as solid of an HQ choice from a general lack of wargear options, such as a jump pack or bike.


So my question is this: Do you guys just deal with it and take one anyways, or outfit another character to be your dark apostle. If it's the latter choice, how so?


I've got a few Dark Apostle converted up for my Iron Warriors useing bits from the DA Chaplainf rom the Dark Vengance box game, see my IW army log for those conversion.  First one I converted was just standard set up with Bolt Pistol & there standard weapon.


Other one I converted with the Buring Brand for a 1250pts event.  I was greatful for the change as it was orignaly going to be a Power Armour Lord.  But change it to Dark Apostle just due to conversion idea more than anything else & I ended up gaming against three diffrent Orks armies during the event.  Was only the last game I'd say he'd let me down as I failed two look out sir & then failed two armour saves (four 1's in a row!!!).


Overall I enjoy useing Dark Apostle in games & I've always enjoy converting Chaplain type models for any of my marine armies.  Also I like the short story by Ben Counter in the Endeavours of Wills from the Architect of Fate novella, which show a small Iron Warriors strike force who have a Forge-Chaplain.  I like the idea that they'd be saying the Unbreakable Litany while in battle.


Here's what i ended up with. I plan on leaving him at this stage for the next painting vow.



That really cool conversion :D



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It's a (very) old one but:





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